Ka-Blam!*Poof*It’s a Blog!

Awww! Look how cute this baby blog is! I just wanna take you and write on you, yesh I do, yesh I do!

{Intro trumpets: Bah ba ba ba da da daaa!(hey! Don’t start playing “Stairway to Heaven”! ! !)}
I’m too lazy to do this while standing! So I got a random person to do it! Just pretend I’m him x100% more sexier!
Hey! I do have ‘lazy’ in my name! But maybe I should start writing shorter blogs b/c it doesn’t go with being lazy!
This one’s gonna be a hell of an amazing and ridiculously long blog with a tornado of pictures!(oops, sorry, too extreme?, just trying to spice things up! )
WARNING: I seriously mean that this is gonna be super,fantastically, long blog! But don’t run away! Because I got uh. . .*thinks hard about something that isn’t cookies* CHEERIOS! at the end!
Arg! I should change my name from lazy to overworked!

Hoobay! Another blog! Hoobay!
Note: I meant to say hoobay with a ‘b’! This word shall revolutionize the future!
Hoobay! Hoobay!
Here’s also an interesting fact: Every eight seconds a snail dies! Help save them by giving them a cookie! Just put all your donations in this very large bag!(Hehe, what they don’t know is the bag secretly has a name tag on the back of it labeled ‘Lazydame!’ with an exclamation mark!

Well, lets get on with this piece of crap, I mean blog, I mean chocolate cake with a topping of whip cream!No actually a chocolate bar!
Refer to this pic for extra delicious details!
NOT! I know, you’re thinking,” WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS! AHH!” (Rule #1: Please don’t scream in my blog or I will send out angry dogs with lasers on there backs and mini marshmallows hanging in front of them from fishing poles that make them run!)
Well I guess this bar of chocolate can’t go on anymore, I mean blog, I mean piece of crap! Arg! I don’t know what to think! Bye!

Only joking!(wow that was a wimpy wasted amount of space I just didn’t use, at least I’m thinking about the environment!)
New: I will highlight the numbers in this blog because I believe they deserve some more respect!*thinks to self: that should end their strike once and for all!*

#1(I officially dub you HIGHLIGHTED, I’m not gonna bold you though because that would be going above and beyond)

Let’s see! What should I put here? I got Nexon Cash! Boom ba da ba! What now? *snaps thumb* I got it!
Well, I also got a ton of other pics with my character! I got so many hats I said that I should start a hat store! All these hats and drops I got surprisingly left me with only one equip spot, which is really rare! Okay, now refer to the pics!
This shall redefine the fashion they call,”NOOB!”
It’s a nice day to go sailing!
Look in the sky! There’s nothing there! Cause the blue bandana blends in! With this hat, I’m like a chameleon!
Ahh! I hope this hat doesn’t come back to life!
Vote on which hat is the best!
So basically this is what I got with my Nexon Cash!*Takes in deep breath and says words really fast*
Hairstylechange,Haircolorchange,RedHat,PenguinSlippers,*chokes on apple pie someone threw into his mouth* PanicExpression,GlowingMadExpression,MiniCargoPet!
Now I got 1900 NX cash left and I think I’m just gonna save it!

#2(yeah, yeah, just look above to the last number, same thing!)

Training Time: I trained my pet! Now it is a purple, little, jolly, FIGHTING Machine! (guess those karate lessons paid off)
A series of pictures:
I conquered the tower!
But looks like it was all for nothing!
My pet wouldn’t carry the boxes!Why! ! !
Lol! My pet got frozen. . .
And kept jumping!
This pic doesn’t belong cause I got a straight face!Becareful! I could snap at any moment!
Look what big eyes it has! The better to eat you with!
In the end, all the rigorous training paid off, because now my pet is at level ten and has the vocabulary of a fifth grader!(Maybe I should sign it up for that show, ‘Are you smarter than a fifth grader!’)(Yeah, bug off people, I don’t have cable!)(But I do have widescreen and surround sound, so nanananana!)(I should ask myself if I’m smarter than a fifth grader!)

