Good or bad day? I’ll let you decide

Today, I found out, that I don’t have Chinese class on Friday and Saturday!!! WOOOT!!! Yea, as you might be able to guess, my Chinese classes aren’t the best. Their on Fridays and Saturdays for like 3 hours each day…in a row…without any breaks…with crazy Chinese screaming teachers…in a dungeon…

MMO Related
All right, so last night I logged on to MS as my cleric and died. No. seriously. thats what happened. I logged on and died from some Crimson Balrog that someone summoned. It also didn’t help the fact that I was at like 95% at the time…So then I decided to go to Ellinia and try to finish Rowen’s quest without getting bored. But guess what happened…yes I did get bored…but not that quickly, because I was partying with some level 51 bandit or something and he helped me get all the to like 97% then he had to go. But the first zombie lupin that I killed dropped a rower with 4 weapon atk above average. In that same mob, another zombie lupin dropped a black jangoon armor. So I started thinking that my luck had turned around…until I tried scrolling a work glove with 60%’s out of which none worked…

The best thing that happened was that I found a set of Ilbis…I’m not joking…it was like two in the morning and every channel was empty so I waited…and waited…and waited…by the way, two of my guild members and a couple friends of mine were there also, to see me level. Well…the mushmom spawned, one of my friends died, I soloed it…then….BAM…ILIBIS!!!!! And I leveled. But thats not the point.

11 thoughts on “Good or bad day? I’ll let you decide”

  1. Meh screw the ilbis I don’t need no ilbis, I need a heaven forsaken rower! -steals-
    Oh wait, 4 above is 71… or something… and mine is 78 scrolled… yeah, yours would probably be better once scrolled.

  2. gujju said: ” You have no pen`is

    Thats the only chinese i know. And i know i didnt even spell or say it right XD”

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