High Level Players and their Boredom

Here’s another funny yet annoying thing that occured when training out at coolies a couple days back. Let me set the scene for you.

Me and a couple of my fellow guild members are there helping me train to level up for lv 64. There was a lv 76 Chief Bandit, lv 80 Priest, lv 63 Cleric, lv 79 Priest and lv 69 I/L wizard. Both Priests are using lv 20+ Holy Symbols to reduce training time so we were there for a good couple of hours and of course like everyone else who’s there you’ll encounter people trying to find a channel. So eventuall these 2 sins lv 89 and 84 come in from the same guild and decide to start killing everything we were. So the lv 69 wizard says “cc”, well in light of the previous blogs of make up responses for what cc will mean they respond with “W don’t give out Credi cards” Bear in mind these two clearly have ilbi’s and are using shadow partner and literally tearing at everything faster than we can.

But wait there’s more!!

Now they start to invite more people to help KS us. Now and lv 74 Chief Bandit and 86 White Knight appear to continue this “Guild Battle”. Now as much as we we’re losing my guys were starting to give up and I said we’re standing our ground, they asked why we should keep doing it when they clearly are out damaging us. I said to them “They are using Ilbi’s and using summon rocks for Shadow partners, at some point they’re going to run out of ammo and we can finally take them down. We need to be Patient.” Then they ask if I’m getting any exp from this battle and I said i was cause my guild manage to get a few good kills. Well eventually the 2 sins run out of ilbi’s and then run out of steely’s and were eventually using Tobi’s and they also ran out of summon rocks for their shadow partners.

This battle has already gone on for a good 15 minutes but they were starting to lose their grip as far as i’m concerned. They’re stupid White Knight kept asking if we give up yet. I said to him “Buddy, you and you’re friends are losing you’re grip on this battle, just leave cause we’re going to make an ass out of you all.” and then he’s like “We want this channel and want you to leave” and i said “Fat chance”.

Wow this has become a long rant XD so anyways come the 20 minute point they decide to stop attack us. so I decided to push my luck and ask “Did you finally come to your senses and decide to give up?” and one of them says back “No , you guys are boring and no fun anymore”. And then they all leave.

The point to this story is that some high level players decide to randomly piss off people just to cure their bordom. I should also mention that one of them defined a “Pro” as soemone who gets paid to fight and become better and that we’re all noobs. Well as far as I’m concerned a pro is someone who has a lot of knowledge of the game and isn’t an idiot who randomly walks into channels KSing people for their amusment. We have our high level pro’s and high level noobs.

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