#3(Repeatan!, por favor!)^ ^ ^

Orbis Tower Fiascos!
I met up with my friend,xMagicFuryx, at the first floor of Orbis. We trained for about an hour at the penguins and even contemplated about the question that probably every Mapler has been dying to know, so here it is! Bread roll please and also if you could add a drum roll, that would be great too!
What kind of fish do the penguins drop?
He says it’s mackeral and I say its tuna! So cast your vote, just text. . .and you could choose America’s Next Top Singer!
Oh, and by the way, I did not finish the quest where you have to get three hundred fish.

Okay, so going off topic here for a second, but this is my blog so I’m like,”Ehh, why not!” I just finished eating a sandwich and I started wondering how the sandwich was invented. I know it’s a simple thought, We have bread, We have meat, let’s combine them and form a super food! But I’m wondering did the caveman or some group meet up and discuss what the next great revolutionizing item should be or did a caveman just one day wake up and start bringing a lunchbox to work. Well, anyway that’s my reason why they should have subway in Maplestory, and I’m standing by it!

#4(no, I’m wasting more words! How can I afford this)

Okay, wake up people!, it’s not over yet! Heck, we’re not even in the middle of the lake yet! I will throw you overboard if you don’t get up! (Rule#2: Caution: Please don’t fall out of the blog because then you shall cease to exist! And also since there are sharks with marshmallow fishing poles strapped to their heads and tasers on their backs it would not be smart, and in addition there’s a bowling ball chained to your legs!)

Well, I bought a pretty fancy Maple Soul Singer, and then. . . I bought another one! Weird you say! This isn’t weird! This is THE TOWN OF ELDORGATOUSBURGSZSZSZS!(Well, that just doesn’t sound snazzy at all! Oh well, guess it only works with Sparta!)(lol, the sz’s at the end? I just wanted to make you say that cause believe it or not, some of you probably read this aloud!)

The first Maple Soul Singer I bought was kind of crappy, and it only had 6 slots left and bad attack! I’m gonna scroll it later on, so I saw an awesome one in the free market so I made ‘AN IMPULSE BUY!’

Also, I bought orihalcon ores and one hundred curse dolls for two different missions! I’m also overloaded with trades on basilmarket right now, because I’m trying to acquire all my level 50 garments!


Woot! One weekend I just decided to chill at Florina Beach! It was. . .nice! Beach hulalala and limbobobobo!

So, I paid the 500,000. Wait. WHA?! I mean 5k! And I took a nice, boat ride to Florina Beach!(Which was just a period of one minute where the whole screen went blank, pleasant? Don’t you think?)

When I got there, I thought,”Hey, why don’t I wreak havoc with a friend?” So I hollered for xMagicFuryx(dude from above, NO, he doesn’t come from the sky! 0.O(oh! Hi! Goggle Man!)) and he went through the whole dark screen process and re-pixelated at Florina! I gave him a gift for coming to aid me!
Click here to see the extroardinary gift!

We slayed crabs for awhile until a level 80 CB entered the room! So me and my buddy we try to seem cool in our unworthy way! We all share the map for awhile and soon I just bluntly ask,”Wanna join our party?” and he replies “Yes!”
It’s like a fairy tale dream come true! But I got him with my amazing speaking(writing) skillz!
This is N-O-R-M-A-L!To be honest I don’t even know what that spells!

Now, we are all hopping around and killing pointless crabs! And showing a great example of Teamwork! To entertain us the CB makes the money GO BOOM!
While there, I also collected 99 sea trashes! Why? There’s no quest for them? But ask yourself this, what happened to just doing stuff randomly?
So eventually our party died and my friend left to go and attend other important matters!

