The Maple War: Eps. 3; SteeiSin’s War

Good heavens, it’s been so long! Well I promise to start writing more consistently. On with the story! This one actually has a lot of action.

Steeisin poked at a bread crumb; rations weren’t looking good. In the cabin of the dank ship of the Beginners, “Captain” Steeisin’s army waited. The ship flew through the sky quickly, on its way to Perion for a surprise attack. Steeisin’s army were scattered through out the ship. Some were nervous, biting their nails. Others were praying. There were a few who were throwing stars at targets. Steeisin was stressed out; he missed his best bud TKP, he didn’t want to be in a war he didn’t know or care about. He wanted to be home, he wanted to adventure, he wanted to explore. Happy thoughts sifted from his mind like desert’s sand. Soon he will be killing everything, mindlessly, without mercy. He didn’t want to do that. Even though he was lvl 50 now and had lots of experience, the only things Steeisin wanted to kill were monsters. But it wouldn’t be like that for a while. Steeisin started to daydream; everything he had done with TKPenguin, everything he had trained on, everything he used to do..

“ATTACK! WE’RE UNDER ATTACK!!! CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN!!!” Screamed a scout on the top of the ship. Steeisin snapped out of his daydream. He ran outside, followed by his two bodyguards, Krusha and Snakke.

“Attack? Where?” demanded Steeisin.
“Sir, they’re coming from the North. They’re shooting fire arrows at the ship. I don’t think she can take mu-“

He was silenced with an arrow to the neck. The scout tried to scream in pain, but the arrow had gone through his vocal chords. Gurgling blood, the young scout fell to the ground, dead. Steeisin didn’t need any more warning; he ran to the star launcher, a huge ballista-like siege weapon that throws humongous stars. He aimed at the closest archer he could see, and fired. Steeisin heard a scream of pain from the archer and reloaded.

The archer’s ship was about two times larger than the thieves’. On the side, golden letters engraved the word, “Eagle Strike”, the name of the battle ship. Near the end of the ship were eagle feathers, designed for speeding through the sky with ease and grace. Near the front on the two sides, ballistas were pointing out of windows. The siege weapons were incredibly easy to use and could be reloaded in record time. That wasn’t good news for Steeisin.

By now, Steeisin’s entire army of sins and bandits were outside. The more experienced thieves were firing stars from the star launcher, the some-what experienced were throwing their stars, and the inexperienced made repairs and tried not to get an arrow through their chests. Already there were dead bodies strewn about the ship. Some thieves ended the pain and jumped off the ship, preferring to kill themselves than fight in a losing battle. Snakke, Steeisin’s bodyguard, noticed this, and threw an Ilbi at one of the thieves who tried to hide in the cabins. “No cowards!” He screamed. The thief he threw the Ilbi at fell, bleeding to death; no more thieves would show cowardice now.

Steeisin knew the only way to attack was to board the ship. “GET THE PLANKS! Move! Move! Move!” Steeisin yelled. The drummer on the top of the ship drummed the tune. Immediately, the thieves grabbed a plank from the storage and prepared to board. Soon after, the drummer receieved three arrows to the gut. But he was still alive; he had to finish his drumming tune to prepare the thieves for boarding. An arrow bomb flew at him, and the drummer closed his eyes, preparing for his doom, hoping it would be quick.

The drummer’s organs went flying from the top of the ship, raining down on his troops. A few thieves vomited. This was no longer a battle; it was a butcher’s heaven.

The thieves’ ship was very close to the archers’ now. Steeisin was urging his troops on, throwing a few stars at any archers that dared leap from cover. The planks were shot out of cannons and went flying in to the archers’ ship. Immediately after, a storm of ninjas and bandits ran forward, screaming, “For the thieves! For the mages! CHAAAARGE!” A few bandits fell off the planks and fell to their doom, but most of them made it across. Steeisin didn’t need a plank, neither did his bodyguards. They leapt on to the ship, throwing stars in mid-air. Steeisin threw a Tobi and made one archer two archers, slicing him in half. The bandits were using their skill Savage Blow incredibly quickly, and the thieves who remained on their own ship fired huge stars from the launchers. The thieves stood a chance.

