-Squints eyes-
11:42 PM, EST, Sept 12, 2007
Hey guys, it’s your favorite time of day again! =D
. . .
Get your hands out of your pants.
Anyway, I’ve been great-aside from GANZICUS -Glares- cheating on me.
. . .
Nah, I’m straight.
O RLY!?!
Thanks to the much spifftastic Rya for helping me with screenies. Uber thanks. =3
Oh, right, MMO-stuff. Yeah. Um. . . -Thinks-
Right, WoW.
The game is EXTREMELY fun now that I have one of my best buddy-oh’s. (Denny) going deep into instances with me-retarded acts that I do not condone-unless you’re cool. -F3- After 1 hour or so in the Blackfathom Deeps, we got kinda tired. >_>;;-BUT, I got a great shot of a spinning/jumping frostbolt cast. Yeah baby, I roll like that.
And of course, there ARE the moments of. . . slight well, y’know. . . frustration. But it rarely shows. . .just. . .I MEAN DUDE HE CAN TELEPORT TO OTHER FLIPPIN’ LEDGES. HE’S A FLIPPIN’ MAGE, not a FLIPPIN’ skilled NINJA. . .as explained here.
It was worth the smexy new robe. And smexy new ring.
And there are always the mildly sentinmental moments, y’know?
So if you want to, grab a copy of WoW and join the Azuremyst server. =] Cause, y’know, I’m mad G. /inside joke
And no, I can’t fund you-I’m poorer than. . .-Gestures to unfunded level 1 Warrior-
I’ll enchant your staff, though. /inside joke
Oh, right, the fanfiction. Those who wish to flame without leaving anything to help, get the f- out of my pants. The rest of you, stay in the party.
The blood elf’s breath was ragged, tired. The waves were endless. The humans wouldn’t stop pouring in. Crude, wobbly shields smashed against arcane-attuned Sin’Dorei warblades. The cries and shrieks of pain wouldn’t stop; along with the now destroyed infrastructure of the Warsong Lumber Mill. Purple and blue skin began joining the humans. Night Elves. Hoards of them, all rushing to join in defending the ancient forests of Ashenvale.
The blood elf takes this all in, as tired as he was, deeply inhaled the scent of blood mingling with fire, frost, arcane energies, shadow energies, even holy power joined in this constant struggle over the trees of Ashenvale. His eyes close, he wavers for a second, watching his Horde brother slowly being pushed back by the massive swarms of the Alliance.
Glacier smiles-it is not a happy smile, a cruel one, or a fake one. It’s a special smile, where he knows he’ll die, knows his name will not be remembered in the Archives, knows his corpse will be trampled over and pissed on. Nevertheless, he smiles. He is gambling, risking his life to get the Horde an essential supply of lumber. He is risking his one chance to breath in as much magic as possible. But he smiles. Behind him, his two friends nod. A hammer is swung, a bow notched, frost conjured.
Friendships held.
Critique-I know-and I don’t wanna be modest-I know that I’m not a pretty good writer-but some good strategies on how to flesh this baby out would really help-and no, I won’t use the, “Well, I was bored, didn’t care, and it’s like -Glances at time- 12:50 in the morning” excuse. Yes, I’m bored and tired, but hey, this is my fun.
Oh, right, almost forgot ’boutcha, Aliyah. >3
And of course, our fun late night arguements. (She’s a stubborn little munchkin)
And last, (But certainly not least), her 1337-MSN drawing skillz. She just OWNS. >_<
‘Course, there are certain goddesses of fire than just pwn you all. <3
Anyway, I’m out.
A good day/night to you MMO-ers.
Current Time: 1:09AM EST Thursday, Sept.13
LMAO! Ahahaa x] You ‘Boo’ picture seriously startled me for a bit, as I had no idea what I was expecting x). I STILL don’t understand HOW you could have guessed so well! It makes no sense. You were hacking it, I just know it! D;
CONGRATULATIONS for umm, all that World of Warcraft stuff that I STILL fail to understand completely. But hah, it looks nice though. I STILL WANNA KNOW WHAT THE HECK PYLONS ARE!
LOLOL. You put our argument thingummy in, hmm? Well. You should know by now then that FISHIES CAN TALK! DORY<3 And I’m not a stubborn munchkin. I had to defend them you know, they’d like to defend themselves–but they’re unable to do so because we as humans cannot understand FishBubble Language. Duhh Steveeeh.
And and and. You still owe me some G-ness. XD I’m not forgetting that! ;3
*googles at Aliyah’s MSN sketch* Wow.
The fanfic’s good.
Even though the terms just go right over my head. XD
Pylon=Protoss Energy Source=Protoss Structure=Starcraft mumbo jumbo
Silver took the words right out of my mouth. NIGHT ELVES FTW!
I might’ve said this before, but I’ve been planning to get WoW Er, nevermind I don’t feel like it.
Hey, you should post on Photobucket. I keep getting links to stuff about the “Britney Spears fan” everytime I click your IS links. >.>
Cheeze wasn’t the only one planning to get WoW.
But I don’t feel like it either.
Unless there’s some stalking in it for me.
Oh, wait, there is.
And not that ho Ganzi. He ditched me for his toilet.