I stayed on the island and kept on chipping away at the Florina Beach Quest #2!
I finally finished it and low and behold a level 35 or something comes up to me and asks me for help! And before long I’m in a party of two, stuck at Florina Beach again! I did think of an evil scheme though! I sold Crab legs to the party member for 2 mesos each!Hehe(I know, a little bit harsh, but a person’s gotta make money.)
So I ended that by logging off!

I come back on and I’m about to go home to Ludi! Then in the chat section,”Can I ask you for a favor, lazydame?”
Knowing that it was impossible to rip his head off at that time I unwillingly agree!
Luckily, it was easy, only forty coconuts, I had to gather for him.

Well here are some pics!Yup, I got tons of fun pics for youse guys!
Seagull Protection! If this doesn’t stop the Seagull Revolution then we have no hope!
Ah phooey! So much for that career!
Steal the Seagull Weapons!
You can just call me Officer Lazy!
Do they have a garbage man on this island!?
And people say I’M bad at math! Pshhff!
Ahh, don’t notice that name in the trade! Oh crap, no one ever notices the tiny details! Should have kept my mouth shut!
HINT:Look back at the intro pic! Very first pic! Fishy, ehh? Hoobay, now I have talked about fish two times in this blog!

#6(Lol, why should I care about making up new phrases each time?)

After a month, something really spectacular happened! Something that happens once in a blue moon!
Wanna see it again? Well here it is!
I could do this all day, but I got an important meeting with the people. .err. . I mean animals at AnimalPlanet!
I feel so special! So special I even joined in!
Okay, Also would have had an incredible pic but the timing was off by a couple seconds. My friend and I both had 99.95%. So, he met up with me at Golems so we could double level! But he was only level 37 so he leveled before me and then I stopped attacking because I thought we both leveled but we actually didn’t.
The confusing after-effects!

Are you confused after reading that last pic? Don’t get it? Then get the NEW ROBOT! Dum-Tron(some random numbers inserted here that none care about)
It has lasers built into it so if you see someone using vocabulary way above your knowledge. . .uh, I mean smartness. .
you can zap those smarties!(Not the candy, but the person, pay close attention here!)
Plow down people with too much random knowledge with two mini convertibles strapped to the feet!
You can also eat their brains and have it recycled into,”Books for Dummies” books!
Also, comes with beanbag chair in the command center and cupholder’s(Drinks not included)(Also we didn’t build it for you so hahaha)(Only 5 million payments of $1 each!)(hehe, they probably can’t multiply! Wha?! I mean. . .NOTHING!)

Ok so now that you’re all sitting in your NEW Dum-Trons!(Remember make the checks out to Lazydame!)
Let’s continue!

Me: I told you no shouting in this blog! Prepare the dogs with lasers and add that super random and long decription that I put before right here!(the dogs now can apparently run over water, since we are in a lake, but this is all just a writing description and you’re all just sitting at home, on your new dum-trons!)
(Random stuff ensues for about 5 hours and I escape with the secret ingredients to make the Muffins of Destiny!)

#7(so you think you’re lucky? Well, you are, #7, because you get one of the best sections of this blog)

Wow! I partied so much! But we are here to talk about PQ’ing, not about that! No one has done this much PQ’s and not lived to tell about!(Notice the ‘not’ in that sentence)
Well, let’s just slash line this thing, this is a slash line -, did you see it, okay here it is again, : – – – -(wow there’s a whole crowd of them, that’s pretty rare!)
Oh, and this is LPQ on my Fighter

-In the Pq ‘Waiting Room’ I luckily picked up a set of subis someone dropped! So then somehow one guy tricked me into giving him the set. I was all sad so I offered to buy them back for 30 MIL! But the guy only wanted 5 MIL! So we got into a big argument! It was not pretty! But it was very business-like!

-Ok! So I got invited into this great party and we finally managed to get in. At about the fourth stage, it was one of the first times I disconnected in a long time!(Like half–year!)
So our second attempt, I died. -_- And the third, I made it! I’m a survivor! Then the fourth I had to get a new guy for our party to rush! So I got this guy but turns out they already replaced the spot! But I forced them to let this guy join! So we ended up becoming buddies and he’s on at night a lot to pq so I can talk to someone! Turns out he had a ton of tracks so it worked out great!

