Lo’ and behold, another hacker-related blog! This is a very long, boring and informative one however. Umm… please don’t ask me how I know this stuff. ._. (Mai friend showed me how to hack, ’nuff said.)
Hacking Consoles:
Contrary to popular belief, you do not merely “type in a hack”, or “press a button to hack”. All hacks are based on a program that runs at the same time as MapleStory. These programs vary on how to use them, but there are three main ones currently used. These programs are able to stay hidden from GameGuard, and therefore are not detected.
Ever wonder why beta or early gMS had so many hackers? It’s because GameGuard was just recently put with MapleStory. GameGuard (I’ll refer as GG) is the sole thing that prevents a hacker from going in and toying with the codes of the game. It’s job is to detect outside programs (macros and hacks) trying to attach themselves to MapleStory, and close Maple if it finds any. It also monitors the Maple files in your directory (C:/ProgramFiles/Wizet…) and checks if any are changed from the originals or corrupted. Every time you load MapleStory, GG checks itself by connecting to the internet, and load new files that Wizet loads to protect from new hacking programs. A bypass is needed to keep GG from seeing a hacking program.
Hack Descriptions:
Here are the many things hackers can do when they bypass.
~Miss Godmode
Used with the basic hack program, monsters will appear to ‘MISS’ a character all the time. Thieves can use this usually without being detected for a while. Easy to identify.
~Perfect Godmode
After being hit once on a map, a character will be invulnerable to all monsters and reactors (thorns, spikes, ect.). May be mistaken for the character lagging. No sign appears when they pass a monster, they just go by it.
~Jump Extention
A character appears to go in a diagonal direction upwards, with legs spread as though jumping. They can use this to fly through the bottoms of platforms, and go to areas you cannot normally see without minimap, or get to. They will often use this with the DupeX vac.
A character will suddenly disappear and reappear on the other side of a map. Can be used in any direction, and may be used while escaping. Common during the Zakum JumpQuest.
Typing in a walking speed value, a character will move at “super speed’. They may move so fast that you are unable to see them at all, just simply as a blur. Also used at ZakumJQ.
A character is able to pick up many items at once. This is not where the character may pick up items from far away. It merely allows them to pick up five items in the time it takes you to pick up one.
~No Breath
Enables a character to get hurt or attack, and then not pause for breath afterwards. Used by hackers to change channels before you catch them.
~Unlimited Attack (botting)
Enables a character to keep attacking continually, where for normal players after 100 attacks the game prevents you from further attacking until you move.
~Wall Vac
The monsters on a map are sucked to one location, usually on the bottom level of a map. They are stuck there, and cannot move unless a character not using the vac attacks them. This is a ‘primitve’ vac, and is the most basic. Characters using this hack are able to change channels quickly to avoid you.
~DupeX Vac
A character inputs codes while no one is on their map. Makes all monsters follow the character around. Is deadly without godemode for a hacker. The program reads where the monsters spawn, and when the vac is in use, monsters will spawn then simply disappear, oppsed to being sucked like Wall Vac. An advanced vac, used often with jump extention.
Similar to DupeX, but the monsters and the character are both sucked to a certain spot, and cannot move.
Current Hacking Consoles:
Ok, I will not name them, I’ll just called them Console A and such. This is to make sure no one goes and googles them.
Console A~
This is a widespread modified verson of a program that was recently stopped by a GG update. The only things it can do are Wall Vac, Miss Godmode and No Breath. It is easiest to tell when someone is using this program, as the others usually use Perfect Godmode.
Console B~
I don’t know very much about, but it is slightly better than Console A, but worse by far than C. It does not have the function of Memory View, and therefore can only wallvac and other simple hacks.
Console C~
Currently slowly being leaked, it is the most powerful hacking engine, and can litrerally do almost anything a hacker wants it to in the game. (As long as they know how to do it.) All hacks listed previously work with it.
Briefly on Addresses:
Once again, hacks are not exactly “push a button”. Hackers will use the Console to find addresses created by the game, and manipulate them to hack. A good example is the Jump extention. A player will find an address that relates to jump, go in and freeze a part of that information. The jump motion is then stuck on that one freeze, and the character is able to fly upwards.
Another type of address uses blank addresses to input information into the game.
Ooo, one more thing. Hacking consoles can not make a player bot, they must download a separate program. Not all vaccers bot by the way. Many just read a book in front of their computer. (Thanks Sietelle ^_^)
That’s really all I can think of for now. P’raps I’ll do a part two?, hehe. Refer to Hackingmandments for tips on catching hackers.
I really hope this clears up so many weird ideas on how hacking works.
(PS. Don’t ban me! o_o)
Man you know a lot -_-
I think a common misconception is that people think hackers all bot when they vac/godmode monsters to a corner.
Ah, thank you very much for all this info!
I already knew all about this, (although I am not a hacker, in-fact, very anti-so), I still am very well informed.
Thank you so much for releasing this to the general public so they all know hacking is not as easy as it appears.
hey is it really ture that u cannot attk after 100 attks? cuz i used to have this werid prob wif d/cs, and my friend told me theres a crtl button or attk bug or w/e
It’s not a bug. There’s an address that counts how many times you’ve attacked in a row, and once it reaches 100, you’re unable to attack until you move. Hackers will freeze this counter at 0, so they’re able to bot.
is it possible to stop these hackers with other hacks? i.e disable god mode
you know much. . . TOO much o__O. lol jk. haha ty
Dang, you know waaaaay too much for your own good, can you tell me a fly hack so I can get one of those fly to the wall hackers? They are soo annoying. T-T.
how about the out of the wall hack?
Thanks for the information. But I hope people don’t use this knowledge to hack. Instead, it’d be nice if someone could make some sort of anti-hack. I’m no computer programmer though
Out of the wall vac? You just search for the address, then enter the coordinates for the outside the wall (the coordinate has to exist) and boom the monsters get vacced there. And um, the pppl making anti-hacks are the Maple GMs. They basically find out about a certain string that hasn’t been detected and add it to the gameguard memory. The gameguard then detects the string everytime it is used. Oh yeah, don’t try to use hacks to counter other hackers. Just learn what program settings do the hack and then send them to the GMs. They’ll try to find out the strings and block the hack from the game.
Lol, thanks for the comments. I suppose it’s ok to know this stuff (kinda important too) as long as you don’t exploit it. XD
Addresses/strings (same thing) are changed every patch. That’s why it’s always a few hours after a patch before the hacking starts again. The expert coders will input values into the console, and then test out all the addresses with that value until they find the one that works. (Aka, not everyone can do that)
MatrixPortal is right, the vac I didn’t mention is Pervac. It’s where two addresses are found, X and Y axis, and they’d change the value of those. All the monsters, including the hacker are moved to the spot. It’s like creating an invisible platform.
I don’t THINK anyone could use this information to hack, as I didn’t mention the hacking consoles needed. (I’m sure a good googler could find them right away if I did)
Sorry J, can’t tell you a fly hack. XD Leave the offscreen hackers prey to the Hacker-Catchers. (I want to become one of those. T_T)
sorry dude but you’re wrong.pervac doesnt use 2 addresses,only 1 is needed.you’re confusing it with eax serverside (many ppl make some confusion between those 2 hacks).the difference is that with eax serverside ppl can see you for some seconds when they enter in your map,with pervac they cant.
no breath hack isnt it the same as inf atk