Maple Wonders T-E-N

Note: If you have an IQ of 10 and above, it is suggested you not read this article, because it may make you wonder why I was put in this universe.
Note 2: If you’d like to make your own “Maple Wonders” at least have the courtousey(or however you spell it) to tell me first, and give it a different name, would you mind?It took me days to get inspiration to write this.
For those of you who don’t know me(all of you) my main acc. is a noobish level 32 sin named ShurikenLord and I play Bera
Continued from last time’s article of Maple Wonders
91.Why can’t Jr. Balrogs fly?
92.Who built the sanctuary?
93.Doesn’t the Ant Tunnel ever cave in?
94.Who spilled enough toxic waste on Florina Beach to create Fire-Breathing Turtles?
95.Why can’t monsters fall off platforms?
96.Don’t warriors ever get tired of heaving a sword/spear/mace/dead animal 20 times their size over and over again?
97.Don’t Maplers/NPC’s require sleep?
98.Why can’t we steal the beer from the Jazz Bar?
99.Don’t Maplers ever get fat?
THE BIG ONE HUNDRED. Why don’t fire boars die from being cooked?
Too many dedications T.T Oh well:VanillaPocki,Roisin,DarkWar4ever(Sorry bout the typo last time)EveryDayHero, Zuthilios, Yun, TrevtSang. Thanks for the compliments, everybody else!
I hurled 5 times in 1 minute T.T
And that concludes this issue’s Q&A(Minus the A)
Today’s Toast: Here’s to a stocked stomach, a healthy heart, and scamming that scammer into giving you HIS 9 million.
-A very sick ShurikenLord of Bera

18 thoughts on “Maple Wonders T-E-N”

  1. 91. Because they have no where to fly/ there trapped/ they don’t know how to use the portals.
    92. The Jr. Balrog before he got trapped in the one room and suddenly forgot to use the portal
    93. No -.-
    94. The girls that say “Aren’t we hot?”
    95. Because they’re scared of heights.
    96. That’s why they lose health?
    97. When maplers log off they secretly sleep/ NPC’s sleep when no one is in their shops and they sleep with their eyes open
    98. Because stealings back
    99. Yeah, if you where the level 0 shirts they make you look fat
    100. That’s why they run around all the time.

    Haha my answers were silly -.-

  2. 91.Why can’t Jr. Balrogs fly? their wings are too small. Same reason why an ostrich or something can’t fly.
    92.Who built the sanctuary? the ants. They had to hide from the monsters that drove them out, hence “Sanctuary”. Unfortunately the Jrog decided to spawn there and killed them all off.
    93.Doesn’t the Ant Tunnel ever cave in? no, because the ants who tunneled it had superior architecture knowledge so they built it in such a way that it wouldn’t cave in.
    94.Who spilled enough toxic waste on Florina Beach to create Fire-Breathing Turtles? *pass*
    95.Why can’t monsters fall off platforms? Not that they can’t, they don’t want to. All monsters are 2000 times more vulnerable than we players to fall damage.
    96.Don’t warriors ever get tired of heaving a sword/spear/mace/dead animal 20 times their size over and over again? *pass*
    97.Don’t Maplers/NPC’s require sleep? the Maplers sleep when they’re logged off or AFK. And if their players skip sleep for Maple, then the characters do, too. They’re out having a late night.
    98.Why can’t we steal the beer from the Jazz Bar? *pass*
    99.Don’t Maplers ever get fat? with all the leveling they do, how do they get fat? Unless you use hamburgers and hot dogs as HP potions and sundaes as MP.
    THE BIG ONE HUNDRED. Why don’t fire boars die from being cooked? read the description on Hidden-Street. They do.

    I apologize for the *pass*es – some I refuse to answer xD

  3. 91. They are L-A-Z-Y.

    92. My mom

    93. No the ants made the tunnel super strong with super glue.

    94. The people who love to give fish toxic waste.

    95. Go to Benard Gray, he’ll jump right at your face.

    96. There warriors, hello hella strong.

    97. They never need to sleep, the sandman gave them super powers.

    98. Cause that beer is actually pee water, why you think theres a toilet.

    99. Yeah, but this game is 2-d so we can’t see how big we really are.

    100. Cause of,

  4. WOW! So many people answer now! I guess my job here is done! *continues to read all questions and funni answers*
    YOU SPELLED MY NAME WRONG *hides in corner and cries*

