A little diversity in Maple?

Well folks, I’m bored of most Maple Classes, the skills are far too generic and boring, classes have stayed the same.
It’s time for something new.
Implement your own Class/Spell Ideas
(Yes, I’ve been hanging around the DotA Hero/Spell Idea Board too much)

[Gravity Wizard]
[2nd Job]

[Info: You know]

[MP Eater]
[Info: You know]

[Info: You know]

[Gravitational Toss]
[Info: The Gravity Wizard hurls monsters around, damaging them and having a small stun chance (AoE* would be Lightling’s Range)
[PushBack Range: 65]

{LV.1} [MP-30] [2 Monsters], [Base Damage 5] [Stun Chance 10%] [Mastery: 15%]
{LV.15} [MP-30] [4 Monsters] [Base Damage 35] [Stun Chance 15%] [Mastery: 35%]
{LV.30 [MP-60] [6 Monsters] [Base Damage 65] [Stun Chance 15%] [Mastery:60%]

*AoE=Area of Effect
Notes: Basic mob control with stun, animation of monsters getting thrown back.


[Weight of Gravity]
[Master Level:20]
[Concentrating on certain monsters, the Gravity Wizard intensifies the Gravity on them, pulling it down to slow the creatures, causing growing intense pain]
[Targets 6 Monsters]

[Lv.1] [MP-45] [Speed -5 for 10 Seconds] [Base Damage: 5] [Damage Increases by 25% each Second]
[Lv.10] [MP-45] [Speed -20 for 20 seconds] [Base Damage 10] [Damage Increases by 40% each Second]
[Lv.20] [MP-90] [Speed -40 for 20 seconds] [Base Damage 10] [Damage Increases by 45% each Second]

Devastating Move, but at a high Mana Cost, this is an extremely powerful skill if used properly
Animation, just a little 1 Ton Icon over the Monster’s head

[Reverse Gravity]
[Master Level: 20]
[Info: The Gravity Wizard Begins to lessen the Gravity, so that all party members move faster, jump higher, and attack faster]

[Lv.1] {MP-15} {Speed+1 Jump+0.5} {Attack Faster} [10 Seconds]
[Lv.10] {MP-15} [Speed +10 Jump+5} [Attack Faster] [100 Seconds]
[Lv.20] [MP-30] [Speed+20 Jump+10] [Attack Faster] [300 Seconds]

Mage Haste 😀 Kewlical. And faster attack, which STACKS with boosters, so you can get a sin firing like heck! 😀
Well folks., that’s it for today, I’ll make more if I have time >.>

6 thoughts on “A little diversity in Maple?”

  1. Yah, it would be awesome if there were a lot more classes. I mean c’mon! There’s not even an earth/wind mage. >.> Those would be cool.


  2. Broken, way too broken.

    Anyway, you can’t just add a class. Everyone will make a new character to see what its like, and it will mess up the game if you think about it.

  3. A lot of people are going to be reported for vac hacking when the noobs are released every advertising season.

  4. @EpicTales&Verboes: Well, of course there are a lot of bad things, I mean, most games release betas when adding some new weapons, or they have their little CIA comp labs >.>
    Just, it’s kind of boring. Sticking to the same class, for 120 levels, doing pretty much the same spells.
    I mean, Hermit 4th Job=TripleShot. Wow. How flugging original. Triple Shot.
    And besides, if anyone Vac Hacks, get a Reverse Gravitied Hermit, and see if they can Out-KS that.
    Or a Spearman 😀
    @Ganzicus: That was what I was going for xD

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