Man, normally I’m not the ranting type, I’d say a “turn the other cheek” type. But what gets me sorta angry is how people are classifying OTHER HUMANS by the class they chose. Let’s take an example from our happy BasilMarket forums. . .
Warriors are the kindest of the classes and don’t KS.
Mages KS but don’t do it on purpose and are overall pretty nice.
Thieves are the worst class. They have the highest population, They KS everyone and everything, and they harass other players to make themselves feel good. They are also thieves :P(fame thief in my case)
Bowman are just R1tarded
Oh happy day. It just so happens his characters are mages and warriors (go figure). Most Maplers say Sins are meanie KSing monsters. That’s true for some, but not all. Sure, they have the capability, but only the mean guys in REAL LIFE take advantage of it. It’s not about the class, but the person behind the screen.
Here’s another example: let’s take uhhh.. Paul here (just a made up name). Paul is a bully in real life who beats up small childrens and takes their lunch money. He gets really bad grades and blah blah blah. On Maple he is just as bad. He’s a sin who KSes everyone whenever he gets the chance. A few Maplers saw Paul and his KSing. They immediately conclude that sins are the meanest, baddest class in the game, just by meeting our good friend Paul here. Heck, they may meet other baddie sins, and that adds even more to their hatred to sins. They spread it on forums and such, and more and more people believe that sins are evil fiends, all because of Paul.
In conclusion, don’t judge people by their pixel choice. It’s just a game, and the most important thing is that not all sins and other jobs are bad just because you’ve met one that is terrible. Remember, sins are the most popular choice of job, so it just so happens that there are more meanies who chose sins.
Just wanted to voice my li’l opinion.
“One could conclude that China is a country.”
I totally agree with your opinion, but even though this is already known to many Maplers, it just seems that they keep on thinking that sins are bad. (Thats why I’m a banditsin X_x that and the fact that I fail at my maple life O_o).
yes I agree,
warriors can’t ks, because before they can try ks a person, they are ksed by a sin
i hav a warrior and a sin, but dont worry, I really dont mean to ks anyone on purpose
sometimes a character cant see another character fighting a monster, thats it
i conpletely agree with you
however, idiots live on and post random garbage. There is no cure for being an idiot, period.
um, actually on Bera Mages are more popular coz my friend hes lvl50 and his job ranking is like 5000’s and im lvl48 and im only in the 3000’ss
Nice evidence for ur point + comment! This is a good post!
Very good example,
and that guy that ranted about how we mages ks and sins ks EVERYTIME THEY SEE SOMEONE, and how archers are ritarded, He must be calling half the population of maplestory evil, ive seen worst warriors, they tried ksing me =_=
Uhm, I agree with this, but,,, mages are more abundant in Scania, as well. Not sure which server you’re in. >.>
o.O This is just a sort of re-post to MY post, of “First Character Analasys” though, this points out one additional thing that I hadn’t put into my post about Warriors not KSing, <_< The link is listed below.
First Character Analasys
JESUS CHRIST I’m tired of these blogs
I completely agree. Classification of classes on Maple as such is only a small window into how humans really classify others in real life. I do agree that most warriors on average don’t ks as much however, mainly because warriors are ksed very badly in the beginning and have a feel for what it’s like. There are always exceptions, of course.
harrybladder stfu dont take the LORD’S name in vain
Lol, lord. >_>
Jesus Christ. Could be my name too.
Anyway, just like WoW, “that 300 lb. ex-convict is that night elf priest healing your party over there”
Yeah. I get picked on by anyone stupid enough to believe the stereotype of spearmen because of it. “OMG Spearmen are such fast lvlers, they ks everything!11”
My arse we lvl fast. Anyone who believes this mith, MAKE A SPEARMAN. I am extremely polite and respectful, and I believe in the person behind the pixel.
Moahaha: you hypocrite, don’t curse whilst telling others not to use thy lord’s name in vain. for all you know he could be catholic.
, dude, im christian,
My point of view is
For example: Sins
(No im not a sin)
Okay, if a sin tks, everyone takes a look at him/her and gets angry.
If a sin DOESNT tk, no one cares. They just go on with their lives without commending the thief.
If the sin tks, they rant out their anger to friends, basil, etc.
Mmmngh, that person that wrote your quote there, he/she is a fool. >.>; No offense if they are/were your friend or something. I am a Thief (no idea why it’s called Sin) and I’ve been playing for about half a year, and I never once intentionally KSed, and -never- harassed someone for my own enjoyment. Heck, if anything I let people get away with doing that to me. <.< I totally like this blog.
Anth : Mmmngh, that person that wrote your quote there, he/she is a fool. >.>; No offense if they are/were your friend or something. I am a Thief (no idea why it’s called Sin) and I’ve been playing for about half a year, and I never once intentionally KSed, and -never- harassed someone for my own enjoyment. Heck, if anything I let people get away with doing that to me. <.< I totally like this blog
But lol, I totally agree with your post and I’m a bowmannn.
Which noob said bowmans are retard! Ill ks the hell outta him/her