The Reason I can’t play Maple

Darn j00, nexon.
Maple worked fine until you came along.

Well, when Maple starts, THERE IS NO MUSHROOM thingy, just the top left thingy that stops at connect.
So I tried re-installing Maple.
MapleStory.msi got all the way to the end of the load screen, then stopped for 10 minutes, before a new thing popped up.
So I went to Add or Remove programs.
And I was surprised to see a Repair option, which, when I clicked said.
Any help is highly appreciated.
(I have tried re-installing, restarting the comp, restarting the internet, Eating a Waffle)

4 thoughts on “The Reason I can’t play Maple”

  1. Errr, try deleting some stuff off yo compy?

    Or, run a virus scan, and a Spyware scan.

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