Just assume from this point on everything is cappa-cappa-cappatalizzzzed!(No, that word is not cappuccino)
i have a dream,
my dream is someday i shall be accepted by society and not be viciously attacked at any period of the day by “brave” knights,
come on a dragon needs his beauty sleep!
also, my wish is to go to space but yeaaaaaaaaaahhhh. . . .(i can barely get a taxi, how am i supposed to get a rocket ship?)
wow, i really love this uncapatalizing thing! C, OMG, THESE WORDS ARE CAPITALIZED! The automatic capitalizer has finally met its doom. . .Mutters: Just 5 frikken seconds after I bought it! Grrr!
Well, well, well, well, well, well, look a well!
I’m up to some stuff and you’ll just have to wait and see what it is!
Warning: This will probably be long, even though I will really try hard to keep it short. Please be sure to wear safety goggles. (Chemistry FTW!) Oh yeah, my scroll lock button doesn’t work! We used to be like the best of friends and now. . . . I. . . just . . . .I can’t do this *breaks out into a crying fit* *eats a walrus* *feels better*
Work your magic, Getting-to-the-Point-Machine-that-I-bought-at-crappy-electronic-store!
Bears! (what? Why must all that I buy self destruct itself?!)
But what do you know!
[h]Guild Gummies![/h]
Well, I’ve sort of been on the lookout to find a good guild again! Been hopping around like a bunny thats hopped up on Trix Yogurt. I just wanna find a guild that’s good for me and I really like everything about it.
Basically I expect these list of demands to be met when looking for a guild:
-active and actually seem like they are alive not just taking up a spot in the guild
-good name (no fruity bunny symbol for the emblem!)
-GPQ’s from time to time
-the guildmaster goes on and one that actually likes me
-EVERYONE MUST BE EATING HEALTHY! (Umm, I just don’t want anyone to die, because then that equals one less guild member)
[h]Thief Kameyayayayayaya[/h]
Lol, I don’t remember any of this but apparently I leveled my thief to 30 and then 31 and kicked some noob ass?
I began using attack pots so that is awesom-o!
I used my thief as a sacrifice to make my last comic! 0.00% is the only percent for me!
I apparently also did a jump quest, I don’t know how, FLY HAX? MAGIC CARPET? FLYING DOG?
Then I continued to fight those foxies in Mushy Shrine, and I did that quest and now your bored and I’m getting sleepy!
Balrog, it went pop when me fightee la evil ojos y AYYY CURAMBA!?!?: coM% e$*a y tu (%*($% NUUUUUUUU!
Do you understand? Taking on a balrog, I would say it’s sort of like a puzzle, one must familiaralize himself with the pieces before one may pwn it! Err. . .something to that accord!
It was a clone, and within seconds of going ‘POP!’ I went ‘TIMBER’!
Then it gave me cakes and I was happy! Then I killed some evil eyes and from then on it just gets all blurry!
[h]Drakee, Drakeee![/h]
Wow, I’m making some good time in this blog! But I am getting tired, who knew running a mile and typing on a laptop could be such an intense workout!
‘French Fries please’ Oh no! Look away! I beg of you!
That quote from Falaffel Mcgew! actually takes me to another point! I kill drakes!
Drakes: Simply marvelous creatures with a defense mechanism of spikes on their back. They like to roam in big groups and basically look like dinosaurs! (Copyright Animalplanet?! Who cares!)
Okay, so I’m in the dungeon, right after my friend has given me a set of those white half-moon earrings, and theres like zombie mushes everywhere! I’m in a party with my next door neighbor and a noob I decided to train (be careful how this word is used because it could also mean HUGE ROLLING DEATH MACHINE!) So basically we just chat it up and then later other people join the partay and we have like the ultimate team of superheroes!
After that, is when I get to the Drakes and start killing them for Dragonskins for this one quest! Pretty decent percent and not bad food, DRAKE MEAT FTW! YEA!
[h] An Important Point[/h]
Whatever happened to saying hello to every random person you see? It’s a question I’ve been wondering for about 24 days, and 67 hours!
From now on this right here is the only math I know:
MS=magic sandwiches! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
[h]Nependeaths, Dark Nependeaths, and all types of other Deaths![/h]
To orbis I went and in orbis I conquered! (Wow, pay attention to all these famous quotes cause they’re really educational)
From the heading you should have been able to figure out I killed lots of things with the word death in them! Alright!
That lasted about two hours and it was the bestest I ever did![/sarcasm]
Since we’re on the topic of Orbis, let’s stay on it! Um, I went to fishy land and I killed fish. You could say it was pretty fishy! Hahahahahahahahahahaha, get it? No you don’t!
I did all those DNA quests for that fishy zoo person!
And the fishy fish were really acting fishy. Well, after I fishily killed the fishy things I had to kill I got a fish spear!
I mean seriously, that’s an award? What kind of crap is that! Look I work for Nexon, Look I’m creative, Look I made a spear with a fish on it!
I find myself wondering why they didn’t stick walruses, sea horses, dolphins and any other sea animal you can think of on to a spear! Was their intelligence not large enough?
I mean, am I supposed to eat this spear, what am I supposed to do with it?
