Maple Wonders 13+Cries to The Moon Prev.

Note: If you have an IQ of 10 and above, it is suggested you not read this article, because it may make you wonder why I was put in this universe.
Note 2: If you’d like to make your own “Maple Wonders” at least have the courtousey(or however you spell it) to tell me first, and give it a different name, would you mind?It took me days to get inspiration to write this.
For those of you who don’t know me(all of you) my main acc. is a noobish level 33 sin named ShurikenLord and I play Bera
Continued from last time’s article of Maple Wonders
121.In Winston’s “Fossil Dig Up” quest, Axe Stumps stole his plant fossils, how the heck did they hold them?
122.How long is Maya going to be sick?
123.In Runaway Alex’s quest, you have to talk to Cheif Stan, he tells you he’ll talk if you get him Evil Eye Tails and Pig Ribbons to rebuild the town, how do tails and ribbons rebuild a town?
124.What are potions made of?
125.Why can’t we pull the undead charms off the Undead Mushrooms to kill them?
126.How come only Mushrooms were “Zombified”?
127.Why can’t we go back to Maple Island?
128.Why do Crimson Balrogs always wear a Skull Mask?
129.Why don’t monsters leave corpses?
130.How does a snail hurt you by ramming into you?
Dedicated to all my Cries to the Moon characters!(Preview Below)
-ShurikenLord of Bera
Today’s Toast: Here’s to acing school, getting a raise at work, and getting an Esther Shield right after that guy who though fame=drops defamed you.
-Cries To The Moon-
Shizu (Me)
Pocki (VanillaPocki)
Ignotika (EveryDayHero)
Kyle (SellSword)
Rose (Roisin)
500 centuries ago, when the peace treaty between creatures and humans was just shattered, a war was started. The bloody conflict would never cease, and it was a cycle of bloodshed. Amidst the entire world breaking loose a creation was designed by mutation and traitors, a monstrous creation, a perfect harbinger of death. The world would be shaken by its roots by this beast. The creature was called…Zakum. The people of Ossyria gathered their courage and power, from the tiniest child to the most powerful warrior, and they fought. Eventually, the creature fell, but not before a curse was uttered. A deadly curse that would wring the world, “Nature will fall against you all,” it had said “The Moon itself will spill your blood, and all will bathe in it, for the heroes you have, they will be sought out, and they will leave no corpse to tell the tale. The ones who slew the beast eventually grew old and died. With fear of the curse, the people buried the men in a dungeon, the very same dungeon where they had buried the beast, where they had sealed it in stone, to contain them. Their graves unmarked, their spirits could not rest, and although it was silent, for 500 years, the heroes would call to the moon to punish the people who did not have the respect to bury them.
And a long cry would echo with their souls’ vengeance. An echo that would reach the moon, a cry of help and dismay.
And the moon would answer.
Character Bios:
Shizu scratched his head as he looked at the dust covered clock on his wall, 2 o’ clock AM, “Almost time for class to start,” he smiled, balancing the specially frozen icicles his hand. He stretched his arm out and grabbed the Meba that lay by his bedside. It’d been crafted by his greatest grandfather, and passed down generation to generation, reformed again and again, to have the same power as a Slain, the last forge it’d ever have was by his father, before he died with Shizu’s mother. “One day” he whispered, stroking it, “I will deem myself strong enough to wear you, but until then,” he glanced over at another Meba, forged by a petty street vendor. “I guess I’ll hafta stick with you…” he closed the steel door of his house, and left
Pocki polished the glass on her late mother’s Olympus case, “There!” she said, satisfied, then grabbing her battle bow, “It’ll be a while before I can hold you as an experienced hunter,” she folded the blankets on her bed while humming a tune, “Mom! Dad” she yelled, “Take care of the house while I’m gone!” she kissed a portrait of her parents as if they were still alive, and left the home to school.
Ignotika sewed on the last stitch of his backpack, and carefully wrapped his arc staff in leather, stocking it under his bed. His parents had only passed away last week, but he was a tough child, and had recovered over the second day, “Stay here, my good friend,” he whispered to the Arc Staff. He grabbed a pile of textbooks, shoved his Wizard Staff into its flexible case, and opened the door as the fresh Ellinian air rushed in to his Tree apartment. [Time for another A+] he thought, then smiling, locked the door and left.
Rose swung her Fish Spear again (She’d removed the fish, so she just called it a PitchFork) “Arghhh!” bandits yelled as they ran from the tent, “Try to get my mother’s serpent tongue again and you won’t just lose your leg!” Rose had been a respectful child, always giving respect to her parents’ graves every day, and guarding what were their possessions every day with her life. Though she would appear poor, with her old fashioned armor, all the bandit possessions she’d taken had kept her alive with food and other supplies. “Mother, father, I hope you are enjoying your days in the afterlife, a pray for your good fortune, and please, more than anything, keep happy,” she ended her daily prayer and left for class.
Kyle tapped his feet in front of his house, and then went back inside, “What did I forget…” he muttered, and then half slapped himself, “Augh! Forgot to put the Jeweled Katar away again!” he was a busy child, always striving toward his late father’s Crusader rank, and he was skilled at it, too, swinging his Eloon with enough force to dent Adamantium. He’d struggled all his life, but being a warrior, his pride kept above all else, and even when he lost, he wasn’t the type of child to cry or swear, he’d always slowly plan his strategies again. “Well, time for class!” he locked his door and jumped out into the hot Perion valleys.
Yeah, yeah I know it wasn’t too good, but hey, it’s my first non-plagerised essay kinda thing (yeah, I’m young, I playgerise -.-) I’d actually appreciate flames so I know what I need, thanks!
-ShurikenLord of Bera

