I love you!
Will you marry me?
I’ve probably asked over 30 people in Maple to marry me over the last, ugh, how long was it? 50 years? Yeah, that seems about the time I released my last blog!(Truth: Don’t believe him, he lies to his own cat!)
Ugh, this is such a boring beginning, I never dive into maple right away! Dam, I’m out of white out too! Cant erase the beginning! My computer is covered with white out! (Rawr!)
Uh, mapletip: Never feed a bear pringles, believe me, they do not find it tasty!(Rawr!)
Also I would like to mention that polar bears have switched from the coca cola diet to the new hershey’s diet!
(Rawr!)(Rawr!)(Rawr!)(Truth: Rawr!)(Rawr!)
We finally come to the explanation behind the amazingly stupid alarm clock that roars! No just kidding! (Truth: He is not.) Also in this blog, a little hamster(wears glasses!) named truth shall join me!
So, why the roars? Bet you’re all dying to know? Aren’t ya! ?
BECAUSE I’M THE SEXIEST NOOB ON THE WHOLE PLANET! (Truth:That is actually the answer.)
Truth shall explain more in depth while I go plant a chicken so it can grow into a lemon tree!
Truth: Well, if you connect the inner-molecular atoms to the state of disolvary solutions such as. . .
THE REAL TRUTH(to save the day, ba ba da!): These following weeks have been filled with lots of decisions and pondering. I know what you’re thinking, “I thought lazydame has no brain” well the rumors are not completely true. (They meant ,”He has no grain” but I can see where the mistake could be made!)
Maybe the most ultimate decision in a mapler’s maple life is wether to re-start their character over or not!
Yes, that was my problem and you could probably guess what I chose to do! (Refer back to title)
Buy some NX, but that’s another thing, my real choice was that I killed lazydame I and revived him back to lazydame II (the chars don’t actually have the ‘I’ and ‘II’ in their names!) I moved all my valuables over and began my journey (after one year of playing) again on this new character! Tiny voice: also my picture taking function broke!
THIS SHALL BE THE NEW N-N-N, oh sorry let me start over(dramatic music activates!) PREPARE FOR THE RISE OF N-N-N, dammit! It’s a new noob hero!
Lol, well this blog shall be weird! Theoretically I should be going backwards in this blog but I will be moving forward. But in my dictionary noob comes before egg and lvl 47. Well, I guess I’ve finally deciphered the ‘Back to the future’ phrase!
Maybe I should re-tell my whole story using those new smegas! Lol, they should totally add those on MMOTales!
Lol, they should put it in real life! Just walking along and BAM! SMEGAD!
As a wize(wize-t, get it? oops, I just swore!) philosopher once said,” Ye Nexon suckzeth!” (hint: that philosopher was me!)(Truth: He just made that u-*axe ox drops on truths head*)(lazydame: Don’t mess with me unless your looking to be pwned by an ox with an axe)
As you probably have noticed I have slightly incorporated the new patch into this blog but aside from one moment in this blog it shall never be mentioned again!
We have just hit a major road bump with this talk of nexon! Dam joo, nexon! (Doesn’t joo mean you?) *recalculates blog maximum like percentage* 0! ? ! No ones gonna like it! No I hate you nexon! I could just white this all out! But, nah, white out is pretty expensive!
I got $20 of NX, yeah I know! So NX+Noob-Dee32693=glory! and sexy noob! I changed my hair back to a nice purple metro and eyes to that one that I can’t show you since I can’t take pics! Lol but now, F1 has a purpose! It closes one of the eyes so I always go up to people and say “Give me meso, my eye is broken!” Lol, and speaking of meso, I’m a noob with 7.3 mil! Mwuhahaha! Lol, ain’t buying no noob armor till lvl 20 though!
So I got to make like a pretzel and split!Kinda like Ganzicus’s vast collection of rubber duckies! (Swim for your lives duckies!)
I’m, of course, talking about committing myself to leveling and getting back my former glory! Currently Lvl 16! Got sort of a lot of dex and haven’t hit 100 yet! Made one friend! And also have recieved up to 4 fame already! I thought that would be a pain but at least I’m earning back some of my fame!
One last thing on the noob subject! I HPQ’d last night and got like 30 percent from it! Sweetness! Lol! Me sooooo nooby! Really simple, just protect the bunny and kill anything else that moves! (even the party members!)