Wanna guess where I went from Orbis? I went to Korean Town!
I took a ride on the elevator into Ludi, it was a beautiful day in Ludi, as it always is every day of the year and every minute of it!
[h]I guess I’m putting another title here because I got bored?[/h]
Retz! I slew a whole bunch of them and end of story!
This blog is over now! Go! Go in peace and bring me back some lemonade, a bag of chips, um other food, no fish please, sorry but I don’t eat spears!, and some coco cola (Lol, I just recently saw a billboard that made me laugh, it was for Coca Cola Zero and it went like this, “Tastes so much like regular coke, we should sue ourselves!” I think that if they are anything like Nexon they would, but that’s just my opinion, not yours so alalalalalalalalala! Poof Magic Transition!
Lol, you actually thought this blog was over? YOU actually thought this blog was over!? If you did, you should totally work for NEXON! Alright!
[h]The Awesomely Extroardinary Week![/h]
Sunday: I SOLO TWO ALISHAR! TWO ALISHAAAAAAR! Seriously, you can’t miss a big whale who likes to hang upside down like a bat and has a halo on it’s feet! 0.O
Instead of ‘Holy Cow!’ the ‘people’ should change that phrase to ‘Holy Whale!’
Monday: I joined some guild! At first I liked it a whole bunch but the master was not really meant to be a master! He’s lucky I didn’t have a ketchup bottle cause I woulda pwned that sucka so badly! ! ! So that was me leaving guild #1337!
“I’m all outta guild
so lost without you
I waited for so long”
-lazy can sing!?!:{}&* productions!
Tuesday: This is where the week sort of went from Spam-tacular to Noobdepressing (well, that, that right there? That was an ugly combo of words! I should be ashamed but I’m not! )
But after I made a trade I had 6 MIL! so lazydame=billionaire=no more being out of milk=billionaire, err wait, dammit I’m poor again!
(See, this is why math is a big no-no!)
Wednesday:I guess from the beginning of the week to the end you can sort of picture it like Dominoes (not the pizza, but at least you’re thinking outside the box, but pizza is IN the box so you fail!)
Now I say that meaning two different points,
1. I’m just a crazy, drunk noob
2. I played less and less every day
3. The week sort of went downhill in just interesting
4. I’m a drunk noob so that’s why there is a four, woot good thing there’s no ‘Don’t Drink and Write Law’ (cough*if there was all my blogs would have been terminated *cough*)
(((((Cough cough*)))).)>>
> TYLENOL DOESN’T WORK ANYMORE! YOU STUPID IDIOTS KEEP SPREADING THE COUGH TO ME!!!!((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))Frosty the ugly demented snowman who lived in a toaster))))((((That is just another fine example of the classical melodies of lazydame))))))))(((((tune in next time, where there won’t be a next time)))()()()()()()()()((((((BUY MY CD! IT SONY SOFTWARE! ! !)))))
A RABBIT: Are the parenthesis like not cool? Do people even like my crazy and random supply of parenthi?
Thursday:Nothing happened today, I was non-existent (I really wish I could use that excuse to put in my phone message, I’M NOT ALIVE PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE THAT’LL I’LL NEVER CHECK AND MAKE SURE THAT WHEN YOUR LEAVING LIKE A PHONE NUMBER TO MURMUR OR SPEAK QUIETLY WHEN SAYING IT! THANK YOU!)
(If I had control of the phone system. . .wow, I would pwn it!)
Friday: Hey! Don’t blame me for long blogs, blame the number of days in a week!
I can’t really remember anything from this day, I just recall having no school
Saturday: I killed 10 rombots in an hour!
[h]To the new land! PANDALAND![/h]
I guess there’s no more questioning where exactly Lunarpanda comes from!(Hi Lunarpanda! Chances are you probably won’t read this!)
Wow, wow, wow, so I get a million stupid pictures of this place but when it comes to snapping a pic of something interesting! NOTHING!
Well, pandaland, once you get over your fear of pandas, is such a bad place!
It’s pretty. . . . . . . . .*looks into supersize dictionary*. . . McDonalds!? No!. . . .aha! boring, or supersize? I don’t know!
I’m usually one that likes patches and stuff so if I say it’s boring you butter take my word for it!
Here’s the almost endlest list of pictures!:
Panda mushy mushy?
His name reveals too much!
Yeah, I’m on top of the food chain!
Mission Impossible: Steal cow.
That’s what I call nice word play!
A great honor to be this lazy!
Um, why didn’t they put hats like those on every monster in the game?
Veggies on Drugs?
The game would be much better with these!
Save me?
That’s it for panda pics!
[h]BAN MANIA![/h]
Where else than BASILMARKET! ! !
What I got banned for: Called Mr.(Mrs.) Basil a mom, said furry rabbits! XD XD XD, made a forum in which the topic was too see how long it would take to delete it
What I didn’t get banned for: saying ‘noob amusement park’, saying ‘dolphins that ride people’, made a thread asking how to get exp in MS, and another one asking how to kill monsters.
[h]I can’t believe I forgot the Night of Two Weddings! ! ![/h]
Ok, let’s keep this short and simple, and since my pics didn’t work for this either I have no pics!
