In Which the Panda is Shot Down

[Notice] Moon Bear of Black and White is accepting Tribute.

Bamboo and Pie are highly appreciated.

Mm. Still gotta go crazy on these dividers. *Sigh* I procrastinate way too much. =/
But, let’s get straight to the Panda’s MMO life, shall we? Yup.


I recently convinced Rya (MikuniZer0) to start playing FlyFF. She’s the craziest friggin’ Grinder you’ll ever meet. Level 2x in FOUR days. FOUR. Jesus Friggin’…..FOUR. She has lyke, h4cks.

I, myself, just recently got to 26, and I’m quite happy with my level 25 Skill Set, for they are fun. Yush, it is indeed fun to watch rocks storm down on your enemy. =]

Not much to report. Rya’s awesome, by the way, and is the God of Literacy, as she will strike down all who refuse to obey her laws of internet literacy. =]

FlyFF Screenies for All!

link – The Temple of Pandarian Worship. =]
link – Air Art FTW
link – My New Skill Set =]
link – You’ve been PANDA-STRUCK. =]
link – Um. How can it be a Giant Red Mantis when it’s GREEN?

MapleStory Global-The World of Bera

I haven’t been doing much, just chilling with Guild Mates, helping buddies (Roisin) and so on.
The Double EXP events are filled with hackers, so I don’t really do much. Yes. a very tiring week for MapleStory. However, the one awesome thing….

Yeah. I know. And I got to go. With my new level 10 Scanian Theif, PandaSilence. =] And his new Amoria given Antagonist hair. I love it =]

Wedding Screenies~
link – My New Haircut =]
link – Vegatarian Scanian GM’s
link – Wedding! And me getting…touched by yetis
link – One of the only shots where you could see the Happy Couple. =]

And even more luck. My Beran Sin, ShurikenLord, also got an Antagonist. =]

Well, the Panda has Gaming to do. Bai.

[Edit]: And about the Title, we had a school dance today, I asked a good friend of mine out to it, and was hesitantly rejected. So like, I r t3h sad. =[

2 thoughts on “In Which the Panda is Shot Down”

  1. The FlyFF part cracked me up, Steve.

    Thanks for blogging for me. <3

    And dun be sad. You sad = My guilt. Haha. =D

    Okie, talk to you on AIM or FlyFF.

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