Back to my Roots

It’s been a while… I know. I’ve been gone too long. Well, in the real world, I’m out of school for the rest of the month. What’s been taking up my time along the way has either been getting in that last few percent or just hanging out with fellow guildmembers.

While I was away, I thought about many things. I gained a few levels. I even ventured into the PK server for a good killing spree.

While away, I realized that I was taking FlyFF way too seriously. I thought about power levels. This was a game. Why did I care if I get a power level? I am having fun. I don’t care about my level, though it is good to see it rise. Hey, if I do somehow make it to the top, who cares what they think? I’m having fun.

Thus, I allowed Chaoticx and DorkofSporks to power level me one or two levels.

Which now, doesn’t bother me as much as it would’ve.

By now, I reached seventy-one. I’ve taken tons of screenshots. It was hard choosing which ones for the blog, yet I wasnted to focus on some of the more retarded things I’ve seen in the past few days. Sorta makes me wish I had updated daily again to explain some of the instances.

Speaking of retarded, I’ve gotten back to the main forums. If any of you wonder around the suggestion section, read my posts. I’m Foreni, usually the one to call people retarded. Since the forums has cceased to lag, I have returned.

I guess that is all for now. Start expecting me to update daily again, thought a bit later into the night.

4 thoughts on “Back to my Roots”

  1. It is easy to take any MMORPG too seriously.

    So just remember you play games to have fun.

    Which is basically what you’re saying

  2. Lamvao? Can you help me because when I try to download flyff and I finish it says thre was either a problem with the download and they can’t find who the publisher was, Nuthin works too, -.-

  3. And remember if you power level to much you will always eventually quit the game out of the boringness, Life Lesson:Never Power Level!

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