KWSN’s General laws of Maple


-The lower someone’s secondary stat is, the more likely the person is to be an jerk.
-The lower the level that someone has a z-helm, the more likely they are going to be an jerk.
-Archers tend to be the best KS’ers except at FoG. Then they’re the worst (without rain mind you). Despite this fact, they don’t go KS people often.
-Sins hate archers, and archers hate sins.
-DK’s almost always need a priest.
-Thieves are ADHD poster childs (haste).
-The amount of hackers someone reports is a reflection on how much of a life they have or lack.
-NX wh0res, while annoying at times, do keep the game free for the rest of us.
-The bigger the ass a high level is, the more (s)he has been asked for money and other items.
-The report button does work, just not instant gratification.
-GMs do exist, you just don’t know they’re there.
-The higher the level of someone’s “main”, the more likely they’re lying about it.
-No one listens to smegas calling for defames or reports.
-People who makes lists like these are either bored or just lacking a life.
-All fame does is allow you to do a handful of quests and wear dark/black armor.
-Mass defame threats are one thing: petty.
-Killing monsters from summon bags at HHG/KPQ/LPQ will get you yelled at.

Anyone got any more to add? XD

13 thoughts on “KWSN’s General laws of Maple”

  1. Rain said: “”Sins hate archers, and archers hate sins.”

    I’m a hermit and my bf is a ranger XDDDD;”

    Why I said not always true, maybe I should change that to “Archers and sins either hate each other or love each other, nothing in between”. XD

  2. 50% were obvious, 20% are untrue, the rest are true though, I never even realized it until I read that.

    AHDH posters eh?. . . :3

  3. Mmmmm -99.9% of the community has gone to the 6-7 year olds. That’s why everyone is a “Noob”

  4. Are you calling us here noobs?!

    *poke* Watch it. If we here are the remaining .1%, then I shudder to see the sheer number of Maplers.
    BTW I have a lot of friends, and they are all quite mature individuals. Most of the time. XP

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