Flying in With A Woosh

A late happy Halloween, I guess. I wasn’t planning on anything at first, but, with persuasive (and or/forceful) friends, I tossed on a frilly dress, donned a long-haired black wig, and went around the school doing curtseys. Pictures? I got one, from the large amount of camera-phones being flung out.

Yesums…that’s your proud. . .hetero Panda.

Though the dress kept slipping thanks to my lack of a chest (GAWD, LATE PUBBERTEE? OLOLO) To my fellow dudes out there-it was actually pretty. . .I ‘unno, comfy.


But hey hey hey, this is a gaming thing, so let’s get out of that.

I’ve slowed down HEAVILY on WoW, going back to Maplestory a lot more (Bandit on Scania-PandaSilence. Train me.) I’ve found it nice. In WoW, I had to link spells in an order as not to get the monster pulled to myself and timing them near perfectly on other players. In Maple, I smash my CTRL key, and that just brings me back to a simpler, crisper time.

And it’s so much easier to type, without the aggressive monsters and all spawning in my face.

And thanks to Aliyah, I popped from level 10-17 in about 30 seconds. I love her massacring those zombies and harvesting those teeth. Stupid teeth were way down on the list though, so I got something near to Carpal Tunnel.
This is proof of my trials.

I began bringing up my strength, cause we all know LUK daggers can be quite fugly. I mean, look at the Reef Claw, A rope tied to a piece of crappily shaved metal? I prefer the short-blade styled Cass. Though it’s still a whopping 8-levels away, the Cass is what’s pretty much keeping me moving. And the friendly community of the guild Dharkhan. (Thank you sooo much guys for letting this li’ul nub in) I’ll be expressing my gratitude by handing out about 50K+ NX on Christmas day, over fun contests and such. (Yeah, I’m like, ripping open my wallet for this. >_> Stupid tax charging me an extra two bucks on a 25K card. -Mutter-)

But hey, it’s worth the lopev.

Oh right, it took me about….15 minutes to scratch that card off? I had no quarters at hand, so I resorted to tooth n’ nail.

But simple games like Maple can really bring out humor (stupid as it is.) Oh yezz. DaggerAlloy in that screenie, to the left of my shexiness. That’s our very own Wayne. – and my Spirit Brother. (No really, he’s asian, plays handball, enjoys laughing at the short -Cough- ‘Liyah -Cough-, procrastinates, etc, etc.) oh. and mebbe mah shex buddy. Because Spiritual Incest is all the rage.

Try it kids, it’ll make you feel like a cool kid.

I have yet to lose faith and end my life in the World.

Of Warcraft.

It’s still a great game for strategy lovers, along with Warcraft III, the Frozen Throne. (Starcraft II is coming out -Girlish squeal) I’ve been starting an array of new characters, trying to do new things all too fast. My most recent character was made over a clan joke, and alongside my DotA pal, Jason. His Dwarf Paladin was dubbed “DirtyNutSack” and my Gnome Warlock “MagicNutSack”. Oh, sure, it’s childish. But it breaks tension. “HEAL ME, DIRTYNUTSACK, HEAL ME HEAL ME” was screamed over Ventrilo and ensued massive laughter. Hard to believe how immature 17-22 year olds can be.

But before this mystical lil’ NutSack, I created FallenBane, a Draenei Hunter, and found the pure insanely speed of being a Hunter. Your damage being smashed in with your pet’s at a blazing speed can bring down tough-ol’ Warriors in a flash.

Zooming foward just a teensy bit more, to the Halloween event. It wasn’t like Maple, just swarming over newb territory for candies. It was going to an Inn every 60 minutes and rejoicing at the treat (or trick) you recieved. You could even get little things that temporarily changed appearance. (For like, 45 minutes? I forget) So I ventured around with my good ol’ WoW buddy Denny, partying here and there, finished one quest where you got a celebration in your honor. I uh. . .went a little overboard on my honor. Stupid Denny tried taking over my ceremony, so of course, I retaliated.

I also got some really pimpin’ moments. What can I say? The ladies let me work it. >P

But the costumes, oh man were they awesome. I was still killin’ and rockin’ with ’em on.

My Human Pirate costume bestowed fear in all things non-piratey. Arr.

I turned Denny into a Skeleton. He retaliated by wisp-ifying my Draenei arse.

Cracking jokes while in leper gnome form. However, we also encountered a number of annoying quests. This miner-dude ignored all large stone behemoth-thingies, leaving Denny and I trying to aggro them off him. So, so annoying.

In the form of an Undead Pirate, and Denny still in his Skeletal form, we wiped out DarkShore’s murloc problem. We ended Halloween with a bang-rockin’ out the last of our costumes.

We were back to being Draenei the very next day.

My Warcraft III Clan, AzG (Azeroth’s Guard) had a couple of WoW players, namely our Chieftan, Tural. (He’s an ex-marine or something, so we all make jokes about him ripping down walls if he loses a DotA game. Strangely, I’ve never seen him the slightest bit ticked off. Possibly because one of us has yet to beat him in a game) I started, with my friend Jason, on the server Ursin. Being a Warlock was a little tough, but worth the cool summoning quest, to get my Voidwalker.

I also encountered the Crazy Cat Lady. . .with a knife.]


I simply love the drawing tool. It allows crazy stuff to be drawn out in a totally awesome style. It’s just stuff that, well, draws things out. Stuff like explaining how the ZERG are the best SC race.

Well boys and girls, I’m off, to the wonderful World.

Of Warcraft.

-The Pandalicious Panda

P.S A Happy Gobble-Gobble-Day to all. =3

6 thoughts on “Flying in With A Woosh”

  1. Umm, I urge you to stop using imageshack and use

    (Or photobucket if you’re not lazy enough to make an account)

  2. No, Photobucket, Muffin.

    And, uh, long time no see, Panda. Why do you keep dissapearing on me? D:


    of course dresses are comfy! >=O to amke up for the torture devices we wear everyday

    uhm .__. *cough*

    dont crossdress u tranny >=O


  4. @Muffin: I know, but I’m too lazy to make the switch. >_>

    @Ganzicus: Lawl. Get it, dude, next to no bugs/glitches

    @MasterCheeze: I don’t want to take care of the baby. D:

    @Dee: It was Halloween. >P And I was later stuffed with paper, so it looked like I had a chest, but DANG that HURT.

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