-When I only had 80% to go to level up to 43 that is where the bad luck really kicked in! I tried joining pq’s but most of them had horrible track or the people were too low of a level! So I kept getting bad luck! Then I decided to try being leader! I missed the first three so people kept leaving and I gave up. Then with some centimeter of good luck I finally managed to get in but we didn’t even finish, don’t you just hate people who can’t do stage eight!

-Then the next day, I got very lucky and got into two pq’s on different channels without missing! Yeah, but Ludi PQ’s really piss me off cause of the people who AC! I’m one of the best clickers out there but that means squat because people (*cough*noobs*cough*) can just AC their way in! And I bet those are the people complaining about getting ‘banned’ for ‘no reason’! (Lol, just a mini rant)
Well, anyway, we had an awesome party quest after I got in! We really sped past the stages and everyone did great! Also it was an awesome party! We even passed the 8th stage quick(and before that I hadn’t had a fast stage eight in forever!) Lol, but nothing can ruin a great PQ run other than dieing at Alishar! Turns out our cleric didn’t realize we had went to Alishar (afk) and I lagged right at Alishar and me being a warrior, make the connection!

-Yay! I can hit Alishar with powerguard! Other than that I probably won’t ever have a chance to hit him! I have extremely low dex!

-Woot! I ditched a PQ at the second stage and joined another party that was waiting for me and we got in! Lol, ended up getting into a fight with this stuck-up person that thought she was like the queen of PQ’s! I’M THE QUEEN OF PQ’s! Wait! Something seems wrong with that last sentence. . hmmm!

-In one PQ, I lagged the whole Alishar battle! When I came back from UN-LAG the overweight whale was destroyed!

-Yay, I never actually believed you could get equips at bonus but I found out I was wrong! I got skull earrings, swiped someone’s blue cape and blue moon earrings!

Some quicky piccy particky questicky. . .Dam! I forgot what I was gonna say!
Just trying something to get into PQ!
I must kill him before anyone finds out my other double!
Even though the bowman is the only one that can hit the monster, I say three is better than one!
As you can see, I’m trying to decipher the code!
Sneak Attack!

#8{Seven, Eight, Nine! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHA! HAHA! HA!(Notice the pattern of the HA’s?)}

Hey! It’s not over yet! It ain’t over till I say it’s OVER! OR till the Fat Lady sings! And I don’t see any fat people around!
But if you must leave then: at the end of the hall take a right, then another, another right, yet again another right, then a 30 degree angled left turn, and then you should come to a pit and there’s a sign next to it.Written on it is,”PIT TO HELL” which is crossed out, and underneath it the words scribbled,”Safe Pit that leads to the exit of the blog!”

The guild I’m in right now, which miraculously have been in for about 3 or 4 blogs already, had a guild notice war! It was where the jr. leaders kept posting random stuff like,”Whodunnit?” The madness just kept going! It was a guild-astrophe!
But our leader decided to take a little break so we aren’t doing millions of GPQ’s anymore! T.T

Lol, I’ve never really ‘belonged’ to a guild! I do participate and try to make friends in every guild I am in! But everyone’s been sort of inactive lately! I remember the old days though, just roaming around in the life of a guild hopper! I don’t know why people dislike those people! I mean, it’s a bunch of whole different and fun experiences!

#9(3 x 3, discovered late in the 3rd century by a person!)

My buddylist is coming back to life! Yay! I just recently deleted some people from my buddylist and I have about 11 great and active friends on it!
I met a guy from our guild in the fm. . .on accident! So he re-joined our guild!
Also, my friend that used to be my old training partner which was in-active for 2 or 3 months came back!
(Lol, I only had about 6 levels to show for that time!)
And this guy from my very old guild came back online! Sadly though, I learned he was a hacker!
Then this girl(from the same guild above) started to go online more now! Lol, we had some random conversations!
I still have two buddies on my Buddy list that I do not want to delete yet! One of my first and oldest friends is one of them and did come back before so there is hope!

