*Swoosh* Wait a sec-Pandas can’t fly

So…how’s everyone enjoying this glorious new year of illegal FireCrackers going off?
Yeah, I think it’s awesome too.

But anyway, I have homework to do, so I think I’ll try to make this as fast and simple to get into all those thick skulls out there.


A sad event has occured.
One that will droop all of Bera and burn Maple to Ashes-well, in celebration, of course.
I’m…quitting MapleStory.
Well, you’ve probably fallen asleep at this part, but anyway.
Hackers have infested us to the core, penetrating even the most remote of servers, the most legit of people.
Already, 2 of who I thought were my awesome online Maple buds whispered me on fresh accounts and said, “Hey delete [Name], I got banned for hacking.
At first I laughed, typing quickly, “Nice dude, but try a better lie next time.”
“Check Global Site”
As I typed in their names to find an empty, quiet page, my jaw dropped, and Satan’s considering suing for head damage.
Why must there be hackers, why must there be people who are willing to risk having their hardrive burn down and explode into shards and destroy their homes and not just spend an Hour a day, tinkering with the Arrow Keys, typing “LoL” a few times to friends and holding down the Ctrl key until they get a Carpal Tunnel?
What’s the point of living in a Maple Community if you’re hunted down, despised, shunned to a land where 133t chat fills the caves?
Is there really any point in the game without buddies?
Is there any point if every second you’re CCing because that random person followed you?


Well on the bright side, I just pwned like, 10 people in DotA, though I got pretty mad when I realised there is no “QUADRUPLE KILLLL”
Never-ever-ever follow a Pudge.
Especially when you’re all INT heroes with low life 😀
My first hook to try to damage one of them into look for easier prey insta killed the guy.
My rot killed 2 others within the next 3 seconds.
My dismember+rot+Last ounce of mana hook snagged that Ogre Mage and tore him up.

Well, Homework time

9 thoughts on “*Swoosh* Wait a sec-Pandas can’t fly”

  1. Hackers will never destroy MS, hackers will only destroy your hopes of a great game. And if your hopes die, you will stop playing, and if that would happen, the game will go down. That is how most hackers destroy games, but I will not even dare to call them hackers. They are more like leechers, because I doubt that any 12 year old person, would be able to crack a code, grown up professional people have created. It is just not possible.
    I would never leave MapleStory because of hackers, even if they started hunting me down, kill stealing me in every map I walk in to, even if 50% of the whole MapleStory community turned into leechers!
    But it’s as simple as it can get, if one of my best friends, in my own class, ever turned into a hacker, I would not stop to think. I would quit instantly, that’s why I reply to this tread.

    ~I reply to semi-intelligent blogs

  2. *Worships* EverydayHero for being one of the most intelligent people ever seen on a forum.

  3. Maple Global is falling, no doubt. The hacker situation is increasing everyday, yet Nexon seems un-cocerned.

    Soon, people will stop playing Maple, and Global will fall.
    Let’s flock to SEA!


  4. Homework = suckage D:

    I’m sorry to hear that you are quitting, maybe Nexon will eventually come out with an uber-super-sexeh patch that will pwn every hack immaginable, and then you will return, yes? 😀

  5. You won’t quit. I’ve quit because of the same reason you did.
    But you’ll come to your senses and see the bright side fo things: these hackers are only temporary.
    Just wait, and see. We’ll have another broa-ban fest in any server.
    In a few months when the next patch comes out, all of them will be whining for hacks.
    The won’t get them. Because they aren’t spoon-fed and everything’s private, they’ll either quit or stop hacking.
    I may not be right, but it’s good to hang tough.
    When you see that blue text of “Namehere” Is banned for hacking,
    You know there’s a whole shetload of them gone.

  6. pudge. Yayness. My only question is why those idiots never got health items. Any int hero i use ui instantly get two bracers and/or soul booster. But pudge is fun with boots of travel, heart, and radiance. And yep, theres no Quadruple Kill. I killed five on the trot before with a Sand King (Cheap epi with a blink dagger, sue me) and went “WHERES MY QUINTUPLE KILL?!”

    *Runs away from angry mob of people who dont play dota*

    *Pops up again*

    And yes, flock to SEA. Id welcome the entire lot of you, since WE cant log onto global *mutters*

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