Maple Wonders 15 (Sorry for the Delays)

Note: If you have an IQ of 10 and above, it is suggested you not read this article, because it may make you wonder why I was put in this universe.
Note 2: If you’d like to make your own “Maple Wonders” at least have the courtousey(or however you spell it) to tell me first, and give it a different name, would you mind?It took me days to get inspiration to write this.
For those of you who don’t know me(all of you) my main acc. is a noobish level 33 sin named ShurikenLord and I play Bera
Continued from last time’s article of Maple Wonders.
141.Why does it take so long for the Mushmom to come out of its home?
142.How come we can go through a platform from under it, but it’s solid on top?
143.Don’t Maplers ever choke while drinking potions so fast?
144.Why doesn’t the Crimson Balrog ever raid anything else besides the Ellina-Orbis ship?
145.Why can’t Maplers throw a throwing star without a claw?
146.How come Coolie Zombies have fingers but we don’t?
147.Where do Zombies come from if Maplers don’t leave corpses?
148.How are weapons made so perfectly that they look exactly like another of that item?
149.How come the NPC in the Zakum screen never gets hurt?
One-Fif-teh! Why can’t we just grab a snail and wring it dead? (Wring-To strange)
Dedicated to EVEREHBODEH (Yeah, I’m growing lazy -__-)
-ShurikenLord of Bera
Notice:Cries to The Moon is coming out in 30 minutes to an hour, get ready ;D
Today’s Toast: Here’s to nailing that exam, scoring 100 on your Final (Which I didn’t -__-) and finding out that scammer got DCed during his Drop Game (It’s how I got my Silver Guardian MUAHAHAHHAHAHA)

9 thoughts on “Maple Wonders 15 (Sorry for the Delays)”

  1. 1st to read it.

    Now the answers.

    141. Cuz she is picking which scroll or which Set of Ilbis she’ll drop. XD

    142. The platform is made of cheese. When we jump we break a hole, then it seals itself in 1/1000000000 of a second.

    143. Naa, Potions are specially designed.

    144. Cuz they’re 2 lazy. And they ♥ to fly.


    146. Cuz they’re COOL! That’s why. ._.

    147. Uh. . . from the sky?

    148. Um. . . All clothes look the same. All shoes look the same. THAT’S IT! WE ARE GETTING INVADED BY ROBOTS!

    149. He has Super-Ninja-*ss-Jutsu!

    150.Snails are tough? -__-


  2. You do no in rl life if your try throwing a star with your bare hands you will get incision or laseration
    Claws also have Nuckles tp punch 😀

  3. lol i wonder y these ppls dont wonder y u were put in this world or y they r even reding this they should have over 10 iq

  4. for ur first intro (epxlianing char.) every 1s parents died O_o i just noticed.are the weapons they cant use all lvl 50? i 4got wat was the jewled thing

  5. cookiesNpie : for ur first intro (epxlianing char.) every 1s parents died O_o i just noticed.are the weapons they cant use all lvl 50? i 4got wat was the jewled thing


  6. 141: Girls. . .
    142: That’s why Maplers have so big heads. . . They have to have hard skin, to break through the platforms
    143: maplers are addicted to potions, ever choked, of drinking coke too fast? NEVER! >:D
    144: Crimson Balrogs like playing pirates. Ha ha. . . Crimson Balrogs are little kids xD
    145: Ever tried to throw several throwing stars really fast, without cutting yourself?
    146: Coolie Zombies are super monsters! That’s why we love to kill them! >:D
    147: Maplers DO leave corpses, they are just automaticaly sent to Dead Trees 1-4. Why do you think GM’s hold events, where they kill people? Because Coolie Zombies are running out of zombies. So kill zombies, and more GM events will come!
    148: Ever seen a blachsmith work? No, neather have I, but the weapons look alike, if he feel like it
    149: MORE HAX! >:O
    150: Snails are slimy, and why pick up a snail, when you could always hit it with your club! >:D


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