    – VanillaPocki –

  5. Decided to answer Question 100, cuz it’s THE BIG HUNDRED

    Why don’t fire boars die from being cooked?
    Answer: They are not being cooked, it’s a part of their body. like CHARMANDER! (PIKACHU I CHOOSE YOU <3<3<3) anyways! If the lose their fire XD they would DIE! so it would be the other way around ^^

    – VanillaPocki –

  6. XD ima try answering them.

    91.Why can’t Jr. Balrogs fly?
    Do Jr. birds in real life fly? Thought so.
    92.Who built the sanctuary?
    The same people who built Maple island, Vic, Orbis, and Ludi.
    93.Doesn’t the Ant Tunnel ever cave in?
    Technically, theres no entrance to the Ant Tunnel (shiney portal), So it wont ever cave in, allowing access to it anytime
    94.Who spilled enough toxic waste on Florina Beach to create Fire-Breathing Turtles?
    Mr. Burns XD
    95.Why can’t monsters fall off platforms?
    they acually fall off, but Wizet progammed them to come back up within a quarter namosecond, so you will keep guessing.
    96.Don’t warriors ever get tired of heaving a sword/spear/mace/dead animal 20 times their size over and over again?
    Dead animal? o.0 Why dont you ask” Why dont “insert job here” ever gte tired of holding thier “insert commonly used weapon of mass destruction here(wand, dagger,claw, dead fish)” 20 times thier own wieght over and over again. anyways, They let them sag on the floor when your not looking. and also, the *cough* steriods *cough*<.< various colored pills you tend to feed your character help.
    97.Don’t Maplers/NPC’s require sleep?
    Mapler sleep when you log off. NPCs never sleep because they have twins for night shifts.
    98.Why can’t we steal the beer from the Jazz Bar?
    the Dark Lord has POWERS o.0
    99.Don’t Maplers ever get fat?
    With that much excersise?(killing monsters) i dont think so.
    THE BIG ONE HUNDRED. Why don’t fire boars die from being cooked?
    what VannilaPocki said XD

    Wow, that was hard =.=”

    You better not stop writing these! Or else, >.>

  7. 91: Because they have no wings?
    92: The ants, since it’s in the bottom of the ant tunnel
    93: No, the ants are still digging underneath the monsters, and where we kill them. . . spooky o.O
    94: ME >:O
    95: Why don’t humans jump off houses? It’s just plain stupid >_>
    96: Yes, they get VERY tired, why do you think we have to drink potions for MP?
    97: They never sleep, they rest their eyes every time they blink. Super napping! >:O
    98: Because we don’t want the Dark Lord to rip our head off D:<
    99: They almost never stand still, so why should they get fat? they need food! EAT UNAGI LITTLE CARRACTER >:O
    100: They do! every time your not in the room, they die, and new will come! Wild boar is outsiders, who have not been burned yet!


  8. 91.Why can’t Jr. Balrogs fly?
    ‘Cause the Balrog’s still going through puberty.

    92.Who built the sanctuary?
    I did. >D

    93.Doesn’t the Ant Tunnel ever cave in?
    ‘Cause I said so. >_>

    94.Who spilled enough toxic waste on Florina Beach to create Fire-Breathing Turtles?
    People who love spilling toxic waste on beaches. D: (Aka my sister. >_>)

    95.Why can’t monsters fall off platforms?
    Monsters are scared of heights.

    96.Don’t warriors ever get tired of heaving a sword/spear/mace/dead animal 20 times their size over and over again?
    They’re too strong for their own good.

    97.Don’t Maplers/NPC’s require sleep?
    Well, when you log off, it’s pretty much like your character is taking a break. As for NPCs, they sleep when you’re not looking. >.>

    98.Why can’t we steal the beer from the Jazz Bar?
    Because the GMs refuse to allow any alcohol use in the game so the Dark Lord replaced it all with toxic waste. D:

    99.Don’t Maplers ever get fat?
    Why would we be fat? Our characters are always killing things and what not. o.0

    THE BIG ONE HUNDRED. Why don’t fire boars die from being cooked?
    They do, just when you’re not looking. >.> <.<

    Great set of questions, here have a cookie! ::hands LunarPanda a cookie:: =3

    ::sits and waits for the next set of questions::


  9. Lol Yun you said so. . . ^<^

    Answers in my opinion! ^0^

    91. Well, they’re always trying aren’t they? But sadly Maplers Pwns them before they can start practicing. Waaah! TT_TT

    92. Ah, you see God one day had to take a break so he took a huge chunk of heaven and threw it in his big Computer. Which was THE MASTA CPU HO! And by accident he tried to put it in RuneScape but it flew right into the world of MapleStory! So he relaxed in there but found that it was too close to the caves that lost light. He fled from the Sanctuary never returning again. And monsters flooded the old Dwellom.

