Big Change

After finally wearing down on Lammy, I needed a change. Killing was slow, experience rate was horrible, and there was nothing else to do. I tried going on the player killing server a bit and having my way with the new bloods, but after a killing spree, it became boring. Looking back now, I want to do it again. It’s fun, but Lammy is far too weak to pose a threat to anyone just a little bit higher than him.

I decided I would come back to Binseon. I would have to be fast, though. The seventh version would definetly hinder my progress to sixty. I started back on Binseon. After a few levels I realized that I probably gave up on Lamvao… I didn’t give up on him altogether. I would come back to him in time. I couldn’t give up on him.

In the thirties I realized that I didn’t want to go Psykeeper. I checked my build and saw that it wasn’t too late. Fifty-four intelligence wasn’t too high, I could still go AoE. Still, my stamina was low, I couldn’t quite switch to using a staff just yet. My stamina was still awfully low, so I needed all the defence rate I could get.

Levels came quickly. Very quickly. You’d be amazed at how fast you can level when you can fight something ten levels higher than you with ease. My defence rate shot up along with my hit points as I leveled, making my ability to level faster with less money as I climbed my way to fighting higher and higher at each level. It did eventually catch up to me, though. As soon as I hit the fifties, I noticed that my kill rate wasn’t flowing as it was before. Of course, I could withstand a lot, yet how fast I did kill was the problem. This was fixed easily with a contribution party.

Money was never a problem. I really only paid for food. Friends bought me or let me borrow armour that I always gave back to be resold or used. The drops kept me filled with food bt still slowly drained out my penya. I found jewelry along the way. The jewelry I found isn’t worth selling it seems. Everyone is so filled with money that they have no need for the cheap jewelry when they can afford this great, godly jewelry. I was around fifty-nine when I found two green suits. I tried selling them by shouting at first, that failed. After I made the job change, I had one hundred thousand penya left, so I finally went and sold those off. Gave me around seven million penya. Enough to last me a good while.

Many events also happened in these thirty-four levels. Soon after the realization that I practically gave up on Lammy, I joined Atmosphere on Binseon. In my forties, Alex went on his PMS and disbanded it. Apparently he kicked out a member of our guild. The people that liked her left, which he blamed her for. After all of it was done, he disbanded. Chaoticx made a guild called Neptue. I was intending on staying guildless for a while, but I wanted to help her, so I joined.

Alex still harrasses us. Still claims she did all of it. Harrassing us for being in a new guild with her. How he hasn’t been banned for harrassment is amazing. I’m trying to get him to leave us all alone. Everyone has moved on but him. It’s ridiculous. No one cares now. Still, it’s sad. Atmosphere was more of a big family and now the head of the used to be family is driving us crazy simply because we moved on.

I finally made it to being an elementor. I immediately tested all the spells. Chaoticx is scared witless of Fire Bird. Which is hilarious. I also love the ability to lag everyone around me. My damage has increased by tons. Even though I still have beaten the update, I still have a lot to do. I still have to master these five spells, get to seventy, master those AoE spells and masteries.

So far, I think I’m doing good. I’m starting to worry, though. I see almost all the information about version seven has been released. I still haven’t mastered these first skills. I still have to goet to seventy. I can do it, I just need more time. Makes me nervous that the thought of it, really.

The guild is comming along nicely. I pretty much co-lead it. It’s new, though comming along nicely. We need more active members. I’ve stolen Fuzzle from Mia. I’m hopeful to try and get Indescane and SilverFx along with other MMOT people to come to Lawolf instead. Might be a little hard. Though, I’m sure I can bribe a few other people into changing over.

I look back on when I first came on MMOT… Seems like not too long ago that I was the only one posting about FlyFF… People commenting things such as, “wuts flyff?” and “I don’t get on it much anymore, but I have a character on it.” Sort of feels like I started something. That I inspired a few people to change to FlyFF. Makes me feel like I let some down by just stopping. I’ll try to come back and post more

I started this months ago, I want to continue it.

7 thoughts on “Big Change”

  1. Well. That 7-minute-omgwthbbq-it-expired-before-I-could-click-on-Wingyei quest isn’t something I’d love to repeat. :X But if it means that there will be people to harass whenever I (inevitably) get hopelessly lost. . . Hee.

    If you manage to steal Indescane, I’ll most probably follow. XD

    Yeah, I remember your original FlyFF blogs. I read them, and I had no idea what you were talking about (all the monster names etc.) other than the bits of conversations you posted. But I liked them because, well, it was something other than Maple, which was what this site is really meant to be about. (That make sense?) And they were interesting to read. ^^ Even more interesting now, since I have more of an inkling about FlyFF.

    Just one thought. Do your own skills make yourself lag? >< Because it would be catastrophic for me indeed. XD

  2. Does Lawolf have less people than Mia? (I don’t know the order the servers came out, yes, I’m that new to the game.)

    ‘Cause if it does, I’d hop over in a split-second. I hate the lag I get in Mia.

  3. Iepiat: Lawolf came first. I remember when it was the only server. Then Aibatt, Mushpoie, and Mia followed.

    Lamvao: nice blog (^__^)

  4. SilverFx said: “Just one thought. Do your own skills make yourself lag? >< Because it would be catastrophic for me indeed. XD”

    Like you wouldn’t believe.

  5. Lamvao said: “

    SilverFx said: “Just one thought. Do your own skills make yourself lag? >< Because it would be catastrophic for me indeed. XD”

    Like you wouldn’t believe.”

    I wouldn’t believe it. But I’m already feeling it. XD Each Mental Strike takes about. . . half a second to cast. >.> Fun stuff.

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