Maple story, Adventures! Episode 1.
Writhen by: Leifgreen.
Once a LONG time ago on Maple Island, The island reserved for noob’s of Maple story, Was
Two guys: A to be Warrior: Henry, and a to be Magician: Bob.
They where looking forward to becoming the new known players in hopes of becoming famous.
But they don’t know, Noob’s can’t fame you, And They where both only, Level 1. ^.^”
Episode: 01!
Hungry, Hungry Noob’s.
The sun showed faintly over a huge hill, with a pond atop it.
The inhabitance of Maple Island were carrying on with there everyday lives.
Henry was talking to Rain of Maple town in Maple Island, When Bob steps up.
“I did it!” He yells with a Snail shell in his hand.
“I, Bob, Bravely, Killed a Snail, and wiped his pathetic life from Maple Island!”
Henry turned around and put on his, Just bought, Orange Pants even though he looked
Dumb in them.
“AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!” yell’s Bob.
“That’s worth all our mesos!” He said.
“So?” Replied Henry.
“And you don’t even look good in em!”
“So?” He replied.
“I’m Mad at you Henry!” Yelled Bob and he threw the shell at him.
Henry caught it and sold it.
He also threw the Mesos at Bob’s lap, and Bob caught it.
“Well that settles that!” Bob said with a dumb grin on his face, and pulled out a lemon,
And ate it.
“How did you get that lemon?” asked Henry.
Bob was smacking from chewing on the lemon and raised his head in anger and said:
“Killing a snail!”
“EWW!” yells Henry.
“Did you wash it?”
Bob stopped chewing and looked at the lemon, Then spit it out.
“GREAT! Now I’m hungry! He Yells.
Henry looks around and sees someone giving out food.
“FOOD!” They yelled, while running towards the man.
“WAIT!” The man said.
“You want some of this food?” He asked.
Bob was shaking his head in agreement, drooling with Lemon all over his lips.
“Whelp, you’re going to haft to work for it!” He said.
“But the best things in life are free!” yelled Bob.
“Then I guess this Meet pie, full of mouth watering cheese is no good to you. Oh-well!”
Bob wiped off the lemon on his face in frustration and Henry asked:
“What do you wont us to do?”
The strange little man turned his head slowly to them with a grin on his face.
“Catch me some, Mouth watering fish!” The little man cried.
“Hold up.” said Bob slowly.
“Cant we just cook the fish we catch?”
The little man started to laugh, and soon after, so did Hennery.
“Shut up!” Whispered bob, Hitting Henry on head.
“You can’t fish without these FISHING ROD’S!” Cried the man, Handing them two fishing rods.
“Who knows?” Cried Bob with an angry face.
“We May Steal em!”
Henry quickly poked Bob on the shoulder, pointing at a GM.
They all stood in silence, Evilly staring at the GM.
“Uh, G-good day, uh, Ey?” Asked the GM, Slowly walking away.
“Now back to business!” Cried Bob,
“There are no ponds around here! Why bother!?”
The little man pointed over a huge hill, Just behind them.
“Over that hill lies, “Carp’e carps!”
“We best get started” Said Henry as he starts up the hill.
“Good luck you two!” The man cried, pulling out some Carp’e carp on a stick-
And eating them.
“Yum! Good stuff!” He cried. “Fresh, just caught, Carp’e carp!”
~Later on the big hill~
“Why are we doing this!?” Bob yelled.
“For the warm, and nice feeling you get in your heart!”
Bob turned his head away from Henry in anger.
“Well I’m feeling something alright! Feeling hungry!” He cried.
The snails behind them where poking them with the there eye’s, Soon resulting in a mass of blacked eye Snails.
“Hay Bob!” Cried Henry. “I think I caught something!”
“Seriously!?” Bob cried letting go of his fishing rod.
They both stand there pulling on the pole, as Bob see a giant vortex in the water.
There pole’s hook was connected to a sinking boat!
“AIEE!” Cried Bob.
“Let the pole go!”
“How come?” asked Henry with the noise of the Vortex getting louder.
“Can you not SEE IT!?” cried Bob closing his eyes in great fear of being pulled in.
“The vortex? Ya, I know about it.”
“Then let go!” Bob screamed.
“Err…..I did.” Henry said while munching on a bag of chips.
Bob slowly opened his eyes and Sal his shirt was caught on the line.
“Where did you get the bag of chips!?” yelled Bob.
“I got em when I bought these pants.”
“I’m going to-“
Bob was quickly dragged on the ground with dirt building up in his mouth.
“Help me!” He cried.
“I got ya!” Henry cried as he looked up to see he only had Bob’s shoe in his hand.
He quickly looked up to see Bob still being dragged, VERY close to the pond.
“OH, Crap!” He yelled as he was being pulled into the vortex, And his head smashing into the boat.
“I have your shoes!” cried Henry as he jumped into the water.
“I’ll get ya! I’ll get ya!” He shouted as his shirt got caught on the boat.
“I had a good time on this simple ten minutes here on Maple Island. Said Bob crying.
“Your shoes have bubble gum on them!” said Henry, which Bob could barely here him from the vortex.
“No they don’t!” Yelled Bob with his shoes shining clean and Henry chewing on……..Err, something.
They quickly were both sunk into the “So called POND.” With nothing but bubbles coming up.
NEXT TIME: The under water world of: Drop’s.
Hope you don’t haft to wait to long! Or a Hobo might blow up your yachts! (If that’s how you spell it……..-_-“)
Also check out:
Maple story Virus code: Elements.
Pirates of the Maple Leif. Book 1. (Comic.)
Maple story news. (Coming soon.)
Arthers quote:
My batterys died some time ago!
Iv’e got a heart shaped box where they must go!
Curosion building everyday!
My feelings leaving me astray,
That’s why I started to decay,
And I will suddenly rot away,
But I cant feel that any way,
This says: it wonts to beat these lunges, They wont to breath!
But these eyes they wont to sing:
Shout all that wonts to sing!
Desperation! Meaning you!
Every last breath I scream for you!
Shatter me! Into a million picece’s!
Crush me! Down me! Breake me, Mold me!
Make me what you wont me to be!
I am your’s! I belong to you!
So take me! Replace me with you!
Err, The “Picture” Messed up some how, Guess I’ll make it a bit map image next time. Oh-well.
umm sorry but I dont really get itO_O
not sayin it sucks cause my sotries aren;t that great either
I’s not supost to make scence! LOL, It’s only ment to make you chukle a little. (I’m not a comidec expert, I’m better at serious stuff.) BUT I LIKE FUNNY ALSO!