Why must the god of pictures woe me so?
1st Wedding: My friend’s wedding in scania, he’s a fellow warrior and he’s one of my pro friends, and I basically have pro friends cause they level fast, I level slow.
So, he had to skip off to do the mom and dad quest
Most of his guild was there, which was a pretty nice guild!
I gave him like 30 elixirs and 5 power pots(the purple ones?)
and basically then I left for the next wedding
2nd: Applebomb, how dare you not tell me about you second wedding!
Her first wedding was a failure but I liked it!
Lots of MMOTalers and when I first got there I was like uhhhh. . .but then someone from MMOTales said my name!
So, anyway she lagged greatly, I’m sure you all know the story and lots of people hung out by the cathedral
Lol, I went in one jumpy place and was jumping there for about 10 minutes non stop!
We went in, various phrases of spam were shouted for the rest of the wedding and badda bup! It was over!
Yeah, Mastercheezy basically has the whole replay of it in detail!
Woot, good thing I remembered to at least add that in there! XD
[h]‘SO NO!’ party!that’s actually what the party is called![/h]
My partay! The main feature, hopefully if I don’t just suddenly fall asleep and hit my head on the keyboard throwing the whole universe into wack and opening a portal to lalaland!, of this blog and the last blue highlightededededededed thing!
Pictures: I’m starting with the few pics I have managed to recover! Thanks everyone who supplied me these!
1.Mega-Smega Power
2.Poke a ghost a day, stay healthy forever?Eh Ionno?!
3.That right there is the meaning of R.I.P.
5.Uhhhhhhhhh, bigger and flashier bubbles?
The party took place on August 27th at sometime o’clock
there was also a bank robbery at sometime o’clock but that has no connection at all!
the story of how I had a party with only 6 people! Totally true. Rated L for lazy!(AznRiceFan,benZON, theReplaced, AzNxKnife, Ganzicus, and joe the pirate?)
So it started as all else started, in channel 15 and fm 15, now I’m gonna recall all of this from memory so don’t kill me with orange juice!
People showed up and we just started hanging out, waiting for any individuals to see if they would show.
Here are just some bullet points of what happened in fm!
-We mated a waffle and cheezecake together
-dropped a lot of stuff, like eggs, AznRiceFan’s brain, some money, google the search engine!
-we played an AFK game? I just thought we were on a coffeebreak or something so I stood there staring at my screen.
-lol, my favorite part in the fm, everyone one was spamming ‘@@@@@@@@’ over and over again.
I came in and I’m like what. . .and then I joined in. . .what=wacky turtle fun!
Then we all split up and met again in mushy shrine!
I bombarded them with aliens! But nobody died! T.T
So we, all progressed on, unknown to us that we shall all perish soon in a very cowardly battle!
On the way:
-We saw ninja turtles!
-some retarded gas masks got in our way
-I ate a raisin
and then we got to GRIMES, or as I like to call them GRIMNO’s(hi grimno)
yay I survived the longest, I just kept speedwalking away from them
but then I lagged and the rest is history!
lol, we stood there dead for a hell of a long time! People just kept staring at us!
I suggested the reason we died was because benZON didn’t have a hat on! ! !
I didn’t think it was dull, it probably couldn’t be considered a party but I haven’t been to any in MS so I’m not so sure
It was fun gathering people from MMOTales and just doing stupid stuff! Next year I’ll have it way more organized and we’ll all be in the same place and then we could go terrorize cows! I expect more people next year!
Lol, Eden and Mastercheeze showed up way too late!
It was nice meeting you in game though Eden!
Here are some random pictures!
The Ultimate Name. . .of a person who lives with 15 cats and dogs
Do you remember about remembering about remember?
Look, it’s happy hippy turtle!
Oh and this show that someone advertised in their blog I started watching and found it to be awesome,
at first you might think it is boring but later the episodes get hilarious, oh and you sort of gotta watch them in order because they have a story
So, I’ll put it here: see right there>>>>> link
Lol, it’s probably the reason I used a vast amount of the word ‘pwn’ in this blog!
Aww, all my NX is gone!
Lol, I’m sleepy!
/endo blogo!
Dammit, that didn’t work! Stupid Harry Potter books, all the time I’ve spent reading them have taught me nothing! Nothing!
How shall I end this, meh, I really don’t know how to end this, I’m like stuck! For once in my life I have no genious way of saying goodbye.
Yea, that works
Toodles, turtles tobagganing on tight rope, toodles!
Ooh look noodles!
~LaZzz. . .(ahh my tongue! Dragon Breath! Buuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrpp! Highly flammable gas and potato chips DO NOT mix!)
I just realized I forgot to add the night of two weddings!
applebomb, maybe a cookie might refresh my memory?
~LaZzz. . .
How much did it take you to make this?
How long?
Probably a little less than two hours
~LaZzz. . .
Your definition of short does not meet mine at all lol.
-=The Nazgul=-
just becaus eits long doesntmake it not entertaining1! >=[
Roffles @ Pandama Canal.
Wow. Who would’ve thought that you and Anni would’ve posted a blog on the same day? o_o
The Pun!