Well I was gonna say something very important here but I guess these
((P))A((R))E((N))T((H))I((!)) will get in the way!
(((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))):))):)))))))))))))WHAT?!))))(((((WHA!OH CHEESE CAKE!)))))))))))((((((((((AUNT BERTHA’S CHEX MIX FROM HELL!))))))))))))))))))))))(((((((((((((((McDonald’s WE LOVE TO SEE YOU SPEND MONEY ON OUR FOOD AND GET FAT!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((I got a MCFLURRY!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((CHIMPYCHOCOCOCOMIX?!))))))))))))))))))))))(((((((((((OH, the randomness!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((LOL, Ganzicus probably fainted right here!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

#10(Insert clever phrase here)

The Jr. Snecki Skins & Lupin Bananas Feast!

This story will be told in pictures! It is a true story too!

Bored with your ETC inventory?
Part 2

Wow, you’re lucky I even took the time to make it into a comic! Yeah, I’m really starting to get the hang of using MSPaint!
I think I might start a comic series soon! But not yet!


Number Eleven, You don’t deserve to be highlighted!You’re lazy!
Number 11: No, I’m not, I work with 7 at 7-11! And help out the police, 9-11!
Me: That’s what the last number said! You know where he is now?
Number 11: No, where?

#12(I can count to 12!)

Don’t think I would leave out my thief! I went PQ’ing with him too!

Ok, so I managed to organize a party of all 30’s and we got in! Yeah, basically we slaughtered the PQ!

Yeah, lol that wasn’t a very cool story!
Well, here’s a better one!

I went on one night and made a party with this really cool level 26 thief!
-Only missed one pq out of nine!
-I made a ton of new buddies!
-In one pq, we had two people level! And then everyone else ended up leveling later!
-The thief I talked about before gave me 100 mp pots! He was really nice! Also gave me a lvl 35 claw later! And a brown bamboo hat!
-Lots of times, some of the people got the same awards!
-We had revenge on the slimes at the end! We killed all of them!

It’s the three amigos!(that’s a movie)

#13(If you made it all the way here in one sitting I clap for you!)

Grenado Espada! ! ! !

It took me about 12 hours to download the file, but took me even more time than that because things kept going wrong!
First, I somehow deleted the file.
Second, my computer froze.
And the third time, it took awhile to figure out how to download it again because the computer was being uncooperative but I finally ended up downloading it!

So, skipping the training and tutorials, I ended up going to Al Quelt!
Yup, so I slowly leveled up! And kept going deeper and deeper!
At parts I would be trapped at one place and keep dieing!
But then I learned the secret of the Mangos! Mangos are like lifesavers! They give you health!
For all you people that think alert, is ‘cheating’ it’s not really! I do it so no monster sneaks up on me, I also sometimes use Ctrl+h!

I finally halted my journey just before the Al Quelt Arcade! Then I went all the way back on foot back to Reboldeux!
(okay, how am I remembering these names? I must be a genious!)
After that, I started a scout and replaced it with my elementalist! So, now I have a party of a fighter, musketeer, and a scout!
So with the scout I journeyed down the city streets and experienced MAJOR LAG! Couldn’t walk even a short distance without lagging! Took me an hour to talk to 4 people and buy and sell my goods!
I got new fighter and musketeer weapons!
Any one know some computer thingies I could do to make this game run faster?

So, with the scout I managed to save Ramiro’s girlfriend from the waves of monsters flowing from nowhere and coming at me! Actually, I stayed in the fight for about 2 minutes then ran away!

I also tried another MMORPQ out these last two weeks! Flyff!
I didn’t really like it! I hate the battle system (seems like it would be a pain to lvl later on) and it just seems way to easy!
I mean where’s the difficulty in knowing a lot!
Plus, I don’t want to start playing too much games on my computer so I ended up deleting it!

