In Russia, the car drives YOU.

While it has only been 2-3 days since MapleStory has stopped functioning for me, I find myself in a state of near nervous breakdown. Insanity slowly finds its way into me, and I almost screamed from friends talking about Maple, the only thing keeping me from doing so was the fact that my principal was nearby.

Yesterday, out of sheer disbelief that my Assassin would be taken away from me, I redownloaded Maple 13 times. I missed 3 homework assignments and ignored phonecalls that could ruin the internet connection. Even some friends noticed that I was a little less energetic, happy and funny. And when I missed a clear, easy shot in hockey today, they began to ask me what in heck was going on.

I realize this is going way overboard, but I simply worked too hard for that Assassin, I refused to let him die on me. I even bought 2 Shurikens from a local Chinatown shop and practiced throwing them, in hopes of getting a light grip back on my sanity.

If this hell every ends, I’ll scream with sheer joy.
Now, on to my cheap story.
I think there was a prolouge somewhere in my MMOid.

Ragnur paused in the middle of his grazing, and peered up at the sky. It seem disturbed today, darkened, almost angry. He swiveled his head, and squinted at a group of distorted dots moving in from the Alachton’s opening. He snorted, then looked around again, and cursed himself when he realised he was sererated from the herd’s normal grazing area.

Ragnur lifted his weapon, a long spear, with a Crescent Moon shaped top. The Elders had enchanted his a while back, and it was now engraved with the energies of Lightling.

The Dots grew larger, until Ragnur could make out a band of three humans, headed straight for him. They had grim smiles on their faces, and one in the back was already removing an arrow from his quiver. Ragnur ripped the last piece of grass from the ground. If it was a fight they wanted, it was a fight they would get.

“Alright Darren, you’re lucky today, if you can just kill that Taurospear, the big one in the red armor, you’ll get to be a Crimson Deathblow member,” Richard was a skilled Pyromancer, and was a good friend of Darren, who had recently attempted to join the Crimson Deathblow.

“B-b-but I thought the Crimson Deathblow was all about hunting monsters that endangered the lives of villigers,” Darren stuttered, and he was spinning his Sai nervously, clutching his Jurgen Wristband much tighter than needed, and his eyes constantly darted around now.

“But Taurospears are one of the most dangerous creatures here,” Richard nodded toward the archer, and he immediatly strung his bow

“But they’re only dangerous during mating season or if you intrude their territory” Darren could see the Taurospear’s face now, a proud, powerful expression.
“Well, we need that land, now go!”

Darren gulped and shot foward, dagger rasied for the kill.

Well folks, in hopes to maintain my sanity, I have discovered playing Chess with myself somewhat helpful.

10 thoughts on “In Russia, the car drives YOU.”

  1. 2-3 days without Maple and you’re going insane? O_O
    That’s just. . . wow. . . that’s. . . uhmmm. . . no comment.

    I find that Maple is the cause of my insanity. Or maybe I’ve always been like that.

    In Soviet Russia, Maple plays YOU!

  2. Scarlet said: “2-3 days without Maple and you’re going insane? O_O
    That’s just. . . wow. . . that’s. . . uhmmm. . . no comment.

    I find that Maple is the cause of my insanity. Or maybe I’ve always been like that.

    In Soviet Russia, Maple plays YOU!”

    Haha. Does that mean in Soviet Russia, Laugh laughs you?o.o

  3. I think you’re addicted

    While it has only been 2-3 days since MapleStory has stopped functioning for me, I find myself in a state of near nervous breakdown

    Strike that, I KNOW you’re addicted
    yikes >.<

    ~Guy of Die

  4. thats nothing compared to what ive been through with losing maple. ok, so first my friend showed me it and i thought it was pure awesomeness, but our home computer didnt have the internet. We had to wait 2 months to get the internet, so when we finally got maple, i was overjoyed. But then our computers wireless card broke, so we had to get a new one, no problem, except that its internet capabilities were not enough to get on maple! It was another 2 months at least before we got a new card, which, to my relief, was good enough for maple. But then our home computer broke down altogether! So then i could only play maple on my friends computer. We had to wait yet another month and a half to get a new computer, and when we finally did get another one, the wireless didnt work! So after another 2 weeks of waiting, we moved the computer into my moms office, and used the dsl connection that was in there. Then my mom wanted to get a proper desk for the computer instead of the old flimsy one that we had, she said that me and my bro would knock it down by roughousing, so I had to wait another week without maple to get a desk at staples, and now that we have it, thankfully nothing has happened to my maple internet connection. Plus, on most days I have to wait for my mom to get off her computer (we cant share a connection) for 2 hours after school so I can play, and the worst part is, I CANT PLAY AT ALL DURING THE DAY ON SCHOOL VACATIONS! no exaggerations at all. So dont cry to me about missing maple for 2 freakin days!

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