Well I wrote this lovely piece of writing on TricksterMart but I added some more to it.
A new game is about to dawn on us, it is called Trickster. Similar to MapleStory, this game is coming out in less than a week. As the countdown reaches zero, people have commented on how they wanted to be the best ever in Trickster. Some have even comitted themselves. They want to be famous, they want to be looked up to, they want little 4th graders to write a report on how they are his/her role model.
Trust me, you don’t want to be the best in Trickster. Doing so would cause you to become addicted. There are soooo many people that have that same dream of “BEING DA BEST DERE IZ” but the truth is, there’s always someone that’s gonna pass you; that’s gonna beat you. You could play 5 hours straight in the game (which is INCREDIBLY sad) but there’s still gonna be someone who has started 10 minutes later but has played 8 hours straight and still going strong. And if you want to beat that by playing longer, that’s just pathetic.
And then if you become the best, there’s always gonna be people calling you a low life and a 40-year old fatty who lives in his mom’s basement. People will contact you every day in the game and call you names, call you tubby fatass loser. And then you’ll realize that being the best ever isn’t great. You begin to notice your dropping grades, your lack of socialization. And in the end (if you are banned or whatever) you will look back and say, “Gee, what a waste of my life Trickster’s been.”.
And when you finally decide to quit, seeing as you’re the “shout it out” personality, you’d want to announce your quitting on some forums. And of course people will say, “BB I”LLL MISSA YOU” but inside, unless they knew you, they wouldn’t give a hobo’s crap. And all that “fame” you had was worth absolutely nothing. And you’ll regret the day you forced yourself to become the best. You’ll want back all the time you wasted on some dumb game. And there will be nothing you can do about it.
If we look at MapleStory, we can see that when Tiger left, sure there was some chaos, but nobody really gave him a 10 page “We’ll Miss Tiger” page now did they? In fact, even the sweetest and nicest of us called Tiger a no-life loser at least once. For what? For being the best on MapleStory. We assume that because he is the very best, unless he hacks or does some sort of other illegal leveling method, he spends all his day on MapleStory. And this is usually true.
It’s okay to dream, but make sure the dream doesn’t become a reality. If it does, you will most likely regret it for the rest of your life.
“Can’t you see I’m trying to scare you!?”
This blog makes me forget about my precious Matthias, who was deleted by my brother. He is replaced now by someone else, and I just hope that that person is enjoying their IGN. Thanks for the reminder that MS is similar to all games which kill your brain. . . and your life.
lol now i know why tiger is being hated. . .
*claps* lots of sense in this.
I dont mind being a good trickster.
I dont care if i will get famous because its worth NOTHING like maple, i didnt even tell my buddies i was quitting maple so they will eventually find out,
sad but true.
retired mapler, mith