This is the next story of the series, sorry if it’s been a while; I’ve been sick. Oh and Will is Steeisin, so I sometimes switch between the names.
Steeisin was still baking his “Krusha Pie”. The stench of rotting blood and organs was extremely strong in Steeisin’s small cabin. ‘My precious. My precious pie. MY PRECIOUS PIE MUST BE EATEN!!!” howled Steeisin. “But, I must find a way for my lovely troops to try this delicacy. But how!?” Will was just wearing a pair of soiled tighty-whities; his armor was strewn all over his desk. His Brown China Hat had teethmarks in it. Suddenly, Steeisin sprang out of his cabin in his soiled panties. The night-time guards, Johnee and Tooth watched Will as he pranced in the moonlight, singing an odd song.
“I’VE BECOME SO DUMB I CAN’T PEE YOU THERE, BECOME SO FIRED SO MUCH MORE A FISH! I’M BECOMING THIS ALL I WANT TO DO IS BE MORE LIKE MONKEY AND BE LESS LIKE SANTA!!!” Will wailed off-key (the song he was trying to sing was “Numb” by Linkin Park). Tooth prodded Johnee with his shoulder, and Johnee nodded smartly. Johnee dug inside his burlap bag and pulled out a tranquilizer gun. On the side in tiny letters read:
“WARNING: Only meant for crazed Lupins. DO NOT SHOOT AT HUMANS!”
Johnee shrugged and aimed the gun at Steeisin. After hesitating for a bit, he pulled the trigger. The dart went straight into Steeisin’s neck. Will’s eyes drooped, and he looked like he was on some freaky drug. Finally, Steeisin passed out right on the deck of their ship.
It was morning.”Ohhh, where am I?” asked Will groggily. Looking down at him was a cleric medic, wielding a Cromi. Next to the medic was Johnee, the sin who shot Will with the tranquilizer.
“Captain! Captain Steeisin! Stay with us! Wake up!” exclaimed the medic. Will’s eyes drooped some more, then he finally shook his head and fully awoke.
“Woah! I don’t remember a thing! Who are you guys!?” shouted Steeisin.
“I am Medic Dooleeble, the only medic on this ship,” replied the medic. He gestured to the sin. “And this is Johnee, he saved you from permanent insanity, cap’n.”
“I owe you my life, kind troop,” smiled Steeisin,.
“Just doing my duty sir,” replied Johnee as he smiled back.
“Well, I’m afraid I have to ask Steeisin some questions. If you’ll excuse me Johnee. . .” said Medic Dooleeble.
Johnee saluted and left the room.
The room Will and the medic were in was dark. Will was lying in a small stretcher. It must have been in the hull of the ship. Steeisin thought that the hull was not a very good spot for sick and wounded people. “We must be low on room,” thought Steeisin.
“Now, I’m going to ask you some questions, captain. Is that okay with you?” asked the medic.
“Sure, fire away doc,” muttered Steeisin as he turned to face the ceiling.
“What is the last thing you remember?” asked Dooleeble as he reached behind his back to get something.
“Well, the huge fight with the archers. That was a dark day; men screaming, begging for death, begging for their mothers. . .” Steeisin drifted off, a small tear going down his cheek.
“I see, how sad,” said the medic absentmindedly.
“Uhh, Doc? What’s that you’re pulling from your doctor’s coat? It looks pretty shi-“
Before Steeisin could finish his sentence, “Medic” Dooleeble had a knife at his throat. Pulling off his silk yet fake mage armor, the fiend revealed lvl 40 warrior armor. “Hah, your time is up, “cap’n”,” laughed Dooleeble wickedly. “Did you really think there were mages on this ship? HAH! You’re more stupid than I thought.” Steeisin tried to fight back, but his arms were duct taped to the stretcher. The knife was coming closer; Will could already feel a drop of blood go down his neck. The warrior assassin was about to dig the knife ever deeper, killing Steeisin slowly. Will closed his eyes hard and got ready to scream.
Suddenly, 4 Steelies came flying in the room, all piercing the warrior’s side. The warrior screamed in agony, then looked to see who threw the stars. It was Johnee! He had heard the senile voice from the room using his almost bionic thief hearing skills then rushed to Will’s aid. Johnee charged forward, kicking the warrior back. Dooleeble was pinned against the wall, and three more Steelies went inside his face. The warrior gave a scream of defeat and died, still pinned to the wall like an enormous pincoushion.
Johnee cut Steeisin loose, then shook his hand. “What a relief, captain!” he laughed mirthlessly.
“Yeah, I definitely owe you. I up rank you to second in command!” announced Will happily.
“That’s wonderful, second in command? I won’t let you down sir!” Johnee saluted.
“You better not,” added Steeisin as he punched Johnee in the shoulder playfully. “I’m counting on you buddy.”
Johnee’s eyes began to water. “My dad. . . would have been so proud of me if he was here.”
“Don’t worry Johnee, I’m sure you’ll see him again when this war is all over,” said Steeisin, trying to cheer up the gloomy sin.
Johnee shook his head sadly. “No, he didn’t stay at home, he fought with me. He was a bandit.”
~~Johnee’s flash-back
Captain of the ship, Cap’n SharpEye, ran from his comfy cabin. Grabbing his scrolled Red Viper, he aimed an arrow right at an older bandit’s head. With a sharp twang, he let the arrow fly. The piercing missile went straight through the middle-aged bandit’s head and he fell off a plank.
End of Flash-back
“No, that couldn’t have happened. . .” said Will dumbly, shocked that Johnee lost his father so recently.
“I saw it with my own eyes. I’m very happy that his death was avenged, but I still must. . . must. . .” Johnee bent a Steelie with one hand. “I must win this war. I will do it! I will triumph over all the enemies!”
Will patted his new friend on the back. “And I’ll be right behind ya, pal!”
The two gave each other high-fives.
Suddenly, a harpoon came flying through the hull of the ship, where Johnee and Steeisin were. The harpoon opened up and water started gushing out, all through-out the ship. Another harpoon struck, and more water was being poured inside. “SURPRISE ATTACK BY A WARRIOR SHIP, DEAD AHEAD!!” screamed a scout on the very top of a ship. He was struck with a small cannonball fired from the warrior ship. The cannonball went through the unfortunate scout’s chest, and he screamed in agony as he fell from the mast.
Steeisin was receiving a lot of water. But he had to find Johnee. He was his only friend; and friends stick together. They stick together to the end. Gritting his teeth, Steeisin dived, prepared to find Johnee.
The water struck against him hard. This wouldn’t be easy.
To Be Continued
Oooh, suspense! I sure hope Johnee is okay; he’s so cool. And it looks like Steeisin got his sanity back! Sweet! Can’t wait for the next story!
i’m back baby
, thomas you didn’t rate my story yet, go read, go read!
lol. Numb happens to be my favorite song
A little confusing at points.
[I]I’ve become so numb, I cant feel you there, so much more of this
all I want to do- is be more like me, and be less like you, and I know, that you
were just like me and I was just like you it would fall apart[I/]
yay will is not crazi no more
hmm better, your last one i hated, bc you made me like stupid.
i loved this story
ya i sure hope Johnee will not die