    93. Why? Are you sure you want to know why. . . I don’t think you’ll be happy with the answer, but oh well. CUZ YUN SAID SO! <o<

    94. Pason, or wahtever he’s called. He is actually getting paid by getting you to visit the Breathing Turtles! So! He has to put all the toxic on them!

    95. Yun if they were scared of heights they would fall down immediately. You see monsters have this wierd technique called WALL HANGING! Woopy-kai-yay. . . not going into further details.

    96. Hey, I got a zard on my back and I don’t feel a tiny thing.

    97. Hey, everyone DCes don’t they? It means the 2 inch pixel character are tired. Gosh this is like the best answer ever.
    And everyone laggs don’t they? It means their character is getting more. . . snoozy.

    98. Cuz it’s the Jazz bar. The bottles make you woozy and dizzy so you DC 10 times in a row. So no one is that stupid except newbs.

    99. Yeah! Why should we be fat. We’re pwning monsters all day.

    100. AND FOR THE BIG 100!
    PoKeMoN! Esteleonin good job! It is part of their body, like the Hulk or something like that. Charmander gives off a great example.

    Loves your questions! So creative. . . wish I was creative like that. TT__TT

    ~Waits patiently for you to get better and next set of questions~

    HoPe U gEt BeTtEr SoOn! XD

  10. 91.Why can’t Jr. Balrogs fly?their mommys and daddys died so they couldent learn it
    92.Who built the sanctuary?nature, a long time ago there was a flood that made lots of tunnels so the monsters decided to live in thet one beace it was roomy and blueXD
    93.Doesn’t the Ant Tunnel ever cave in?well the monsters there keep it in good shape so it dosent fall
    94.Who spilled enough toxic waste on Florina Beach to create Fire-Breathing Turtles?actually the “fire” is actually posin and its because they need protection
    95.Why can’t monsters fall off platforms?well because thier will to kill us is so strong they steal powers from zakum allowing them to float
    96.Don’t warriors ever get tired of heaving a sword/spear/mace/dead animal 20 times their size over and over again?well the flesh dissapears after they kill the monster so ya,
    97.Don’t Maplers/NPC’s require sleep?duh, when we log off they sleep when nnobody near the npc they sleepXD
    98.Why can’t we steal the beer from the Jazz Bar?because we dont wanna anger the dark lordo.o
    99.Don’t Maplers ever get fat?no with all that killing and moving aroung i would think they burn a lot of calories
    THE BIG ONE HUNDRED. Why don’t fire boars die from being cooked?actually they do but we jus never see them,they steal arwens shoes so that they can use it to proteact them selvesXD
    Too many dedications T.T Oh well:VannilaPocki,Roisin,DarkWar4ever(Sorry bout the typo last time)EveryDayHero, Zuthilios, Yun, TrevtSang. Thanks for the compliments, everybody else!
    I hurled 5 times in 1 minute T.T
    And that concludes this issue’s Q&A(Minus the A)
    Today’s Toast: Here’s to a stocked stomach, a healthy heart, and scamming that scammer into giving you HIS 9 million.
    -A very sick ShurikenLord of Bera

  11. 91.Why can’t Jr. Balrogs fly? Cuz they don’t really fly.

    92.Who built the sanctuary? I did. not Yun
    93.Doesn’t the Ant Tunnel ever cave in? Cuz I said so, not Yun
    94.Who spilled enough toxic waste on Florina Beach to create Fire-Breathing Turtles? I did, not Yun’s sis.
    95.Why can’t monsters fall off platforms? Cuz I said so.
    96.Don’t warriors ever get tired of heaving a sword/spear/mace/dead animal 20 times their size over and over again? I don’t
    97.Don’t Maplers/NPC’s require sleep? Cuz I said so.
    98.Why can’t we steal the beer from the Jazz Bar? Cuz
    99.Don’t Maplers ever get fat? Just cuz

    THE BIG ONE HUNDRED. Why don’t fire boars die from being cooked?

  12. 94. know this a bit late but, the turtles don’t breath fire o.O it’s actually more of an arrow, they get it from all the bowmen, and crowwbowmen that shoot them. They really just eat the arrows, and when they died, another tortie eats teh arrows because they r good for their digestive tract

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