Okay, when you think about it, our IGN for us seems so.. taken for granted, almost invisible. It’s always there when we Maple, following your character through thick and thin, never resting. But I made this blog to appreciate our lovely IGN’s!
After ditching my long-forgotten archer in Broa, I moved on to Bera and made a bandit. His name? TKPenguin. I thought it was so original, so vibrant, so out-there! And it sort of was. Ever since I was a teeny tiny li’l kid, I thought penguins were awesome! And, TK could stand for anything. The Killer, Tha Killa, Thief Killer (lotsa killers hehe), etc. Before my craze with all the 007 games for GameCube, I named all my characters and other avatars Klaw64 (hence, my basil and MMO Tales ID name, to remember that far-away name).
We’ve all got a story behind our IGN’s and our avatar names. Well, unless your IGN is azn1233243 or something (OH SO ORIGINAL *cough*). TKPenguin was explained in the previous paragraph. My name was influenced by my buddies and our killer penguin comics (ah, what fun those were to make). Every little letter in my IGN is some importance to me. After all, TKPngun sounds sorta odd.
Why did you choose your IGN? It’s original, right? No unecessary numbers, I hope? If it is, I’d love to hear the story behind it. Fire away, childrens!
Well, my ign is SobeCleric,
The reason:
I love sobe energy drinks!
And i was planning on being a cleric, so
i made my ign SobeCleric
its kinda lame tho
haha here I go XP
I used to play a video game, based on pokemon (heyhey, I’m 12, ) I always named my Charcters mimiali, cause it would only let you have 7 letters
My nickname is Mimi, and my best friend’s name is Alice, so I combained it cause we were such great friends, thus Mimiali came to be
Memeki is from a book that I read, Memeki means The Last One in a language in the book, I am always last, in sports and alphabetical, so I thought it was fitting! BrightShades is my Bandit, its from the title of a book called Bright shadows, which I thought was a wonderful book XP so I named my self BrightShades, it can be brightshades of anything XP (brightshades of color? I love bright colors!)
and thats it ^_^ and your name’s so cool! (Tha Killeh Penguin! XP)
I chose my IGN because of the great Redwall books by Brian Jacques; that’s an awesome series, lemme tell ya.
I loved this blog.
When making my new character, I delved into literature about famous magicians and such to find inspiration. One, a book about Merlin, listed Merlin’s familiars (or “pets” to the layman). Greymalkin was the name of his cat and Harpier the name of his owl, and well, you can guess which one I chose.
Ryfar was chosen when I searched the net for Warrior-esque names.
Well my INGs came from~
Vatly ~ Vaati (anyone have played zelda minish cap)
Gratie ~ it was supposed to b gatrie (Fire emblem i think xP) but i messed it up.
Kei Ichirou ~ do anyone have watched Gakkou no Kaidan? (School ghost stories) its the name of the lil brother xP
LuzBel ~ i made this up it just “spawned” at my mind xP (to me sounds a bit diabolic ^¬^)
SodaAssassin. . . i luv soda
very simple XD lol
My usernames are usally just random ones I try to make creative and kind of funny (PrinceOfPwn, OvenToasted, ViralAsylum, Cycotik). RepaidDiaper I chose because if you read it backwards it says RepaidDiaper. =P Now I’m kind of going with a simple, random word (Hypothermic, Insubordination).
Dagreat1992 cuse i feel da best out ofmy friends Ynato1992 i got no idea why i made it up
Jellotek, Puddingtek, Tofutek
My screennames all has “dragon” in it one way or another, but my IGN’s Caray , it just popped out of nowhere. My other char Raystlin is after the mage Raistlin in DragonLance series by Margaret & Tracy Hickman, and LadyLulu a tribute to my favourite witch, Lulu of Final Fantasy X ^_^
I got 2 My first is Thoughts because as i was making my character i could,t think of a name so I said “it takes alot of THOUGHTS to make a name dthen walla there it was” My second one is Dicien because i rp with freinds and thats 1 of my characters name.
My IGN, Meou, is actually pretty simple.
I love cats, always have, but before Meou I was on my first char, an increibly screwed up Bandit. While on my Bandit one day, the Cash Shop was RELEASED. Wow, what cool items! I thought, but the thing that caught my eye was the Cat Hat (the cat suit was not out yet). Immediately, I got 5k NX and bought the hat, and decided I might as well start anew like so many of my friends advised for me to do. With that, I created Meou, my archer. Meou was as close as “meow” as I could get. (However, later I found out that Meovv was open. Meovv now rests as my mule incase I ever want to use that name for a new character.) So, you could say I was the first person named for that cat hat. Later, the second the cat suit came out, I bought that too. Same thing for the kitty slippers. SAME thing with the kitty qoute ring, and the pet cat (who’s happily named Maow). It’s been several long months of me and that cat-suit, wait, maybe longer. How long since it came out? I always rebuy the outfit when it disappears, too, always.
This cat outfit has become who my MS character is. Sure, I’m remembered for my personality, too. But the people who never talk to me can go and say “Hey, look, I remember seeing that Catwoman when I was ___, ___ long ago.”
And that is how my IGN, Meou, has came to be.
dariidar- my name’s darien, weird name, so i made it one step weirder and more alliterated. . . dariidar!
my bandit > m05twant3d , i like this name,
cleric > Xrayz , randomly type, no idea actually
spearman > DJichig0 , ichig0,the char in bleach
hope u can read this all i made 5 char =.=
hm well my first char, *which is messed up and i still use it as a main o.O* is xxchristixx for my friend christy =D
and my second char was mickeymonsta, hey i dont no why i put that there, it was suppose to be for my sis, ask her O.O
third char was healwithluv ; which i thought was fitting cuz it was gonna be a cleric and well i have a bf? =D
fourth char was another cleric *they were to fund me in both khaini and windia* named healingdots cuz when u heal another person it has dots on its head XD i no weird lol
last one is my warrior =D its going to be a page, so i named it brokenpage, i tried cursedpage but someone already took it TT_TT so i will BREAK THE CURSE OF PAGES MUWHAHAHHAA but then again, many ppl already have, sort of, so, eh, =D