Well, today was actually pretty sad. As soon as I logged on, I was greeted by “[Facial Expression Wink] has expired, and removed from your inventory.” Next was my last Safety Charm, and then my Mini Kargo’s Wings, and then, my poor pet Trogdor. Even though he was never real, I still miss the capability to pee on people. Ah well, such is NX. I now realize how useless it is. And I’m not buying it ever again! So sue me, Wizet.
But before Trogdor died, I would kill one Chief Gray with him. So I did, and check out the fourth screenie to see how it went. After I told my guildmates, they said they were gonna have a funeral. But I had to go to Free Market to attend, and lucky for me (sarcasm), Omega has no Free Market. Having no rock scrolls, I had to trudge all the way up the tower.
About halfway up the tower, I got an odd whisper. Who was it? Oh my goodness! It was ADDISON! If you read my other blog, it talked about Addison quitting MS permanently. Well he came back thanks to Summer boredom! Summer is officially my favorite season! So I added him to my guild and we partied like it was 1970!
When I finally got to Ludi, I went to my pet’s funeral. It wasn’t even worth screenie-ing, I remember the whole thing:
Ray: Today
Ray: we are here
Me: i miss troggie
Ray: to remember trogdor
Ray: ok funerals over
Ray’s Bro: BB!
Pretty exciting, huh? Yeah, I agree. But it helped me forget about Trogdor and how much of a loser he was (sorta). Think about it; they’re not real! Get a real pet! One that lasts more than 3 months! So afterwards I went to Florina Beach and helped Addison find a dagger scroll, but we failed. At least I had some fun with my guild, Typoe.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go study for exams. What fun what fun! *Procrastinates and plays Pikmin 2*
“Oh crap, there’s mould in my locker.”
Oh yeah, I have temporarily postponed my little stories. I have a birthday on Sunday! WOOO! CELEBRATION!
Cool, sounds like a good day to me. Oh yeah, why are you 7x% in your other screenies except the Chief Gray one? Did you die or something?
Heh, ya caught me. I took that screenie like last week, and wanted to show it off.
lol “magic that costs 2 bucks” LOL. sorry that ur pet expired tho =.=
=D Thats a SWEET name for a cargo though!
good humor too =]

“You still using that wagner”
My opinion it was a good day =D
lmao, “a little magic that costs 2 bucks”
yeah, they need money money money.
“he wasn’t real, but I miss the capability of being able to pee on people.” <—– that made me choke on my coke!
Pikmin? I hate pikmin. -_- GOGO PROCRASTINATION! I’ll support it later. I have to play MS.