So, I was following my friend around Ellinia. We went into a mushroom tree.
Then, I thought, Why not have a little bit of fun?
I screamed out “selling esther sheild, @@@@@@@ 20k@@@”
I used crappy grammar and I didn’t capitalize. I think that makes people think you’re an idiot.
One person offered 30k, saying that my price was real bad. He said 30k is pretty good.
Another offered a fish spear. I had a long conversation with him.
But before that, my friend said (on purpose) “You idiot, the Esther Shield is worth more than 20k.”
So I started saying, “relly?? wow i thougth it wuz only worth like 20 – 30k”
The guy that offered the fish spear traded me.
Look at the pics now.
i didnt really get the point.
You don’t have to get the point. It’s just funny that people will go at all costs to scam someone.
Thats not a scam, thats a ripoff.