This is about my hacked experience. If you’re quick to judge emo, read no further. XD
As the MapleStory Global anniversary approaches, so does mine. This MMORPG was an addition to my daily schedule starting May 26th, 2005. Ahh, beautiful days of the new world Bera. Double EXP rates, double meso rates, the new world was enticing to many people. The nice, the smart, and the ones with the proper grammar. I leveled slower than everyone, people left me behind, but still I enjoyed playing, as you feel true accomplishment for leveling up. Everyone knows this, ne?
My first level 21-30 PQ was around level 26. That was when the PQs were becoming immensly popular, so our intrusion to the Croco’s lair was unsuccessful. Outside while waiting, I became friends with two, Spell and Blaze. For many weeks after we made the trio, “Ice, Lightning and Fire” (me being lit), and we all were happy until 40. I won’t say what happened after for privacy, but it ended badly, and we went separate ways.
Level 44 was my saviour. I just had finished on some wild boars (I cursed maxing lit first around that time) in early September, and was reading the Mapleglobal message board when I saw “KS Clan, recruiting members”. ‘A guild’ I thought, ‘even without the system in place, this could be fun. Playing without anyone is boring’. So I went to their forums and signed up. The board leader was very nice, the whole clan was. We kept regular meetings that usually ended up us KSing the Henesys Hunting Grounds, haha.
I became 50, the day after that Cash Shop was released. I got some glasses and a hat, and life was good. Soon it became apparent that leveling, in all respects, was HELL. I cursed the game, but plodded on. 55 passed, and I dreamed of a non-existant Thorns (they were 20 million in those days). 60, 61,62……
Ludibrium. I can say nothing but Joy. 65 (darn, no evil wings) 66, 67, 68 (hurrah new overall), 69….
LEVEL 70. Everything I dreamed of was complete. I could ThunderSpear. I didn’t bother leveling, I doubted I could get to 71. Thus much is true, as now…
I’ve been hacked by a former friend and Clanmate. The perverted evil jerk who just destroyed my dreams of being 100 by the end of summer. All my equipment, potions, ect items, all gone. It happened last night too. I’m writing this now because I’m not sure if I should continue to play.
Wow, when you type out a year’s worth of experiences, it really shows what you accomplished. o_o”
Dont give up my friend named taco had the same thing happen to her, she lost 20 mill + but managed to get her account back by begging (without any stuff of course). She then proceded for 2 weeks to never talk, after which she told us she had made over 30 million by repeating the shumi quest (the lvl 40+ one) and getting tons of ores. Now she has more money then ever and is leveling fast as hell
Recovering a hacked account is worse than grinding.
If you have really good friends that can provide you with decent stuff, it might become easier.
I doubt you’ll want to continue though. You did accomplish a lot. Congrats to that.
WOW u really accomplished alot in a year.
i also remember the old days of bera and double drops *drools*
u should feel proud because in 1 year i only got my char to lvl 51 TT_TT
Arr. That’s pretty sad, I’d be glad to help you out, although I can’t do much, me being poor and all. xD;
That’s terrible! =_=
Stupid assholes who do that should be ashamed of themselves. Hate the player, that’s all good, but hacking is just a low, low, LOW thing to do.
What’s their username? I’ll be sure to ask my guildmates to help me mass defame them for this =_= And report them for scamming. They steal your items, their friendship with you was a scam. =P
Don’t give up after this. Just work your way back up to the gears you had! It’s easy! Believe me!
~Dekinosai, Leader of the Dark Epsillon guild of Broa.
Just be lucky your not me, i got my account hacked AND the PIN changed so now i cant get on it unless i find the hacker or hack into my own account,