Oops, going back and editing this I never seem to explain the reason for re-starting! Well, simply put my skills suck and my stats suck and it would take over $100 to correct my character! Lol, I did like having the 16 luk and int though! Only lost 5 percent an hour! Also I didnt have sb so that kinda poses a problem!
Here shall remain the last memories of lazydame I! In this blog!
I’d like to (seriously) say thanks to all those that made the momentous occasions so wonderful!
*throws body into refrigerator!**rides refrigerator down a snowy mountain*throws fridge into bear cave while suddenly hearing a muffled cry:”Wa-t, I’- n-t de-d, so co-d, yum-y” Which I can best translate to” Give me your mesos, noobs!(secret messages FTW!)*
I just wanna say something that is sort of interesting to think about. If you delete a main character do you think that a part of your life disappears, the experiences, or nothing much disappears? It’s sort of weird to think about! In reality , I’m probably gonna get lazydame(new) back up to the same level and eventually be at the same place except much more better! New chances await me!
Okay, so think of this as sort of a video tape rewinding backwards. Meh, its rewinding too slow! No, no too fast! OMG, theres me *points ecstatically*! STOP! No, why wont the stop button work! Arg!*makes MMOTALEs watch the whole movie!*
Now we venture into the time period before my noob and enter the land of mushrooms! Big Mushrooms! Ooh! Thats right, be amazed!
I had a pretty last awesome experience at Mushmom to end lazydames Is legacy. First one: Usual waiting, formed a party with a sin, made friends with him(I make a ton of friends with sins)(Pretty weird for a warrior!), and right when mushmom spawns the usual super high level pops in out of nowhere and steals the kill! Typical, typical MMing. What are you gonna do, go to their houses and kill each and every meany KSer? Exactly! Yes, thats exactly what youll do, if the movie Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back(awesomest movie evar! !) has taught us anything is that at the end you gotta kick everyones ass!
So thats exactly what I did, I went to another channel with my friend and the wait was on! Waiting and waiting and. . .popsicles! Nope, still waiting, no popsicles! T.T I think it was a 50 minute wait, exactly. Okay, but the waiting part was actually fun this time! OMG*Ganzicus faints* (Ganzicus we all know you have a weak heart! STOP SHOWING OFF! GO FAINT SOMEWHERE ELSE, like at Disneyland!) So in the beginning there was one dit! Lvl 91, most powerful guy there! Eventually it ended up with a lvl 79 bowman(who joined the party) a lvl 33 cleric, um some higher lvled dit, some high level mage and some more irrelevant people! It seemed incredibly long waiting! Me and some lvl 33 cleric started Hailing MM-which is another word for bowing down in front of MMs house and yelling Hail MM! It was a good idea, praise the mushroom and it will come out! Whats funny though is that there were so much pros in one area but only like two people helped kill it. Mushmom just popped out of thin air and there I was in a second, swinging my sword as fast as I could (when in reality I was just pressing shift and holding it down) and the bowman was attacking it! The Lvl 50 sin that we all hated missed the whole thing! So I got the drops and was happy!
Wow, this was probably the most fun event ever I participated in MS, ranked up at the top of my imaginery list of magical wonders! Yep, this was before the mushmom, so now do you get which direction Im going in this blog?
So since I was pretty poor, after having saved up 7 mil and it started slightly spilling out of my pockets as I was buying pot(s) and more pots. I was hooked on the stuff! I wanted to have a lot of money to start scrolling at level 50, I mean fully start scrolling lots of stuff! So I went back to Victoria and traveled to the sakura cellions! I didnt know that lots of people still trained there! I was able to train very efficiently, 1 hit or 2 hit KOing them! There was one night though were everything went wild! Oh, maybe I should mention, there was also this noob mage that kept dying while trying to loot me! He just kept going up the ladder and in one hit he would die. It was pretty hilarious to watch. I swear he died like over 30 times!
