Today something happened thatchanged my mapling life. I got scammed. This might seem very insignificant to you, but it mattered to me. A very clever scammer took a bunch of people and led them into the freemarket. I did not suspect a scam because it was the freemarket with no hiding spots, so I followed. The person told the first few people to drop some items to impress her, and I almost left, but then she gave them all maple items. So I tried my luck and dropped my icicles, my +4 sr, and my dex scroll for glove 10%. She said it was better than the other’s items, so she would give me a better prize. So I stand next to her, and she drops lightning earrings. I was kinda pissed that it wasn’t such a good prize, but I asked for the stuff back anyway. But then she logs off! 2 other mages who were about to get scammed were laughing and calling me a dumbass, falling for it, which is stupid kuz if I went away, they would have been scammed too. But this one girl cleric, malibell she took pity on me and gave me 32k to buy some new stars, as well as a black nap and a flaming feather and 2 pet equip jump scrolls AND 4 candles. Let this be a lesson to all of you who call noobs and people dumasses and f@gs. And please, if you really have a caring heart, please donate to me, for a real cause. Every meso counts, as well as every giving smile.
Thank you for your time,
Again, I would like to thank malibell for being so generous. Fame her if you see her.
ok, i think u shouldnt even have participated in the drop game from the beginning(drop games=i smell scammers o.O)
What server are u on?