Maple Wonders 11

Note: If you have an IQ of 10 and above, it is suggested you not read this article, because it may make you wonder why I was put in this universe.
Note 2: If you’d like to make your own “Maple Wonders” at least have the courtousey(or however you spell it) to tell me first, and give it a different name, would you mind?It took me days to get inspiration to write this.
For those of you who don’t know me(all of you) my main acc. is a noobish level 33 sin named ShurikenLord and I play Bera
Continued from last time’s article of Maple Wonders
101.Who put the collars on the Cerebes?
102.How does the level 25 theif armor protect you when it reveals around 80% of your skin?
103.How do Yetis support their weight when their legs are tiny?
104.Why can’t hats fly off your head?
105.Why does Ailshar have a clock on his head?
106.Why do wild boars have scratches on their…uh…bum?(Look closely, they do)
107.Why is it when a wild boar tooth drops, it looks bigger and whiter.
108.What do monsters eat?
109.Why don’t Maplers leave a corpse when they die?
110.How many Zakums are there?
This issue dedicated to:VanillaPocki(Why’d you stop answering T.T)Roisin,Sellsword,Yun,DarkWar4ever,AnbuNinja,Blazesin,EveryDayHero,TrevtSang and Gujju.
Thanks guys!
And that concludes this issue’s Q&A(Minus the A)
-A feeling better ShurikenLord of Bera
Today’s toast: Here’s to living life to it’s fullest, a person to call your own, and to finding out that fly hacker at EvilEyes got hit and swarm killed.

19 thoughts on “Maple Wonders 11”

  1. W00T first to read it. Answers on below (selon mon opinion) Guess what that means xD
    Maple Academy!
    101. That one stumped me I don’t know. . .

    102. Zomg, that one stumped me 2. You’re good at questions.

    103. Their legs are NOT tiny! Hey, athletics have thin legs and boy can they run like the wind. So are horses. Get the idea?

    104. Uh. . . like bamboo hats which have straps and other hats. There’s no wind in MapleStory. Physics just doesn’t apply. >_^

    105. It’s a galaxy hat. Very popular among penguins it is.

    106. It’s their tail. . . -.-“

    107. Well, you took the WHOLE tooth out. Duh -.-“

    108. You, me, and Dupree.

    109. Again, physics just doesn’t apply! When a monster dies he is immediately gone to the Sanctuary to be then transformed into Cold eyes (minion monsters like snailz and stuff) Tauromancis (intermidiate monsters like orange mushrooms and coolie zombies) and Taurospears (Strong monsters) and really strong turn into Jr. Barlogs.

    110. Currently 3 different Zakums are known. Go on hidden-street for more info.

    Vanilla Pocki we miss your answers.
    Anyways, good set of questions. Get even better sooon!

  2. 101.Who put the collars on the Cerebes?
    I do
    102.How does the level 25 theif armor protect you when it reveals around 80% of your skin?
    103.How do Yetis support their weight when their legs are tiny?
    Ever see football players run?
    104.Why can’t hats fly off your head?
    105.Why does Ailshar have a clock on his head?
    So he knows what time it is
    106.Why do wild boars have scratches on their, uh, bum?(Look closely, they do)
    They give birth every 20 seconds
    107.Why is it when a wild boar tooth drops, it looks bigger and whiter.
    The WHOLE tooth
    108.What do monsters eat?
    Each other and us
    109.Why don’t Maplers leave a corpse when they die?
    The monsters ate it
    110.How many Zakums are there?
    Ever heard of Mommy Zakum

  3. 101.Who put the collars on the Cerebes?
    lord of darkness lol
    102.How does the level 25 theif armor protect you when it reveals around 80% of your skin?
    the tough cane that it was made of
    103.How do Yetis support their weight when their legs are tiny?
    their legs are strong u know,
    104.Why can’t hats fly off your head?
    because i glued it to my freakin head
    105.Why does Ailshar have a clock on his head?
    because his freaking hat flew off his clock head
    106.Why do wild boars have scratches on their, uh, bum?(Look closely, they do)
    because they got their a$$ kicked every time
    107.Why is it when a wild boar tooth drops, it looks bigger and whiter.
    use colgate to whiten your teeth
    108.What do monsters eat?
    109.Why don’t Maplers leave a corpse when they die?
    because its the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard
    110.How many Zakums are there?

  4. 101: They grow, so I quess they were put on, when they were little and cute 😀
    102: It’s made of super glue and paper :O
    103: Ever seen a body boulder? Ask him!
    104: Because it’s never windy, and when the jump down from legdes: They hold on it :O
    105: Because he have problems with his eyes, so he needs a BIG clock, to see when the Maplers come to kill him >=D
    106: Because the Maplers kick their. . . Behind very hard, and it goes from relative to relative
    107: Same as with humans: Some of the teeth HAVE to sit in the flesh, to make it stay in there
    108: Pigs! Everyone like to eat and kill pigs! >=D
    109: They do, but mini-robots the govertment have put out, cleans it up really quick, because we don’t want smelly corpses >_<
    110: There is none, he is being born really quick, when someone drops the red ball on his altar! Think of a fully grown Zakum :O


  5. Well there is one zakum with three stages Zakum 1 is when u first started and he shoes very few cracks in him Zakum2 is a bit stronger and he comes out when ur like 1/3 of the way through. he has more cracks if u look closely. Zakum 3 is when ur almost done and he has lots of cracks in him and hes the one that drops stuff.