#14(yay! basically the last point!)

I went to Omega Sector!
I had like 6 missions to do there!
I did many of them where I had to destroy mateons, those mateons with blue hats, and the barnyard grays!
I’m almost done with all my quests there, just need to finish some up and after that I’ll probably go back to PQ and go do the Icarus Quest in Vic for the lvl 42 cape!

Chillin’ at Omega!
Does this remind you of something! Transfor. . .*run over by a robot*(Look at the background)

Rule #3: Don’t look directly at this blog, or you will go blind later. Uh-oh, woops, I guess it’s too late for that!

Extra Pics!
Pic#1:Mmmm. . .*drools* . .METAPHORICAL FOOD!
Pic#2:lol! Everyone was saying it! Except that party pooper in the corner! T.T
Pic#3:An awesome amazing pic!
Pic#4:Also awesome!
Pic#5:Watch out for that arrow! Oah! Ooh! Ouch! Right in the head! (Lol, this is blank!)

Haha! I tricked all of you! But also, one of the numbers in this blog contains a link to a funny pic!
Waits. . .
Waits a little more for the slow people. . .
Waits for the kid who tripped. . .
Okay so you’re all back! Well Congratulations, you just crossed the finish line of this blog! We have reached the golden shores!

Roll the end credits! (But sir, the CD’s could break if we roll them on the ground)(I don’t care roll them!)
(Trumpets symbolizing the end: Blaring a Sum41 song!(Punk band)
Well, that’s it!
Why are you still here!
Go! Shoo! I don’t want to be forced to bring out my leaf blower!

I’m gonna try and start a motto or something of that sort!

~LaZzz. . .(bye! bye!)

13 thoughts on “Ka-Blam!*Poof*It’s a Blog!”

  1. Ok to be honest, I read the first ten to fifteen paragraphs and scrolled down, skimming the rest. There are such things as TOO long of a blog lol. Looking forward to your next story!

    -=The Nazgul=-

  2. @BlackNazgul: no there aren’t such things, I’ve seen people write pointless crap and seen people stuff 10 chapters into one blog so deal with it!
    and plus I when I write blogs I write them for me too! Your MMOid is sorta like a journal you know! Yeah but I’ll try to cut it down!
    Summer Break just started so I’m on now way longer!Also, there is lots of pics so it just seems long!

    @Ganzicus:Thanks for reading it!

    ~LaZzz. . .

  3. I know what has the funny picture.

    Hint: It’s the victim of cannabalism.

    I think the sandwiche was invented by a guy (referred to as the “Earl of Sandwich” or something) in a hurry to get somewhere, and his lunch got mixed up into the form of a sandwhich (meat and cheese between two peices of bread). I dunno why I just explained what a sandwhich was. >.<

    P.S. The outfit with the Green Dragon Robe is the best.

  4. You’re just uhhh so, HAPPY! I can’t stand you! You probably even smile in your sleep! You’re like a ray of sunshine! TOO MUCH BLOODY HAPPINESS! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH *jumps into cooler* O la la, A frozen tuna! just for ME! Nah I’m jokin. I thought your blog was quite good, complete with pictures and things like that.Just next time you could just write blogs more often and keep em shorter so that we may fully immerse ourselves in the cardboard box of the world, Er did I just say that out loud? I meant you EXTRODINARY BEAUTIFYING WRITING skills! *chuckles and ducks under cardboard box*

  5. Nice blog! Lol
    And i noticed something random out of boredom
    In your first screen
    At the bottom is says someone is getting married
    Isn’t the person getting married in this screen, from Nez’s blog? o.O
    I notice such random stuff lol

  6. Hey, great and long blog. Heck, I read until I fell to the pit of doom.

    It’ll be worth it. just to get away from this endless blog! ARRRR!

    Anyway, seems like you had a nice mapling day. Good Luck for your next PQ.

    *Secretly curse you to die*

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