Bacon’s arrival to MapleStory.

‘Tis Leifgreen here, and a happy day it’s been! I’m progressing greatly in my Not-so-fan-fiction-y book, (That wasn’t a joke, I talk like that all the time in the real world @_@” ) and I had a Chef boyar- never mind the name, it was a good pizza!

After school, I tend to work on the many vidoes I have put in my computer.
I put spechil attention on a spesific video, a video I can achually put here without fear of banning! T.T”

[h]This blog contains a real conversation. If any of you think it was made by me, Leifgreen, you’re muchly wrong! Me and my good friend B radd, together disscused my video by AOL IM. I never lie. So know now, it wasn’t made intirely by me. ^_^ Thank you! ^_^[/h]

*Insert drum roll here…*

Intoduceing my first full length (And longest on my YouTube page ^_^ ) video of MapleStory!

Bacon’s arrival to MapleStory!

It’s a video of my buying and bye-bye-ing of my dear pet black Pig Bacon. T.T
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[h]Creater says:[/h]

The Letter box effect:
As you may have noticed, I have made almost every scene in a letter box view, or at best, tried. When you condence the MapleStory picture, it gives off a more vibrate look, and not the pixaly view you see on MapleStory. Doing this may effect the word bubbles, because they were small to begin with, but doing this new view, the image looks better, and it gives off the quality look you want to see.

In an atempt, I’ve extended every picture and gave it more then it needs. Doing this, lets you see more of the picture’s and MapleStory’s Vibrant and wonderfull back-grounds. it also squishes it down, thus fuseing the pixals, makeing them less persevable, and giveing a slite unique and bright look.

[h]Unique and well fit tunes:[/h]
I’ve put music into my videos that most of you may have never heard! And, for those of you that have parents that are cautious about what you listen too, (Like mine,) I’ve put music that holsters no ‘content’ what so ever.
And on the scences where most videos would go silent, Iv’e searched the internet and found “Windows Fun pack.”
This has a vast aray of sound effects, includeing: “Sparrows in woods, Breeze” and my favorite: “Rushing brook.”
I try to capture the surrounding sounds of the area, and fit music with the area as well, to prevent randomness, and Giveing you the perfect picture in your head of the surroundings, to make less questions and flameing(s).
All around, I take my time, and try to please the audiance.

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If I had some fancy cursive text, I would of put it here! Seeing as how I’m lacking it, I had to put up with this fancy cursive text. >.
[h]I apoligize is this part of my ubber-good blog is too long. I can’t help B radd is a long talker! o_O”[/h]

