I was reading some of the bowman guides on Hidden Street’s site to get a general idea of where I should be hunting and what items i should be using at my level (73). If anyone read my last post about returning and being hacked, you will know that I probably lack the money and items that i used to have. But the point of this entry I was reading a guide and I will withheld the user’s name but they mentioned some items I should have in Ranger-hood from level 70-120. Here’s the list:
Equipment for hunters.
If you are rich
Get a +10weapon attack work glove asap at around level 83-85(this is when you can afford)
Get a +10 dex cape, prefarably an Icarus 2 so you can skip the points on THRUST due to the +10 points speed bonus.
Get a 100 WA(weapon attack) dark arund or higher asap
Scroll a +10 speed Greensnowshoe(7 slots) Since your chances of getting a +5 ourof 7 is pretty high
Get a Zakum helmet asap X_X +15 dex + 15 str is equal to 6 weapon attack
Now for a guide that is supposed to explain how to get yourself from level 70-120 it seems to be that this guide is extremely flawed.
+10 Atk Glove these days is rare to come by and costs like 100 mil. I don’t know how rich this user was but the only people that are that rich are those who buy mesos or hack. I figure a 5-8 Atk is sufficient for the job if you are rich.
+10 Dex Icarus 2 Cape. The cape is not only overpriced badly but even the scrolls for the capes are overpriced to boot, to me I’d rather stay away from a +10 and an Icarus 2 cape unless I can afford it without having to bankrupt myself. Before I got hacked i used a +6 Dex Black Gaia cape which was good enough.
Getting a 100 WA Dark Arund. Um….did we forget the Hinkle somewhere? I thought this guide started at level 70? I was using a 91 Atk Hinkle and used Warrior pills to give me a boost of 96 Atk. This users needs to seriously re-write this guide.
Scroll a +10 Speed Snowshoe. How about no. I would prefer to use my level 70 shoe regardless of being short 2 slots. If it was all 10%’s working then fine other wise getting +4 speed from the 60% makes very little difference when walking.
Get a Zakum Helmet (1) asap. Is this user cracked in the head. How in the name of hell is someone at level 70 supposed to land a helmet like that exactly? The only way anyone could possibly pull this stunt off is to hack Zakum (1) and somehow I’m still not convinced that will work very well either.
I find it funny how people can create a guide about a character and not create it thoroughly. This guide i read was ok up to the equipment part because some of the items that were suggested are now so expensive that you’d have to save money forever to even remotely afford it or because its not particularly easy to find (Zakum Helm).
Ooo! Ooo!
I have all that!
*Checks toy collection*
Yep. . .
. . .i want the +10 dex cape. . .
but then again. . .i can’t reinstall the file, so i won’t be playing any sooner >__>
– VanillaPocki –