Ok, so lately, I’ve been on my page a lot, and I’ve been seriously considering retiring my cb. SO, I want opinions. My cb is lvl 89 and 20%, should I get her to 90 before retiring, retire now, or keep training her? Page is lvl 41, 0%, but SO much fun. I think the reason I’m having doubts about this is because the majority of my friends are all 3rd job+, one is even lvl 120. So if I did retire my cb, I’d have to upgrade my pages’ blist to 50, and tell all of them delete my cb off the list and add my page. Blargh ~_~ I just don’t know which one to pick.
7 thoughts on “Cb….Or Page?”
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erm, what? o_o I never use forums here ._.;
Wow your in Bera, can I buddy you?
I hope you’re nice to people.
If I get an upgrade, sure XD my page only has a 20 member blist, my cb is fully upgraded to 50, but I deleted some due to inactivity.
Go with whichever one you like, but I think you’ll choose page since you like it more. You can still party and have fun with your friends on your CB though. Buddy hott1e/cut1e if you wish xD I can let you leech or something =P
Just train with your friends on your CB. Maybe go for a Zakum run?
Trainin with friends makes MS so much more fun.
If I were you, I would keep going on the CB. Level 90 is pretty rare.
-=The Nazgul=-