The Shire, Sparta, and HogWarts.

Whew. Good Friday. A day for all Singaporians to celebrate and revel in. A public holiday. An event.

A day off to Maple yer arse off.

I started the day alone, simply gutting a Mushroom here or there, stabbing the occasional plotting Red Snail, and flinging a shroom 90000 MPH into a wall. It was still lonely, however.

Then Roisin (I just call her Rose now) and Iepiat (I call him Iepi) came on, and we had a blast, slowly training and talking. I consistently checked my clock to see when Silver would be on, but forgot after a while.

And then…
After Rose’s level.
We headed to the Slime Tree.
Warrior=Slash Blast
SlashBlast+Almost All Mobs=OMGwhatBBQHAXKKTHXBAIHILO.

Of course, people were starting to wake up, but who gives a flying cow?

So then, me and Rose met Silver, thanks to Iepiat’s welcoming of her. She was an awesome person, giving me my level 20 boots and helping Rose and I train, even putting up with my illiteracy (Caused by 3 hours and 22 minutes worth of sleep).

We trained with her other Character, a level 17 XBow-Woman for a while, til’ we all leveled, and headed for Shanghai town.

Lemme tell you this, the quests may suck, but all the monsters look like they’re on weed.
Pure awesomness.

Pic 1-Me with PigTails
Pic 2-Beware, Evildoer’s!
Pic 3-Erm..Us smiling?
Pic 4- Rose Leveling to 15!
Pic 5-Weirdo

And now, I will lay my tired head to rest.

About the title.
In pure boredom, Rose and I created whole new names for the towns. Well, not too new.
Henesys-The Shire
Ant Tunnel-The Abyss
Kerning-The Ghetto
Lith Harbor-I totally forgot, let Rose tell you.

15 thoughts on “The Shire, Sparta, and HogWarts.”

  1. I get a week of vacation.

    Yay me.

    WooT, the 1336 Silvar. XD

    . . .

    you got quite an imagination. >.>

  2. So do I. Spring Break, baby
    I’m American. Just saying that Singaporeans celebrate it.

  3. Err, Good Friday is a Christian sorta thing so why is it so big in Singapore? Ain’t Singaporeans like… Asian?


  4. Lol, why can’t an Asian be Christian? One of my friends is Asian and he’s the most devout Christian I know…

  5. We celebrate Equality, dudes.
    All the major religions/races get their own holidays.
    So there’s Chinese New Year’s holidays, Deepavali holiday, Easter holiday, Hari Raya holidays, Vesak Day holiday. . .

    Oi, of course I rock.

  6. Only males call others dudes… SilverFx is not a dude…
    Connection <–> sapphire is crazy!


  7. MADNESS?!



    *Runs around and starts beheading people*

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