18 thoughts on “Maple Wonders 13+Cries to The Moon Prev.”

  1. 121. In their hallow bodies?
    122. Forever, because every1 partys in her house and do all kinds of crazy stuffs ><
    123. The ribbons are for the festives and the evil eyes- is wot chief stan COMSUMES XD MUAHAHAH
    124. Natural materials?
    125. The charms makes the dead mushrooms “Zombified” and active.
    126. Because the stage of mushroom evolution: shroom>orange mush>green mush>h0rny mush> Death age> Zombie mush.
    127. Because we will “disturb” the peaceful enviroment.
    128. Their corpses are the monster items
    129. Cos it makes him look like the pirate boat sign
    130. They make u trip over

  2. 121.In Winston’s “Fossil Dig Up” quest, Axe Stumps stole his plant fossils, how the heck did they hold them?
    They used the same invisible pocket in space that Lupins use to throw their infinite bananas.
    122.How long is Maya going to be sick?
    She will forever be sick because she caught a STD from the many parties that happened in her house.
    123.In Runaway Alex’s quest, you have to talk to Cheif Stan, he tells you he’ll talk if you get him Evil Eye Tails and Pig Ribbons to rebuild the town, how do tails and ribbons rebuild a town?
    He’s going to stuff Alex’s mouth with Evil Eye Tails and hog tie him with Pig Ribbons once he gets back.
    124.What are potions made of?
    They’re made of drugs.
    125.Why can’t we pull the undead charms off the Undead Mushrooms to kill them?
    They do die when you pull them out, silly.
    126.How come only Mushrooms were “Zombified”?
    When the ants dug up the Ant Tunnel, the Mushrooms were the only thing they could kill, thus making them the only dead things.
    127.Why can’t we go back to Maple Island?
    The super beginners put explosives on the boat and threaten to detinate them if we ever go back to Maple Island.
    128.Why do Crimson Balrogs always wear a Skull Mask?
    Because their beauty is too much for us.
    129.Why don’t monsters leave corpses?
    The ground eats their corpses so quickly that we can’t see it happen.
    130.How does a snail hurt you by ramming into you?
    Because they’re icky. x3

    *you have to get my Asianic ready XD (even if i’m still lvl 55) but still! XD*
    WOOT! I”M IN IT! YAY!*bounces around*
    As for maple wonder answers, i’ll answer em after i come back from piano lessons ^~^

    – VanillaPocki –

  4. P.S. Um, anyone know how to Italic-ify?
    I could really use it!
    -ShurikenLord of Bera

  5. press the TAGS button and switch the b in the bold code with and i, like so: your mom is so fat, she uses the highway as a slip and slide! XD

    So your code looks like this (without spaces) [ i ] blah blah blah [ /i ]

  6. 121.In Winston’s “Fossil Dig Up” quest, Axe Stumps stole his plant fossils, how the heck did they hold them?

    winston hides em in his hat
    122.How long is Maya going to be sick?

    until world peace arrives
    123.In Runaway Alex’s quest, you have to talk to Cheif Stan, he tells you he’ll talk if you get him Evil Eye Tails and Pig Ribbons to rebuild the town, how do tails and ribbons rebuild a town?

    ribons to decorate and tails to eat xDD
    124.What are potions made of?

    125.Why can’t we pull the undead charms off the Undead Mushrooms to kill them?

    the zombie mushies used superglue
    126.How come only Mushrooms were “Zombified”?

    what about coolies? they used to be regular ppl >.>
    127.Why can’t we go back to Maple Island?

    cause captain shanks wants the population down
    128.Why do Crimson Balrogs always wear a Skull Mask?

    to hide its ugly face
    129.Why don’t monsters leave corpses?

