Note: If you have an IQ of 10 and above, it is suggested you not read this article, because it may make you wonder why I was put in this universe.
Note 2: If you’d like to make your own “Maple Wonders” at least have the courtousey(or however you spell it) to tell me first, and give it a different name, would you mind?It took me days to get inspiration to write this.
For those of you who don’t know me(all of you) my main acc. is a noobish level 30 sin named ShurikenLord and I play Bera
Continued from last time’s article of Maple Wonders
41.How does anyone eat a red bean sundae in 0.001 of a second?
42.How do you jump down a rope and fall all the way down to the floor without having your pixelated bones splattered?
43.Why did Shane’s father give him a forest laid with thousands of traps?
44.In Pia’s quest, he states “I could have defeated them if I were as strong as I was now” so why does he need us to kill them?
45.Who wastes their life putting all those fish on those spears and the handing them out to bubblings?
46.If monsters have their own specific weapons, why don’t they ever use them?(Ex, bubbling using a fish spear)
47.How do boots made out of solid steel help you run faster? (Ex, scrolled steel trigger)
48.Isn’t it kinda hard to move your fingers through steel gloves?
49.Don’t falling gravestones hurt other people?
50.Where are all those people on the “wanted” posters?
Alright, I’d like to dedicate this M.W essay to the people who help keep me going like:VanillaPocki, Roison and KillStealer4 (and the others with positive comments) you guys rock! VanillaPocki was one of the first people to give me the highest amount of a boost to think of these questions, and I give her her due credit ^.^(If you’re a guy, sorry for the confusion, I can’t tell XP)
And that concludes this Maple Wonders Q&A(Minus the A)
Coming out 2-3 days with my next one *waits for awwws to end* XPPP
-ShurikenLord of Bera

10 thoughts on “Maple Wonders 5 COPYRIGHT INFO INSIDE”

  1. after about 5 minutes i am stilled stumpped on #1 but i am gettign there, ,.,.,.,. hopefully!

  2. 41. They swallow it whole, being cold and slippery, they go down very easy.

    42. It’s quite possible, ever seen a street jumper video?

    43. Shane was never the favourite child.

    44. Too lazy, and he/she (Can’t remember) is just lying.

    45. Who said it was a person who did it?

    46. Lack of thumbs, or even fingers for that matter.

    47. Just because they’re made of steel doesn’t mean they have to be heavy.

    48. No, the knights in the Medieval (Or however you spell it) ages use gloves like that. Each section of the finger is a different aperature and can bend throuhg leather joints.

    49. No, it comes down on such an angle as to dodge everything in it’s path.

    50. If we knew where they were, we wouldn’t have the posters.

  3. 41. they dont eat it? they have some kind of secret,

    42. have you ever seen a mapler bone? all i’ve ever seen are eye bones.

    43. shane’s father wanted to get rid of the forest, so he gave it to him. why he didn’t want to sell it, nobody knows,

    44. 4 letters: l-a-z-y

    45. GMs. i’m pretty sure they burned a part of their life just making the game. or was it protecting it?

    46. monsters are reckless. have you ever seen a gatekeeper?

    47. the scrolls added helium to the boots.

    48. it’s like a baseball glove except i little easier to manuever.

    49. the stones were programmed for bad aiming.

    50. behind you.

  4. Yay! (dances) <3

    lol, I often wondered about #41 myself. . . they don’t get brain freeze! XD

  5. I love these stupid questions because I tend to ask them.O_O Anyways hope the next one is even better.=)

  6. I AM A GIRL! WEEEEEEEEEEEE no prob, sorri i wasn’t able to post XD nways! here are my answer, i give long answers,

    41.How does anyone eat a red bean sundae in 0.001 of a second?
    Answer: Techinically, they don’t, and you can’t, but when you press a button, the red bean sundae automatically “mixes” with your body and boost your MP, dun ask, it’s a Story of Wonders, >___>

    42.How do you jump down a rope and fall all the way down to the floor without having your pixelated bones splattered?
    Answer: This is a fun question ^^ GMs know that teenagers really want to try “jumping” from a high place and if you die because of that, they would quit maple because dying is not what they want, they just want to experience how to “fly”. Therefore, you only take a MAX of 38 dmg if you fall no matter how high it is ^^. NOTE: THIS IS ONLY, I REPEAT, ONLY FOR MAPLESTORY,

    43.Why did Shane’s father give him a forest laid with thousands of traps?
    Answer: He asked his father to send him there so he can see how other people suffer when they go through those thousands of traps ^^
    Shane always has a smirky smile in his face because he think that we little little Maplers suffer and get mental breakdowns while doing those jumping quests.

    44.In Pia’s quest, he states “I could have defeated them if I were as strong as I was now” so why does he need us to kill them?
    Answer: Oh our poor Pia doesn’t know what she’s talking about of course! ^^ but don’t tell her that, she still doesn’t know she’s insane ^^

    45.Who wastes their life putting all those fish on those spears and the handing them out to bubblings?
    Answer: I know I shouldn’t keep it a secret anymore, but, those fish are from, El Nath, Jr Pepes put them. They take the spears from those beginners that died when they wanted to explore Orbis Tower and those Jr. Pepes put their fishies there,

    46.If monsters have their own specific weapons, why don’t they ever use them?(Ex, bubbling using a fish spear)
    Answer: It’s because not ALL of them have a Fish Spear, and they don’t have hands to hold it, sadly, thats reality and besides! They can’t equip it! They aren’t Warriors nor are the Bowmans, or Rogue, or Mage, so they can’t equip those items ^^ but i bet you they’ve tried!

    47.How do boots made out of solid steel help you run faster? (Ex, scrolled steel trigger)
    Answer: It’s magic boy! M-A-G-I-C ^^

    48.Isn’t it kinda hard to move your fingers through steel gloves?
    Answer: No, because we don’t really have fingers ^^ remember?! we’re like doreamon! (<3 doreamon XD) and besides, if you think it’s hard to move, your stats would be too low to equip this item ^^ why else do you think they require stats and lvls?!

    49.Don’t falling gravestones hurt other people?
    Answer: Yes, for the one who died – heartache because that specific person lost alot of EXP that they spent so much time on gathering. Other players? No.

    50.Where are all those people on the “wanted” posters?
    Answer: If you’ve noticed, the wanted posters are all the same ^^ so it’s ONE person they are looking for, and it’s the person who killed Zakum, Thanotos, GateKeeper, and Papulatus Clock at the SAME day! NOW! tell me, who can do that?! ^^

    Thank you for thanking me XD I really like to answer these questions ^^
    – VanillaPocki –

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