I accidently met up with my friend there and we created a party! Soon more people came so we created a bigger party, mostly sins! So, the guy says lets go to channel one and KS one sin there that was like in the 7xs. Okay, so we willingly followed! Long story, short. He brought his level 7x friends (there were like 3 of them) and then we got some volunteers later on, helping us out! It was major fun though, KSing was everywhere! No sakura cellion would be alive for even 2 seconds before dying! Estimating the numbers, there were probably 20 people on the battlefield and like 20 noobs watching from the ladders or whereever! It was quite a show, numbers lighting up everywhere and drops firing into the air! Also haste is pretty fun! It was pretty even! It wasn’t really like a grouchy war thing. It became fun. Not a bunch of insulting remarks launched into the air! The guy kept saying that it was nothing compared to a real KS war, I believe him, but that just makes me excited to be in a bigger one! KSing is probably the funnest game to play in this game! I mean the BBQs held every year must be frikken fun as hell! Did I mention I love haste?
So going even more back in time I managed to meet up with this noob and decided to train him since I was bored! We went to the excavation place and I started killing the Rockys(I know what youre thinking, there was only like 5 rockies!(the movies)) In a short while a scroll dropped. So I went and snatched it up! And hey hey! Its a scroll for staff for magic attk 60% worth about 800k to 1 mil!
Rombots, rombots, and more rombots! What else can you ask for? Well, a lot of stuff but this is MS were talking about, or are we? Yep, pretty sure were discussing MS right now!
Well, this is probably the only place I can say I truly grinded at! Ive spent lots of time at evil eyes, drum bunnies, and zombie lupins but I cant really say I grinded there! But I grinded here! It was good exp, farely decent money, and I got bored! I dont understand how someone can spend like whole levels at only one place but I spent like 30% here! (Woot, new record! I dont have a record player though! )
Well, basically I was hunting for Rombots, theyre still a good boost of exp when youre training on the block golems! Luckily, not a lot of people are knowledgeable about the rombots up at the top. Yeah, its lucky if you find a rombot down at the botttom but at the top you cant go wrong! I killed about 12 an hour! Also I regained part of my pink elixir collection! I have a ton of them! Its the gifts I use for weddings and stuff and its not a bad gift! I have like 120 now! Could have had more! But its good knowing that if Im ever in financial trouble I have a backup to make 500k easily!
Not much to say except for fluffy bunnies! I led all of them! Met some people! This was right after I lost my NX so if you ever do PQ without NX you dont feel smexy. You feel like youre a clown trying to skate over a river of pies! Which is not that dangerous!(Dont ask how I know!)
It felt good to finally be a pretty high level, most of the times be the most experienced in the party! Even though it felt to me like Id been doing PQ forever because, well the fact that I level slower than most of the MS population! I probably went through like 6 pq generations! Oh and I could also finally hit Alishar! For some reason bashing fat whales makes me happy and feel evil!
One day I just went to the fm shops too buy a ton of All Cures! I hate the shops with so much money on my hands, it makes you feel tempted to buy stuff!
-Dont add 16 luk and int to a warrior
-Never take a noobs food!
-Um, always kill whales
-And never ask swordadvance to marry you!
Okay so probably everything! (Never know how to end!)(Lol, this blog is pretty short compared to my others except I bet the ending of it will make it unnecessarily long)(yay, I spelled the big word right the first time, somehow though I made a ton of errors while typing this phrase out)
I guess I just gotta end it, QUICK! Like jumping right away into a pool of water!
Um, okay since BlackNazgul is so smart he can end it for me!
[insert BlackNazguls farewell right here]
BYE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Apparently shouting bye for a long time doesnt help either!
~LaZzz. . .(It worked! Thank the cheez-its)(Not cheezy)(Oh I got an idea, Candle Ja-)
Omg. rofl o.o
Dang it everything’s going buggy. You have to use [ header ] jajajajaj [ / header ] instead of the [h][/h] tags now, and I can’t take pictures on one of my computers either! I think Nexon said that was a problem occuring with a buncha computers, and they were planning on fixing it.
Lol I must have over a million exclamation marks in all of MY blogs combined!
~LaZzz. . .
Yes, I will marry you.
No, you may not back out now.
Nice job.
Lololol, I’m overwhelmed by the sheer army of exclamation marks @_____@!
MORE LIKE A WHOLE NATION OF EXCLAMATION MARKS! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
~LaZzz. . .
So in the end of this long random blog
Of pointless and meaningless things in my log
I thank you for reading, my hat’s off to you
I love you all, and you know you love me too.
-=The Nazgul=-
Cant believe I forgot to like this.
lolz i made sure to pick a time when i can read ALL OF YOUR BLOG! XDXD
and dotn marry appliepie! -shoves her off a cliff- MARRY MEEE!