    130.How does a snail hurt you by ramming into you?

    god sed so

  7. cool ia m in teh story woot! gonan keep reading and hope you keep writing LunarPanda! ty anyway

  8. Answer for Why cant people go back to Mapleisland.
    Once u go to Vic island u catch a bacteria, Safe for humans but in Mapleisland where New people spawn, Is the Mushroom of Life, The mushroom is really really weak againt this bacteria and therefore if soeone wa sto go back, they would bring th ebasteria killing the mushroom and no new people will spawn ever again T_T



  10. LunarPanda said: “Today’s Toast: Here’s to acing school, getting a raise at work, and getting an Esther Shield right after that guy who thought fame=drops defamed you.”

    LOL about the esther.

  11. 121. They hold them on their heads lile table tops.

    122. She’d get better if she’d stop having those crazy parties at her house.

    123. He sells them to NPC to earn enough money.

    124. Move your mouse over the potion and it says “Made from concentrated herbs” or whatever.

    125. The charms are what’s keeping them from being completely dead, so naturally, they’re bound to the monsters soul or life force.

    126. What about Zombie Lupins and Coolie Zombies?

    127. The ship is one-way.

    128. Armor.

    129. They’re completely bio-degradable.

    130. It’s acidic,

  12. 121.In Winston’s “Fossil Dig Up” quest, Axe Stumps stole his plant fossils, how the heck did they hold them? Winston did not actually lose his fossils to a bunch of living dead trees. He actually placed them deep in the stump (using magical cheese, of course) and pretended to be mugged. He enjoys seeing people suffer to fight for him.
    122.How long is Maya going to be sick? Every time you heal her, she secretly drinks dog shampoo (remove the sham in shampoo and you know what i mean) to get sick again. She has an endless supply of bamboo hats and simply likes tasting the medicine over and over again (the medicine is soda, duh).
    123.In Runaway Alex’s quest, you have to talk to Cheif Stan, he tells you he’ll talk if you get him Evil Eye Tails and Pig Ribbons to rebuild the town, how do tails and ribbons rebuild a town? Cheif Stan will actually use those materials to power up his Rebuilder 2000, so that it can automatically rebuild any utopia (such as Atlantis).
    124.What are potions made of? Special herbs (trust me, they aren’t the real ingredients, but you really don’t want to know the real ingredients).
    125.Why can’t we pull the undead charms off the Undead Mushrooms to kill them? The charms were magically bonded to the shrooms so that they won’t be released until death.
    126.How come only Mushrooms were “Zombified”? Lupins were too. You see, Grendel the Really Old accidently placed charms on them for his cleric students. He only put charms on 2 Mushrooms, but they reproduced o_O. (I got the first half of the answer from
    127.Why can’t we go back to Maple Island? Think of it this way. Have you noticed how FAST the ship ride is to Victoria from Maple compared to Victoria->Orbis? You see, the route from Maple Island to Victoria has currents. They go 50000 mph in the direction towards Victoria Island.
    128.Why do Crimson Balrogs always wear a Skull Mask? They want to be ghetto.
    129.Why don’t monsters leave corpses? If this were a free online game (which it isn’t), corpses would be too vilent. However, there is an invisible ‘Maple clean-up crew.’ They work so fast it’s as if the monsters disappear.
    130.How does a snail hurt you by ramming into you? Every monster is actually covered with toxins that can damage you. This is how mushrooms damage you too.

  13. um
    about number 130, I have something like that in my “About Maple, Part 1” does a mushroom walking into you damage you? o.o

    so yea, -.-

  14. 127: Shanks actually places a curse on us when we get on his ship, since he’s so mad for being (possibly) the shortest person in-game. XD so we’ll never return to torment him with our height.
    129: They actually disintegrate once they’re killed, cos our weapons have acid on them which melts them.

    I would have answered some more but everyone else already had better answers than mine, and in some cases the same answers.

    YAY I love the story so far! Keep writing, can’t wait for more! ♥

  15. 121 How do Maplers hold items as Fair Frozen, and so on, in a little backpack?
    122 She is not sick, she is just kidding, because it’s fun to see little poeple running around collecting leaves, from monsters they can’t kill! D:<
    123 LIAR! >:O
    124 Cargo leftovers and super glue, so you better give me all your potions, if you don’t want to eat it =P
    125 Lack of fingers. . .
    126 Lack of space, makes other monsters re-generate instead of dying
    127 Maple Island have super low spawn rate, so if a higher lvl’ed Maplers came and killed everything, there would be no monsters! :O
    128 Phantom of the ship!
    129 Henesys Hunting Ground, would be crowded by corpses, no room for new spawn!
    130 Have you even seen the size of a snail in MapleStory? ._.

    WOOT! I’m in the story =D
    Love being the only magician 0.~ You need me >=D


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