In which the Panda faces Searing Heat

Bow to Moon Bear of Black and White.

Flashbackz0rz to like. . .Monday?

So anyway, I got Global MapleStory working again. At first, I was cheering and all that, cause I got to meet Aliyah and David and people like that.

Then I did the Amoria hair quest. Got the crapular version of the Buzzcut, with the zig zagging bald spots. Phail.

I was kinda angered by that, but eventually, got back on Bera to see my old buddies. =] It was my Guild Leader’s birthday. I was invited back to the guild, and we partied at FM7. Soooo much Melted Cheese and Cake. =] I gave him a 60% Claw and Staff scroll. Oh yus. I are t3h generous. =]

Mm, I’ll give you time to wipe whatever you were eating/drinking off the screen.

So, today’s events.

I leveled up at Wild Boars, finding no Maple items, but getting myself to level Fourteh Three. Whewt? Like, level 17 Crit FTW. So I proceeded to head toward Ludi, to train with my illiterate but funny Guild Mates. Upon slaying my first Jr.Sentinal, a Maple Claw spun in the air. My eyes expanded, everything went slow. It continued twirling earthwards. “No,” I thought to myself, “I never find items. This is a dream. An illusion. I’m on drugs or something. GO DRUGS!!” I snatched the Maple Claw up, and frowned upon looking at its stats. 17 W.ATK, 10 Avoid.

Bah. Horrible damage, but my first Lv.35+ Drop. =]

So, I’m now in Ludibrium, just chilling with friends. If anyone wants to play, just add ShurikenLord. Though I’m more of a FlyFF’er now, I’ll be on every once in a while.

And I still have to abuse the dividers. Maybe later.

Real Life Time with your Panda

It was a real scorcher today. The entire school felt like a giant Steam Bath until they FINALLY decided to turn the A/C on. Shtoopid school. A lot of Hot Air got around too. A classmate of mine happened to utter the very words of his destruction. “Wow, they gotta be talking about this stuff in Chinese, Ching Ching Chong” he laughed while pulling his eyes back. I glared hard at him.

. . .

I’m TOTALLY against racism, andt he pretty much asked for it, I spun around to face him, “Erm..did I just hear you right?” He looks at his friends. “Yeah, I don’t think your ears are as small as your eyes” I hissed under my teeth. I sized him up. He weighed about 50 pounds more than me (In fat) and he had a mini gang. I did something I knew I shouldn’t have done. I stabbed him right in the belly-button. With a pen. Following that, as he was still keeling over, I spun around, and appointed a meeting for my foot and his arse.

There were no teachers, so I walked away, fist clenched, leaving him on the floor, gasping in pain.

During P.E, we started our Badminton unit, which I love But this time, I purposely kept going up to him, and beating him to the point where everyone was amazed. Steve, a weak, scawny, underweight Asian kid, versus Jonathan, a large, overweight, though sport loving teen.

And…I now feel guilt eating at me for my actions. >.>;;

Can this blog get any more cluttered?

Anyhoo, FlyFF time. I didn’t do much, or screen much, as I was pretty obsessed with getting my new Rodney set. So, toodles!

-The Panda

8 thoughts on “In which the Panda faces Searing Heat”

  1. FINALLY you blogged about getting GMS working again! Geez, you procrastinate soo much.

    I have to go to a performance now. =[

    Anyway, talk to you on AIM or MSN. =]

  2. I’m considering going back to GMS. I miss MapleStory that much. Perhaps I’ll move to Bera. XD

  3. SilverFx said: “Paaaanda Smackdown!

    Yay for your Maple-able state again.

    And thanks. =]

  4. Such a violent bear you are. D:

    For a second when you were talking about drugs n’ finding a Maple weapon, I was thinking that you were going to say someone came and swiped it up.


  5. WHAT?!?!

    i admire you so much for kicking his arse for being rascist. . .

    -worships and adds to friends list-

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