It’s early in the morning, I’m tired, I have school in a couple of hours, I’m hungry, and this blog didn’t go through 4 times-and I dunno why I didn’t copy and paste. Excuse the NOW shoddy quality.
Quit Maplstory. It’s mediocre, it’s boring, I’m through with it.
So, after quitting the private server I recruited Ganz to. (StonedRaiders)
After watching “Balls of Fury”-or, as the ticket read, “BALLS OF FUR” with a couple of friends, I emptied out my stash getting WoW stuff. So worth it. The Original WoW, a 60-Day game card, and the Burning Crusade Expansion pack. Suh-weet. And from here on out, I’ll easily be able to afford the 30$ every 60 Days-I’m getting an extra tutoring job for younger kids. Simple, easy, quick cash.
Anyway, you guys-really, just check the 10-day trial out (Join the horde, the Alliance is full of 9-year olds just wandering around pathetically) If you don’t like it, that’s that. If you do, think about whether or not you can pay for it (You don’t need credit cards, simply keeping your account alive with Game Cards works)
I mean, WoW isn’t your average slash and blast game-there’s so much strategy and reflexes involved, especially in a PvP situation, where moving can interrupt spellcasting. Seriously. If you’re looking for something to test your intelligence level, WoW’s the thing.
BattleGrounds especially-Warsong Gulch is a capture the flag style game-and hard as hell.
I’m currently a level 18 Blood Elf Frost Mage-happy to kick ass-well, freeze and blast.
Well, most of you are probably bored by now-don’t worry, I’ve got colorful screenies coming up.
Met Aliyah and her UBER-AWESOME friend Ahsan on Ventrilo-voice gives a lot more life to gaming, more that text. =]
Been chatting alot with Rya (MikuniZer0) on AIM. She’s the awesome-est living goddess of fire to exist. Worship her.
Ganz is my secks slavez. D: (Admit it.)
Rick’s currently in a family crisis, it’s why he hasn’t been blogging.
A certain member of MMOTales didn’t know whether or not Australia was a part of Europe. Won’t mention his/her name.
(Private Server, Excuse the cursing)
link – Gonna miss that lightsaber.
link – Yes, you can get drunk in WoW-your screen blurs.
link – How Ganz and I greeted each other.
link – Suicide, baby.
link – Lawl.
(Actual Game)
link – Ganz, you’re missing out on crap like this.
link – I swear I’m wearing it cause of the stats.
link – Trying to find a spider queen boss with my best friend, Denny. >_>;;
link – Mobbing gone bad.
-Top 3-Denny’s method of containing the undead.
link – Silly Huntress, you can’t kill a panda.
link – Denny killed her on the ship ropes. Lawl.
Well, off to get my 4 hours of sleep. Seeya guys later.
Looks kinda I ‘unno. I thought WoW had a lot more crap on the screen. I’m kinda dissapointed by how clean it is. =/
How was Balls of Fury? I wanna watch that and SuperBad.
rofl D:
Warning, explicit language in the screenies. XD
Ventrilo! >=O
Will play WoW when I can get a job.
In 4 more years. >D
Wait, I’ve got them Ns thing. . .ok 9 more years to WOW!
I wanna see balls of fury
How was Balls of Fury? I wanna watch that and SuperBad.
Wow, WoW is like wow!
Yay, Lunarpanda made a blog!
It’s a shame you left MS before Pandaland came out!
~LaZzz. . .
Ahahaa! Ventrilo moments <3 Laughing insanely at the MOST POINTLESS things everrr! LMAO! Just the BESTEST ever XD
And lovely WoW stuff :]
And that Australia thing, DUDE WHY! LOL! I LAUGHED SO HARD when I saw you put that there!
The Dragon.
Those scenes were PRICELESS.