OOOH!! WARNING! This is gonna be a pretty long blog I think~
HELLO! HI! Yeah, I’m surprised I’m writing another blog sooo soon! But anyway, YEAH! Well, where to start…the day started out well so far, in fact…GREAT! My friend, Strawberry (GGitzAly) gave me a silver snowboard and scrolled some stuff for me which was really nice of her!
Yeah, I think that was a bad start but AH WELL! I’m terrible at writing up a good blog format~ Eeeek! Have to stay on subject…subject…!
ANYWAY, the day was really nice! While I was hanging out it mardia, I found a super cool group of people to hang out with earlier in kerning and there was just tons of talking and fun! After that, strawberry came to party with me and she later took me and another person to pig beach to train a bit~
Then, we hung out in lith and talked alot, scrolled items~ It was nice! Now before I continue on, I’m gonna tell all the happy parts that happened then tell the sad ones,NO!!
Also, the sad part will be out of order!
After strawberry had poofed and disappeared for a bit, I decided to go play in bera a bit! *fast forward past the sad part*
Ok, this is going to be hard to type about what happened after since…yeah! D: OK! I’m gonna try typing this!
After shorty (Shtory) found out about what happened, he cheered me up by taking me to amoria to buy me a dress! YAY! He bought me a red one (my favorite color!), which was so nice!!
THANKS again shorty when you read this blog!
YEAH, he was trying to make me feel better after that *dun dun dun*, sad part. AND, we even got to go see zombie mushmom for an exploration quest! It was really FUN and we found a bow attack scroll!
Along with a poisonous mushroom! :3 He suggested we go exploring, hehe!
He also let me borrow his little pig headband earlier in the sauna at sleepy.
AND that sums up about all the happy moments of today!
NOW, to begin…the sad parts…. D:
OK! Let’s rewind back to playing in bera for a bit! *presses rewind button*
Here we are! Ah, now how to begin? OK, I don’t know how to begin so I’ll type randomly! >:3
After talking a bit and hanging out in orbis, something in my guild chat came up about…dun dun dun, hacking one former guild member’s account. Yeah, I was surprised, SCARED! I negotiated with them for a bit telling them they shouldn’t try to hack her!
OK, wait~ STOP! Need to fill in the details! D: One of the guild members, was a best friend of the former guild member. So the plan would be to get her ID and then someone else would try to hack her. D: Yeah, it’s awful and the reason why they were planning to hack her is…
I guess she cheated on one of her former bfs, the second time so I heard! And the guild leader happened to hate her since…yeah can’t tell those details. They however were angry at how she cheated on her former bf, but then again…she has alot of bfs now and then so…they wanted to hack her so guys would stop wasting their money on her.
*takes a breath* Yeah, that was alot to type, hehe. OK, now to continue! So eventually, she came on and I only warned her of not giving out her pass and ID. I thought it was going to save her at first and it did…until she told her ‘best friend’ about what I said.
That’s where everything bad began to happen! Someone kept on dropping and raising my rank over and over and with that happening…I knew I was caught. D’: So…I quickly said after awhile, “uwa…I’m sorry~” and logged off. Yeah, I gave a really bad apology up there…but I was too depressed then I suppose. D: My friend though however was still in the guild and later told me she was expelled.
Along with 2 of my other friends who I knew in real life and…one of my friend’s friends too. I now feel awful for getting them expelled since they knew me (at least I think that’s how they got expelled, sorry for false assumptions).
I’m really sorry Kunagami, Torragirl, Posie, and SwiftyChono~ I hope you guys get to read this blog~ D:
The saddest part for me though is…I was expelled too but that’s not it. I had been in that guild ever since I nearly started maplestory. It was the first and only guild I had ever known. I stayed with it through it’s emotional times, and even when it got it’s logo from my friend Vince (STILL MISS YOU!) who donated money~
I really will miss DarkJutsu though…but as that famous saying goes: All good things must come to an end.
Completely true, but sometimes, that can be changed.
Now, I hope that I will possibly be invited back to DarkJutsu but ever since I ruined their plan, I think I’m going to be shunned for awhile~ D: Besides that, I have a lovable guild in Mardia called…Conspiracy!!! They’re the best right now and all my buddies there along with the ones in bera too! :3
AND now, the sad part is done with! *phew* That was alot to type!!
ANYWAY, thanks for reading and…*can’t think of anything else to say* OH YEAH! EAT UDON!!
Pic 1: An old pic in the fm with DarkJutsu.
Pic 2: Just talking with shorty and bach in a chat~ :3 (buddies from mardia!)
Pic 3: Strawberry was showing me her lvl 80 set! (buddy from mardia too!)
Pic 4: Shorty with a moustache!
Pic 5: Just a pic of the people online in Conspiracy~
EDIT: if any of you happen to read this blog again, just wanted to say that darkjutsu revinvited me back in yesterday! :[) but things are just a bit shaky now since alot of msea people just joined and my friends are still gone~ oooh, well you can forget all that stuff above (too lazy to erase it I guess, hehe~) but now my friends are back except for 1 who decided to leave and the msea people have been booted! plus, I’m having a great time with my guild now, seems all things are solve!
“We wanna say,
Farewell to this state,
All love normally,
It’s all full of hate.” ~Supergene
Oh, sorry. Nobody’s heard of them. Anyway, sorry about the guild problems.
I hate when stuff like that happens. And I don’t think blog format is a HUGE issue. Mine get all over the place sometimes.
Pokiball go ? BRAINWASHED . XD
I hate guild drama. >>
Sometimes, having a guild is like waiting for a bomb to explode in your lap. Fun and exciting to have it there, but the fallout is not amusing.
And it’s damned if you told, and damned if you didn’t. I think you did right to warn the girl; good for you.
And ‘Grats on getting back to the guild.
aw, heehe, thanks silver!
and yeah, I don’t like it when it happens either frecce~ was my first time experiencing that but ah well! XD
YEAH! bach was brainwashed repty! XD also, sorry for commenting really late!
Log on more, we miss you!
Lmao XD First off thanks for reading meh blog ^^ I thought no one would read it O.o. Anywho, wow’s I never thought that kind of mess could happen since it looks so confusuing O.o. But I’m glad everything got fixed! ^^ I mean wowwwwww O.o But anywho, omgzers you play Bera! XD I plays Bera <P. Me name is Mizumichan54 if you’re interested in a chat and also; I really like how you told the story XD. I actually could imagine someone talking really really fast and stuff ^^. Good night! :3