Blarg can change! Blarg mean it!

This whole week has been anti-Panda to me.

All my projects are gonna be turned in late and everything and I’m missing like.. one gerjillion Homeworks.
God I wish I could bring out the essence of homework, look it right in the eye, reason with it.
Then stab it.
Well, I guess life can’t always be perfect, asides from the fact that I got 3 free mokbi yesterday and a 10% Overall DEX for 300k.
And a shiny, spanking set of tobi.
Oh wait-wha-what was this blog about?
*Reads Title*
Oh yes, I am adapting myself to ‘Blarg’ The Unholy Cretin of Insatible DOOM
And retard-ation
Blarg think Amoria stupid, Blarg thought was good at first, finding marriage and stufforz, but now Blarg see you need NX cash, and Blarg mad.
Blarg smash Nexon with Hammer of Flamer
291 ATK, 500 LUK, 50 STR, 500 DEX, 50 INT, 999999 MP+HP, 0 slots
And shiny flaming effects.
Blarg spent day trying PQ.
Ailshar no strong against Blarg.

Oh no!

Blarg think it noob pwning time.

Lion+Refresher Orb+Agiham+Eul’s+BoT+Necromonian=*Drool*

5 thoughts on “Blarg can change! Blarg mean it!”

  1. Lmao Krog & Waffle~

    Aw Panda, sorry you had such a sucky day, hopefully tomorrow is better. I’m not real keen on the marriage thing either, I knew it’d probably cost with NX though, since the crush rings do. But now. . . dear god, we have people spamming for wives now instead of just gfs. It’s really sad (-_-).

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