Pandarian Warlock

Oh gheez, Anni, Rose, MasterCheeze, please forgive me in the extreme delay of your pictures, school has really entangled me in a mess, as well as weekend tutoring by my ebil cousins.

I promise to at least a coupla rough drafts in ASAP.

The orc’s head swiveled furiously, checking for any signs of the Alliance in the room. He chuckled, seeing the flag unguarded, quickly mad a dash for it. The greenish hand lunged for the delicately made symbol of peace and prosperity for the Alliance-only to find his body running back against his will. His outer body was trapped in an plague of fear, while his mind was fully concious and confused.

The human lept down from the balcony, eyes glowing greedily. “Another soul for me?” he whispered, then broke out laughing, “The Horde, the foolish, foolish brutish things of the Horde, did you REALLY think we left that flag unguarded?” the human snickered again, then paused to see the Orc’s reaction.

“Lok’tar, Ogar!” was all that erupted from the Orc, and with that ancient battle cry of the Orcish tradition said, the warrior charged, axe waving violently.

“Agony,” the human whispered.

“Corruption,” another soft, harmless whisper

The human raised his eyes, a hunger in them.

“You shall know Pain.”

The Orc falls, pitifully grunting, he feels as if he is being ripped out of his form, torn apart as many of the orcs had ages ago. . .to the Burning Legion.

The human clapses a gem now, and a small glow swirls from within. “Not a bad quality soul here,” he chuckles, and waits for the next bit of Horde prey.

Yeah, that human? Me in the World of Warcraft battlegrounds, Warsong Gulch to be specific. It’s a capture the flag type game, where the first team with 3 points wins-the teams are the main two factions of World of Warcraft-the Horde and the Alliance. This would be my 3rd 10-day trial in the seamless World of Warcraft. Seriously, you guys should try it, as, in my opinion, it owns any game. 2 Primary Professions to choose and help you, along with 3 additional Secondary Professions, and loads of skills that you don’t just randomly throw out-like in MapleStory, but fire at different intervals-depending on your opponent.

And for those screen shot lovers, the landscape is beautiful, and you can Alt Z to take away your interface, giving you a shot without those annoying bars everywhere.

Then there’s all the Racial Attributes, so you can have those help with the class you’re choosing and all-along with reasonable quests, not something like, “Kill 500 yetis so I can get a coat” Some require group efforts and dungeon runs, and the game is always being updated with various new features, such as the Burning Crusade.

Oh, “But it costs 15$ a month” Oh come on, even I can make that money. And if you think about how much you spend hanging out with friends and going to the movies, it’s quite miniscule.

“But everyone gets addicted!” I haven’t, though it was like that with my first trial. Once you’ve explored a couple of regions, you begin to slow your pace down, and no longer stay up late furiously slamming hotkeys.


link – First trial, being a Night Elf Druid, riding a Hippogriff as means of low costing public transportation. (No, you can’t control the ride)

link – Druids have bear form. =]

link – Druids have Sea Lion form. =]

link 4th of July event. Do you see this in Maple? No. You see big hats.

link – 2nd Trial, being an Undead Rouge, riding a Bat as means of public transportation.

link – 3rd Trial, Human Warlock, that’s my minion on the left.

link – Westfall Sunset

link – Gryphon Ride over the snow covered lands of Dun Morogh

link – Gryphon Ride over Elwynn Forest

link – Gryphon Ride over Searing Gorge

Well, I’m gonna catch some more Z’s.

*Prays Pictures work*

6 thoughts on “Pandarian Warlock”

  1. Looks interesting, but I can only play the free trial. =( My parents won’t pay for games.

  2. WoW. . .

    Got boring.

    I played for a while, got a character to the 50’s, and then it just got. . . Stupid. Repetitive. The people in the game aren’t the brightest, which didn’t help matters at all.

    I don’t see the huge draw of the game. That’s just me, of course. People can form their own opinions. It just didn’t tickle my fancy.


    Liekwut?! @_@

    -Doesn’t understand a thing about WoW-

    Oh well.

    -Wanders off-

  4. I’ll admit, that is an immensely pretty game. I <3 pretty games.

    But. . . it still doesn’t capture my interest, for some reason. All the “big” games (Everquest, GuildWars, WoW, etc) never drew me. I like the quirky games (which are most usually free, with a cashshop). XD

  5. Some of this pictures don’t work. =( The pictures that work, however, have beautiful landscapes. =)

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