Geta and Mass Defame?

Ok, so I finally got my geta, yay, 81 attack and 5luk, so pretty decent IMO. I was happy when I got it, now all I need to do is get to lvl 60, I’ve been lazy lately and I’m still at lvl 57 and 92%. Other than that, I keep gtting randomly defamed by low lvls, for no reason at all. Two examples, I went afk on the boat to ellenia, came back, saw some mage that was spamming trade requests at me before I went afk had defamed me, then today I fell down to the storage to put some meso in, got defamed by a warrior who immediately left the game after defaming me. WTH DID I DO?! D< I haven’t ksed anyone, defamed anyone, or done ANYTHING to warrant random defames. Ugh, people bug me sometimes, but as long as I have over 20 fame for my dark armors I’ll live with it. Anyway, all for now, time to get to lvl 58 -_-

2 thoughts on “Geta and Mass Defame?”

  1. Why is it that your mind warrants the actions of others? That what you find right is right for all men? Right and wrong are but names very much transferable between this and that. The only good is what is after a man’s constitution. The only wrong is what is against it. Why then is what you think correct correct from the defamer. You could not possibly have the insite of the defamer. There could very well be a reason he chose to defame you, and for that he has every right. You are nobody to question the integrety of another, and for that you should be ashamed to respond so belligerently.

  2. Oh, I’m SO sorry, I didn’t realize going afk/jumping down from a ledge to store my items might irritate someone to the point of defaming, I’ll think twice before I do =/ I KNOW they have the right to defame me if they want, I’m not stupid, I’m simply saying there WAS NO REASON for it. I only use my defames for people who DESERVE it, same as my fames. And your reply seems to be questioning MY integrity and rights to ask WHY I was defamed, so don’t act all high and mighty please, it’s rather annoying.

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