whee, got my page to lvl 67. Yay <3 3 more lvls til sexy white knight. I’m really excited because I want to make it to knight, one because elemental attacks = gasm, the other because my now ex-friend ( the one I deleted from previous blog ) NEVER believed I could do it. IN. HIS.FACE. >D *spiteful b**ch mode* Plus DBs are awesome swords, and I want to wield mine. And new nx, going to get trans hat, red sailor skirt and old school uniform top, along with getting a new pair of metal shades since the ones I have now expire on wensday. I really wanted this other outfit I made up, but it’s exactly 1800 nx over what I have. Stupid Nexon should put the stuff I want on sale
Ok, so other blogage stuff: I’ve been getting kinda irritated lately on loaning/selling friends items. First matter, I loaned a friend a 101/7 db for his 3rd job advance, which lead to him wheedling me into selling it to him, for which he hasn’t paid me anything. Joy. So I’m buying my boyfriends 101/7 ( same exact stats and scrolling, lolwut ), and owe him 30mil. Which I have 33mil, but 3mil for training = not going to cut it, so he’s being a sweetie and letting me pay him when I get paid.
Second, I sold my 95/7 sparta ( I’m using a 91/3/1 daiwa in its place, not as good attack, but eh ) to a friend for 42mil, who claimed 50mil was WAY to high for it ( my asking price ). He then promptly turned around and sold it for SIXTY MIL. Yay, let’s rip off Lei because she was nice enough to knock off 8mil of her asking price for a friend.
Next thing, I sold a friend my 101/7 dt from my cb for 100mil a while back, and recently he decided he was bored of his cb, and sold it for 150mil to someone else. The only reason I sold it to him was because he was a friend, and I trusted him with it. This new person could hack for all I know and end up getting it banned. This one doesn’t bother me much, but still, I cut a deal for a friend and then they go and profit from it, it irritated me a little.
And another, I ended up being guilted into loaning a friend my 108/7 DS ( devils sunrise ) because when I got it I said I’d consider loaning it to him at 90, not FOR SURE loaning it, but I would consider it. When I said I was having doubts because of the DB ( see above ), he basically guilted me into feeling like a jerk for not loaning it to him. So if he doesn’t give it back, there’ll be hell to pay. His brother says if he won’t give it back, he’ll get on the account and give it to me, so I suppose I don’t have too much to worry about. Yes, I’m a friggin doormat, I realize this.
All of this loaning to friends and buying my helm makes my friends think I’m so friggin rich, that if they don’t pay me back, it won’t matter. WHAT THE HELL. You borrow money or items from me, it’s a LOAN, not a GIFT. If it was a GIFT, I wouldn’t be asking when you’re going to PAY ME BACK/GIVE MY ITEM BACK. I have 33mil right now, and 30 of it is owed to my boyfriend. Once I finally get the money from my friend I sold the DB to ( if he EVER pays me back ) I’ll have about 50mil roughly, including some stuff I need to sell. It’s not OMG SO MUCH MESO rich, I have a friend who literally has over 5BIL, but it’s enough to keep me going and get a well scrolled HG at 80. But yea, people thinking just because I have money means they can just brush off paying me back are irritating me too.
More stuff. My helm run was supposed to be this saturday, but because of the server check wensday evening, the two buyers in front of me didn’t get their helms, so now I go wensday to get my helm. I’m really hoping I won’t die or dc, and that I’ll get average stats at least. Above average dex and str would be great though, I’m not going to lie and say I’m not hoping to get the best str and dex out there, but chances of me getting it are probably slim. As long as it’s not like…13 dex, 13str, 17int, 17luk, I’ll be happy
and I think I’m done rambling.
Honestly. >>; You’re richer than most, at least. XD
Oh well, good luck in getting your items back, and in getting your helm!
You and your richness. Donate some money to da poor people. T-T
eh, I know I am, but still, that doesn’t give my friends the right to use me as a charity
I’m richer than most because I worked hard on my cb to get money, and now using it for my page. And thanks, I need the luck =S
WK > PAGE. I want knighthood now >O
poor people can work like me to get meso >_> *scrooge*
:3 Hai sissy~ Good luck hitting WK!
*kicks seph* I already gave you your whole lvl 50 armors/claw and tobis >O GET HERMIT ALREADY NUBCAKES <3
Arr. D: