Watch Out: Be Careful Who You Befriend

This thread is mainly for guys out there. [I’m a guy myself.]

Do you have a Maplestory girlfriend? If you do, think before you act.

Can you be sure that your girlfriend is trustworthy? For all you know, ‘she’ could be a ‘he’. Anyone can sign up either as a male or female. A guy could sign up as a female, then try to get a Maplestory boyfriend. Then he could gain your trust, then ask for your password. If you give out your password, 99% of the time, your account will be stolen/hacked or banned.

Anything can happen in the gaming universe. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking they’re a girl.

Here are some tips about online friends:

~ You never know who they really are. They could be a 40-year-old pervert.
~ Don’t ever make arrangements to meet in real life.
~ Watch out for attachments on messengers or e-mails if they’re your online friend.
~ Never let anyone “borrow” items unless you know them in real life.
~ Don’t get a Maplestory boyfriend/girlfriend.

I hope this helps people understand more about online friends.

5 thoughts on “Watch Out: Be Careful Who You Befriend”

  1. I completely agree! People are really stupid sometimes -_-; Anyone can scam you at ANY time you should never EVER trust people you don’t know in RL! Like come it’s common sense!

  2. complete true! u know those onlien stalker ish ppl O.O?!?!? he was flurting wit da girl i had a crush on (ovr ms) XD and i got so pissed off -_-” he kept asking “hey cutie where do u live?” or “how old r u” and all those questions. gawsh thank God i liked her or i couldnt care less of how that idiot was talking to her XD. i thot “chances are, hes an online predator” and theres always that voice “she’ll never like you if you let this stalker fool kidnap her XD”

  3. o.o;; I personally disagree. I have been talking ot people online like maple story ever since i was in 6th grade. and now i am in 10th grade so its been about 5 years so far. But what you have there is the basic stuff. I have become friends with mainly 5 boys online (im a girl) and i trust them, except with my personal personal info like where i live.
    But the thing is that maple story is just a game and if you get hacked, meh. start over.
    But i dotn give out my account info to complete strangers because i know better than that xD
    Peronsal info is different though,
    and NEVER EVER have a ms bf. T_T;; its a hassle,

  4. Actually, no, don’t ever have a maplestory relationship, however, online, I find it to be somewhat acceptable. Most times in online relationships, with my friends anyway, they’re completely based on faith and trust in one another, plus they know everything about one another.

    No, I’m not suggesting that you go out and get yourself an online boyfriend/girlfriend. But I am saying that not every guy/girl out there is a 40-year old stalker.

    Oh, and lastly, online friends rock! I have quite a few that are very close to me, and know alot of personal information, just because I know they’d never betray me.


  5. The way you people talk about it, its like going into MS with the intention of finding a bf/gf. And although those super-megaphones that say “LOOKING FOR BF COME FM CH 20” are super idiotic (and super scary o.O;;) I think a true “acceptable” MS relationship comes from trust.

    I’m very close with some of my friends, and I’d trust them 100% with anything, but thats because I’ve known them for six months, and I know they’re not the type to randomly ask for your account info. I guess its because they won’t ask for it that I’d trust them with it.

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