Yea, my connection, or rather my wireless modem died, so I’ve been without nets for *gasp* 2 whole days! AND I SURVIVED! *clings to beautiful laptop* I ended up watching Click and RV to pass the time, but surprisingly, I wasn’t dying from maple withdrawl. I wondered what my friends were doing but that was pretty much it. I had my finals the other day, so I’m clear from school til the 12th of January, and then I only have classes monday and wensday, and just ONE on friday No more 5hr gap between my classes~ Plus, it’s only 2 days a week really, the class on friday is an hour long, so I’m only there for a little bit, which is nice.
Anyways, no maple update yet, since I’ve been off it since wensday night, I haven’t actually been on for a long time ( over an hour ) since tuesday really. Guess I’m not as addicted as I thought XD I was a little bored because daytime tv = suck, but I was able to find click and rv on the counter to pass time while I was nets less.