O.M.G. I went on my helm run today, and guess what happened? I LAGGED OUT RIGHT AS THEY WERE SUMMONING. So I’m TICKED OFF. I saw it coming and was begging for it not to lag me out, and it did. So now I’m super p*ssed because I was so excited to get my helm tonight, and now I have to wait even LONGER. THIS SUCKS.
12 thoughts on “I hate LAG”
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I’m sorry.

Things will work out.
-free hug-
Hooray. So you lagged out of a Zakum run. It’s not the Apocalypse. There are always other Zakum runs. This just delays your getting the helmet.
If it is the end of the world for you, I suggest taking a break from Maple, perhaps the computer entirely.
Don’t we all.
And you were sure you would get a helm, because?
I know I’ll get the helm, but this is the second time my runs been put off, once because of the server check, and now because of the lag
Warriors don’t die easy, and I’ve survived crogs before, or at least til they lightning. It’s basically the same thing damage to hp is, since I have 4k hp without hb, and crogs do 2k damage, zak does 3k, and I have 6k with HB. It’s not the end of the world, but just because it happened doesn’t mean I can’t be ticked off at my comp? I’ve never had lag problems before, ever, either ~_~
Calm down.
The helm is ugly anyway.
What NeverAgain said.
Yah, you should take a break from maple.
I took a month break from the internet, and now I aren’t so as ‘ddicted as I wuz befozles
Nice as the helm is, I feel that the zakum helmet is a symbol of hack defined as the media.
And that is why I don’t have one.
Only an opinion.
>< Awful.
My computer always picks the best times to lag too. Like, when I was expounding the muffin theory to my old guild, then WHAM I get DC-ed.
Who says computers aren’t independent thinker thingoes. They’re probably only just biding their time. >>;
@ SilverFx: I laughed so hard on that last line.
And ya, DCing is annoying, but if it’s really that big a deal then yu should try a few days off. Like me, I’ve been writing a short fiction (which is going down hill sadly) and haven’t been on maple in a few days. I think it does good.
Lag sucks in all games.
Imagine you being in a meat factory, gunning down terrorists left, right and centre and you DC when you almost got them all.
The next thing you know, the game is corrupted. ><
I don’t want to calm down >O But whatever, I’m over it now. I was just ticked off because I had waited so long and I was so excited, and then WHAM! Black screen
I ended up going and messing with my friends in FM after that and it was a lot of fun.
And wow, I rant like, not even 1 minute after I dc, when I’m the MOST ticked off and everyone says “GTF OUT MAPLE U ADDICT” ~_~ I’m not allowed to be ticked off or something? If you read through my other blogs you’d see I get heated up over something then within the next 5 minutes I’m over it
Do not hate lag! What has lag ever done to you!? ):
~Make love, not war