There I was hunting normally in Omega Sector while a hoard of megaphone messages came about (view screenshot) and whats worst was that meowmee was doing it as well. So what if you’re accused as a hacker, does that mean that you can insult others’ parents and disregarding the fact that there might be young children playing this game. What is wrong with these people nowadays. I don’t care much about the hacking part, what I’m concerned is about the languages and the misuse of megaphones nowadays. Even if you are the highest level or one of the top players, it dosen’t give you the right to hurl abusive languages at other people. And even if someone is high level and offended you, or simply just offended you. You should never use such language on anyone. Of course, for pete’s sake, at least spell properly. Sheesh. I quote the “Immaturity” words from the messages, its not immaturity, it is just pure stupidity. To those people in the messages, you’re much better off with a grammar book or a vocabulary book for primary school students than being on the computer. I believe I speak for the majority here. There might be others who might not care about this issue, but I for one am really concerned about it and I hope the GameMasters would do something about it. Such a bad experience for me on maplestory.
And last but not least, comments regarding the messages.
At BrIAnLiM2: Such bad grammar and vocabulary, its written as “a kid who hasn’t grown up” and not “NOT YET glow up de kid” really really bad. And you’re using your parents’ money for this kind of nonsense? Such audacity, and you have the cheek to mention it.
At Riyae: You shouldn’t start the flaming, even if you had started it, it’d be better if you had keep it to the chat room, there is a chat room for a reason you know. You don’t just megaphone everything you want to say.
At DarkPriestIV: Please don’t play around with such stuff, it is disrespectful. Not to the dead, but to the people who are actually working as undertakers. If you really are an undertaker, you ought to know better to not even mock about it. Playing with dead people isn’t fun at all.
At xXAdvisorEXx: What in the blue name of hell is wrong with you? Not only you insulted her, you actually megaphoned such abusive language. This is a family friendly game, mind you. And for your information, at 14 years old. It is the average age for puberty to hit, so please at least think before you type. And it is of such obscenity that I’m typing this.
At OinkzDevil: I don’t see your name mentioned anywhere, why did you cut in and insult another’s mother. Is it fun? Making mother jokes, you sick sick person.
And of course, at Meowmee: Your sentences don’t make sense, and when it does, it makes sick sense. Do you think this sick joke about one’s mother is fun? Would you enjoy it if someone used it on you? You might say you wouldn’t care, which by then is a really sad thing to know. You are a high level player who supposingly has “good” reputation, upon seeing this, it completely changed my opinion.
Have some brains to think of the children playing this game, imagine your children learning such language at the age of 11 or 12, you wouldn’t like it. If you would, you are not fit to be a parent.
Tis Agree. Meh thinks the Megaphones are getting worser and worser each day. I don’t even like meh chatting box anymore. -_-
Plus, the fact you have to pay 1.30 for each one is not really worth it.
I swear, there should be a group of people who have to approve megaphones before they are used,
Lol I cant believe people waste money for that.
-=The Nazgul=-