Maple Wonders 14

Note: If you have an IQ of 10 and above, it is suggested you not read this article, because it may make you wonder why I was put in this universe.
Note 2: If you’d like to make your own “Maple Wonders” at least have the courtousey(or however you spell it) to tell me first, and give it a different name, would you mind?It took me days to get inspiration to write this.
For those of you who don’t know me(all of you) my main acc. is a noobish level 33 sin named ShurikenLord and I play Bera
Continued from last time’s article of Maple Wonders
131.Why is the “Grave of Mushmom” in the Ant Tunnel when it only dies in that Iron Hog place?
132.Why are the Stirges/Lupins/Jr. Neckis in the Jump Quests unattackable?
133.Why is it the Whale Islands are only 10 feet apart, but one’s the Arctic, and the other’s a Tropical Island?
134.Who put those ladders on the whales?
135.How do different shaped stars do more damage?
136.How do Green Able Skirts (level 10 or so Female Archer clothes) protect you?
137.How are Magic Attacks supposed to hurt someone with Dark Sight if you can’t see the person?
138.Why can’t monsters go extinct?
139.Why don’t Maplers/Monsters get cuts on them?
140.Why is there only 1 Jr.Balrog in each Sanctuary?
Dedicated to all my followe-supporters, yeah, supporters…
-ShurikenLord of Bera
Today’s Toast: Here’s to good karma, starting a day fresh, and finding out that God Mode hacker forgot to turn his god mode on at the Doom Flounder.
Cries to The Moon Chapt.1 coming out soon!
(And no, you can’t be in the story, the people who I picked were because they’d stuck by Maple Wonders and gotten it on the front page)

10 thoughts on “Maple Wonders 14”

  1. Wow, I stuck by but I don’t wanna be in the story. No offense, letting some other people get their chance! XD

    Ok now, the answers. They may be complicated.

    131. Well, when mushmom died, she tried to get to the Sanctuary. But sadly she fell dooown into the cave and was trapped there every since.
    She started to make friends with the dead mushrooms, and finally decided to become their babysitter. So she’s called MushyGranny! XD As in Nanny!

    132. They have Super-Contagible-Crazy-Gin-Ninjitsu!

    133. Uh. . . that’s the whole point of MapleStory isn’t it? XD

    134. You made a mistake. . . it went from 133 to 143 -.-” Why? You want to know why? Cuz I said so that’s why.

    135. Well, bigger stars do bigger damage! Duh.

    136. They’re made of Leather! That protects very well.

    137. Uh. . . I can see the person?

    138. They make 10 babies per second. No one can pwn a monster 10 times per second Muhahah!

    139. MS isn’t that advanced. . . it ain’t 3D

    140. How many more do you want!

  2. Zombie Mushmom spawns in Grave of Mushmom, Mushmom dies and She falls into ant tunnel and land there, SOme Regular Zombie Mushroom Then look at him and say ‘One of us” And throw there Sticky notes at her and ZOOOM she come sback to life as a zombie mushmom!

  3. 131: She was killed (By me >:D and she felt like hanging out with some dead mushrooms, and sticked with it
    132: HAX! >:O
    133: You know the weather on the sea. . . No? Neather do I, but fishermen say it’s crazy out there >_>
    134: It’s for Robinson to clean the whale, every time she needs it
    135: They react different to the flesh
    136: They don’t, they still get alot of damage, but it’s more pretty than walking around naked. . .
    137: You can see the person, but you can’t touch. . . Uhh. . . Sooo pretty. . .
    138: Why can’t bugs just go away. . . There’s too many! *runs to kill bugs*
    *10 sec. later*
    *Bugs are back*
    139:They can’t they are invincible! >:O Untill they run out of HP of cause
    140: How many can you handle?

  4. Because it is fun to see how fast you can come up with a reply that is “funny”
    Some might be as funny as espected, but that’s just because the wonders he have, makes your head feel empty ._.


  5. i ahve been stumped about 13 times now per blog! still, ,.,,. feeling.,, ,.,., stupid.,.,.,.,.,

  6. 131. The ants carry mushmom’s rotting corpse to their tunnel o.o; (Btw, ants can lift up to double their weight using their teeth only :D)

  7. 131. Maybe it could only be ressurected in a place of little light.

    132. They’re fake, or they have REALLY high evasion.

    133. The equator is really small and sudden.

    134. Poachers with really bad aim.

    135. Sharp pointy objects are sharp and pointy.

    136. They’re really thick and have lead sewn in.

    137. You can see them, they’re transparent, not invisisble.

    138. There an act science has named “intercourse.”

    139. They do, but they only get hit it spots that are covered and are not visible.

    140. He tells all the other balrogs to “cc”

  8. 131: When she dies her body immediately teleports to her grave. She’s died so many times that she has a charm placed on her to make sure she gets there. But! there was also a curse placed on her, and so, at night and to unsuspecting Maplers. . . she returns as . . . ZOMBIE MUSHMOM! dun dun dun~~~! XD

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