Captain of the ship, Cap’n SharpEye, ran from his comfy cabin. Grabbing his scrolled Red Viper, he aimed an arrow right at an older bandit’s head. With a sharp twang, he let the arrow fly. The piercing missile went straight through the middle-aged bandit’s head and he fell off a plank. “This won’t last long,” thought SharpEye.

Steeisin had two arrows in his right shoulder. Cursing the skill Double Arrow, he punched an archer in the nose with his Dark Slain, breaking it. He then kicked him in the face, shattering the archer’s skull with his spiked boots. Removing a field dagger, Steeisin threw it at an archer who was reloading. It went sraight in to his chest and killed him immediately. Meanwhile, Krusha and Snakke were relentlessly throwing Ilbis at anything that shot arrows. Dead archers were all over their own ship, and the stench of death hung in the air. However, the thieves were winning.

Cap’n SharpEye looked around for the enemy Captain. A bandit ran at him, screaming wildly and swinging his coconut knife. SharpyEye waited ’till the bandit got close, then pulled out his spear. The unfortunate bandit impaled himself, blood gushing out of his mouth. SharpEye kicked the corpse off his spear and continued to search for Steeisin. Finally spotting him, he aimed an arrow right for his face. A young sin spotted the enemy Captain, and also saw the arrow flying at his own Captain. Without thinking, he jumped in the arrow’s path, taking the arrow for Steeisin. Steeisin turned around and saw the dead sin with an arrow half-way through him, and suddenly felt berserk. “No more, no more death! NO MORE!!! NO MORE!! AAAGH!” He shrieked. He pulled out two Shinkitas, only to be used at hand to hand combat. He flung them everywhere, killing archers by the score. He ran to Cap’n SharpEye, who had a large gash in his back from a bandit. The enemy Captain didn’t have time to look around; Steeisin had already decapitated him. Blood gushing from the bloody stump of the Captain’s head, the corpse fell to the ground.

Seeing their Captain dead, most of the archers surrendered. A few still fought, but they were silenced immediately. Steeisin walked up to a whimpering archer, his bow thrown to the ground. The bowman was on his knees, crying. Steeisin gave a grunt of disgust and grabbed him by the neck. Walking to the edge of the boat, he screamed like a maniac and threw the archer off the boat to his doom. “Take no prisoners,” he whispered to himself. The thieves heard their command using their almost bionic thief hearing, and obeyed the command.

There were no prisoners taken on the ship Eagle Strike, not a one.

To Be Continued..

Hehe, wow! This one is sort of long. If ya liked it, don’t forget to approve! Comments and feedback are appreciated as well.

9 thoughts on “The Maple War: Eps. 3; SteeiSin’s War”

  1. Hehe, sorry Tommy. There’s actually such things as people who like long stories, ya know. Hey! Click on the “click here if you enjoyed this blog” button, Tommy!

  2. did he go crazy? i think he went crazy. is he crazy?

  3. wow that was awsome when the boy was kill just for his captian that was a great story

  4. WOOT STEEiSIN4EVER, nice story tom, o yea and my cousins know “brenten” its a funny stroy teehee

  5. Woah! Yeah Brenten e-mailed me asking if one of your cousins knew him. I just deleted it though, didn’t bother forwarding it to you!

    On-topic, you may have noticed that Steeisin goes a little crazy. You may be right, you may be wrong! Stay tuned! Sorry Will, but this is just revenge for making my character the bad guy in your story.

  6. yea no problem keep going wif that awesome story (oh yea, yea) WE BETTER WIN THAT DODGEBALL GAME!

  7. cant wait till the next one comes! but thats so mean to archer>:-( soo mean>< they surrendered, but they had to die><

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