  6. 101:The Grim Reaper (Death Shepard person)
    102:Bright colors, which makes the monsters think your poisonous.
    103:They walk mostly on their arms, duh.
    104:Because hats are innanamant objects, which means they nicely stay tightly on your head.
    105:Because he is one of the great monsters of Time
    106:Because its from rolling in the mud, some mud is still there.
    107:Why do you ask this question, It’s because some boars are older than others.
    109:Because we are ressurected FROM the dead.
    110:One. He goes from channel to channel doing work at the community center.

  7. 106: Well, ever notice how they run closely in packs? I think the boars get scratched by other boars, or by warrior/bowman/thief fork on a stick. XD

  8. my answer to all the maple wonders, its programed that way =p ( i know my IQ is higher then 10)

  9. I’M BACK! It was mainly bkus i was heartbroken = didn’t feel like being jolly = didn’t feel like being funny = didn’t answer.

    101.Who put the collars on the Cerebes?
    Answer: GMs, The government has constantly told the GMs to do so because the Cerebes are very dangerous without their collars!

    102.How does the level 25 theif armor protect you when it reveals around 80% of your skin?
    Answer: Because the left over 20% does most of the work! I mean comon! That armor is only like 22 weapon def XD No need to cover up~

    103.How do Yetis support their weight when their legs are tiny?
    Answer: Who ever told you they “walked” with their legs? If you haven’t noticed, they SLIDE. Their bums do the “sliding” ^^ Which means their body supports their weight, not the legs. (but they do have legs)

    104.Why can’t hats fly off your head?
    Answer: You have a clip! To clip your hair with the hat ^^ (thats what people actually do, )

    105.Why does Ailshar have a clock on his head?
    Answer: Tell time! You’re in PQ and if you have no time left, his clock will ring and he’d kick all of you out!ahahah PWNAGE!

    106.Why do wild boars have scratches on their, uh, bum?(Look closely, they do)
    Answer: They are trying to tell you they are “wild”.
    Wild boar: Oh man, look, I have a scar on my bum!
    Pig: aw, I wish i had one too
    Wild: ahahaha, I’m WILD!
    Pig: I wanna leave pig beach >___>
    so on and so forth,

    107.Why is it when a wild boar tooth drops, it looks bigger and whiter.
    Answer: It’s because when you see them in the surface, you only see 10% of his tooth (like an iceberg) and the fog in Perion makes it seem more yellow, but when you kill it and take the whole teeth out, you’ll see that it’s whiter and bigger ^^

    108.What do monsters eat?
    Answers: GM’s do not recommend and approve of Humans being eaten so I would say salads, apples, unagis, >__> Thats why some monsters have more money then others, the bigger they are, the more money they need to buy food.

    109.Why don’t Maplers leave a corpse when they die?
    Answer: You do, but when you “click” the button to go back to nearest town that soul (tombstone) goes with you! Technically, you do kinda leave a corpse. XD

    110.How many Zakums are there?
    Answer: One, apparently in each world, only a certain amount of people can kill and actually get to that place XD You need to put that red eye thingie to summon it. I think only one comes out ^^ (besides, he’s not like Alishar, he doesn’t get pwned)

    WELL! I”M BAC! XD I hope you like my answers, your questions are becoming harder and harder >__>
    ~Looking forward to your next set of questions ~

    – VanillaPocki –

  10. 101. Zakum did.

    102. That’s a good question, how could it?

    103. They have strong legs.

    104. Straps, duh,

    105. Ludi is about TIME and space (and toys of course).

    106. Wild animals can have scratches ANYWERE.

    107. Like most people said, it’s the whole tooth now.

    108. Other monsters, and the big ones eat us. o_O

    109. It’s a game, most games don’t leave a corpse when something dies. There would be too many corpses.

    110. There is one Zakum, on hidden-street they show Zakum 1, 2, and 3. That’s different stages of Zakum.

  11. 101. Cerebres like being “punks” u no? they like watching “punk’d”

    102. The monsters think ur hot, so they do less dmg xD

    103. They use their arms to move, like gorillas

    104. Since every1 in ms has the same head size, wizet decided to make hats tight for every1 of us!

    105. Hes the most powerful monster of “Toy-timeworld” (ludi) -_-

    106. Because the terrain of Perion is so hot that they have to blow the heat off their asses (thats y there are FIRE BOARS- its cos they burned their asses while they ate texas beans xD)

    107. They have a deep rooted canine o.o (from ass to mouth lmao xD)

    108. Their diet is, US (cos we masscred their families, therefore they’re taking vengence on us o.o)

    109. The stupid tombstones crushed ur corpses before u can even see it o.O

    110. There are 3 Zakums (but has a total of 8 LIVES)

  12. for the thief armour,

    monsters see some skin and hide, you see the guys nipples for god’s sake!

  13. #110, Thers in infinity
    Everytime someone doesn’t defeast zakum, It fully heals back, and when zakum des, another is born from the gravel left behind

  14. Lol, estelonin it’s not drunkdaddy it’s me. . . LOL.

    Must’ve not payed much attention huh? Lolz

  15. I”M SO SORRI DARKWAR4EVER, but both of your name starts with D, O.O”’ AND you’re both sooo funni XD
    SO SORRY!><” Forgive meh~

    – VanillaPocki –

    ive always wondered that

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