B raddical xX: LEIF!
Leifsmaplestory: *Sniffle* Yes?
B raddical xX: WHERE YA BEEEEENN?!
Leifsmaplestory: At teh docter. T.T”
B raddical xX: I haven’t talked to you in like 5 months! You been sick for 5 months?!
Leifsmaplestory: NOT SICK!
B raddical xX: o_O
Leifsmaplestory: I sorta, kinda, mabey, broke my good typeing arm.
B raddical xX: o_O Oh.
Leifsmaplestory: That’s why I’m typeing so slow. . . T.T”
B raddical xX: lol, and not on aim tooo much?
Leifsmaplestory: *Crys.*
B raddical xX: How’d you brake it?
Leifsmaplestory: I sorta, kinda, mabey, fell of of the chruch’s play ground equiptment.
B raddical xX: hahaha
Leifsmaplestory: People said I was too big for it. T.T
B raddical xX: lmao
Leifsmaplestory: My new friend, which I made by breaking my right arm, called me evil cunevil.
B raddical xX: lol?
Leifsmaplestory: Or however you spell it . . . T.T
B raddical xX: lol
Leifsmaplestory: *Crys more!*
B raddical xX: So.. Done with the video?
Leifsmaplestory: The video? No. But. . .
B raddical xX: TT
Leifsmaplestory: Looky here: link/user/Leifgreen
Leifsmaplestory: NEW VIDEO! ^_^
B raddical xX: But not our video.. TT
Leifsmaplestory: I know, I didn’t get a chance to get MapleStory. But your hidden in that video! ^_^
B raddical xX: You spelled black wrong. D;
Leifsmaplestory: I KNOW!
B raddical xX: lmao
Leifsmaplestory: It’s corrected at the end! T.T”
B raddical xX: you should have edited it. o+O
Leifsmaplestory: I didn’t want to. It was my Lazy day. T.T
B raddical xX: WHERE AM I?!
Leifsmaplestory: Your in a FLASH!
B raddical xX: o_O Where?
Leifsmaplestory: Keep watching!
B raddical xX: Tell me which minute
Leifsmaplestory: I kinda don’t know.
B raddical xX: .. Look NAO.
B raddical xX: Fpooned.. is that you?
Leifsmaplestory: When the singer starts laughing!
B raddical xX: I know that person from somewhere..
Leifsmaplestory: NO! That’s REALLY Fpooned! ^_^”
B raddical xX: Yeah I know but.
Leifsmaplestory: O_O”
B raddical xX: I’m sure I saw Fpooned somewhere.. Do you know fpooned?
Leifsmaplestory: Oh. Yes, yes I do.
B raddical xX: o_O what server is he on?
Leifsmaplestory: *Smiles proudly.*
B raddical xX: I’m at the credits..
Leifsmaplestory: KHAINI. Lik meh! ^_^
B raddical xX: and i don’t see me.
B raddical xX: TT
Leifsmaplestory: Your not in the credits, are you?
B raddical xX: Don’t think so
Leifsmaplestory: Hold on, I’m geting the minit your on. HOLD ON!! ^_^
B raddical xX: Yay.
Leifsmaplestory: ^_^.
Leifsmaplestory: On my Windows Media Player, it says your on minit 1:12. GO LOOK! ^_^”
B raddical xX: Woot.
Leifsmaplestory: Woot?
B raddical xX: Hm.. Is it the part when you’re in the cash shop?
Leifsmaplestory [9:24 P.M.]: Wjat? YES! ^_^
B raddical xX: Er.. where am i? o_O: I saw a random guy smiling with no clothes, and a pig with heart eyeballs.
Leifsmaplestory: Your picture flashes by REALLY fast! Watch closey.
B raddical xX: OMOGMOGMOGM
B raddical xX: WOOOOOT
B raddical xX: OMGGGGGG
Leifsmaplestory: LOL!
B raddical xX: WOOT
Leifsmaplestory: LOL!
B raddical xX: OMG
B raddical xX: I LOOK HAWT.
B raddical xX: But noone would notice me.
B raddical xX: TT
Leifsmaplestory: HA HA! Sure they will! ^_^
B raddical xX: Suuuuure..
B raddical xX: Only superman. anyways~~ you put me in without me asking!
Leifsmaplestory: Lol.
B raddical xX: Woot
B raddical xX: thanks ;D
B raddical xX: I lubby dubby you.
Leifsmaplestory: You’re welcomee! ^_^
B raddical xX: yay
B raddical xX [9:26 P.M.]: d**.
B raddical xX: i gtg TT
Leifsmaplestory: ?
Leifsmaplestory: Oh, See ya! ^_^
B raddical xX: Adios! ;D ^__^
Leifsmaplestory: BYE BYE!
B raddical xX: join
Leifsmaplestory: Okey! ^_^
B raddical xX:*
Leifsmaplestory: Bye!!
B raddical xX: Blah.
B raddical xX: Seee yaa ;D
Leifsmaplestory: Bye! *Again.*
B raddical xX: lol
B raddical xX: i’ll give you the real site some other time
Leifsmaplestory: Ha Ha!
B raddical xX: Bye bye ;D
Leifsmaplestory: BBye bye!
B raddical xX: ^__^
Leifsmaplestory: ^_^”: *Geting nervous.*
B raddical xX: lol
Leifsmaplestory: O_O” WoW, you’re in SOME hurry!
B raddical xX: Yes
B raddical xX: yes
B raddical xX: now bye for real~!!!
B raddical xX signed off at 9:29 P.M.
Leifsmaplestory: See ya!

a r o a t
c r p o
o i l r
n v e y
‘ a
s l
[h] [/h]

– Little preacher man.
(Ya, I had to edit it…)

One thought on “Bacon’s arrival to MapleStory.”

  1. The parts where the tears were coming out of everyone’s eyes was a wee bit corny.

    I felt. . .old for looking at those tears form 😮

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