Ah yes, my Broa Days!~
When I first started MapleStory, I made my account (after having some trouble on where to find the download MS client -.-“) and chose my server: Broa. The reason? That B with all the grass growing on it looked pretty sweet! Not to mention I liked forest environments (I thought the servers were different). After choosing my character’s name; SGPenguin which I thought was pretty clever since the SG meant “shotgun”. I played with the dice stats a bit, and ended up with very mixed up stats. I made my character toben (ohhh so sick) with brown hair and blue eyes. After confirming my character, I clicked “OK” and began my Mapling.
After I showed up on Maple Island, I thought the graphics were pretty sweet. Before Maple, I played RuneScape *horror music* so this Maple Island seemed pretty high-tech. Talking to the first NPC, I followed her orders and tried attacking a bit. Noting a few typos from Sera, I gave her the mirror and proceeded. By now, I thought I was pretty good at this game, finishing this quest like a hero. After killing a few snails, I leveled up! I liked the fact that I was level 2 now, not that nooby old level 1. Yep, things were looking good. I leveled all the way to level 4 when I accidentally pressed the “S” key while reaching for my Coke. Hmm, what had I found? Some stats! And with little up arrows next to them. I tried clicking the STR arrrow. Wow! The STR stat went up! I experimented with all the stats, including HP and MP. I even upped INT because “I wanted my character to be smart”. After leveling to level 9, I proceeded to the ship that goes to Victoria, where big tough monsters were. “Pah, I’m pro level 9 now. I can take any of them!” I thought. Boy was I wrong…
After arriving in Victoria, I talked to Shane, the Lith Harbor “tour guy” and learned about all the towns AND the jobs. Jobs? Woah! I wanted to be a cop, when I realized that there were no cops or firemen, more like archers and thieves. “An archer would be pretty sweet,” I thought, so I went to Henesys. After about ten minutes searching, I found the leader of all the bowmen: Athena Pierce. I talked to her and she said I needed to be level 10 and have a DEX of 25. Ulp! My DEX was barely in the ten’s, I needed to do some leveling.
As I was walking back to my training zone, I spotted someone selling arrows for 5 mesos each. “I’m pretty rich, and what a bargain! Arrows are rare,” I figured. 900 mesos was quite alot back in my noob days. So I traded the person, who I remember was a lvl 2x girl. I asked to buy 100 arrows but encountered a problem: I didn’t know how this trading device worked! The girl put up the arrows while I was just sitting there in awe of how she did that. I asked her, “Uhh, how do you put up mesos?” (awww I still used perfect spelling and grammar, too bad in-game I don’t talk like that anymore). The girl said, “lol, click on that little meso thingy and type 500”. After a few seconds on trying to find the meso icon, I finally put up 500 mesos. Completing the trade, I knew I was pro now. After all, it takes a genius to find out that trade wotchamacallit!
Yep, things were going swell. After finally reaching level 10, I noticed that my DEX was still low. So I leveled again and FINALLY got 25 DEX. Rushing to Athena, I became a bowman.
However, there was a problem; I only had enough mesos for a bow and that lvl 10 archer hat! I bought them and tried shooting some arrows. Amazing! After that I upped one of my skills, completely unaware that there was a scroll-down arrow. I trained a bit more, upping mostly STR and some DEX. I was pretty quiet most of the time, ignoring the weird, the very weird, and the just plain stupid people on this lovely game that is MapleStory. My armor looked a bit messed up, with blue jean shorts and the lvl 10 archer top on.
After reaching lvl 18, I was at a slump. I should be leveling once a day! But nope, things weren’t so easy. At that day my friend from school (who also plays MS, and is a really good friend of mine) suggested that I play at the Bera server, and to make a thief, since that’s the server that he was on and thieves are way better. He also told me NOT to get toben hair because it’s very ugly, and told me perfect bandit stats rolls. Abandoning my lvl 18 archer, SGPenguin, who thought selling his pumpkin basket for 22k was a very good deal and thinking lvl 30’s were pros, I moved on to the Bera server, which was way easier thanks to my rich buddy.
So ended my Broa Days…
very well put lol ^^ hahaha
Ah i remember the old days when the Maple Island was Normal =)
Nice story. It seems we all end up killing our characters at level eight-teen.
“Judgement Level.”
My first character was 32, with bad stats, and I quit. He was a page.
Oh well *feels special*
lol my 1st character was a warrior
he was a fighter
took to long to lvl
^^ ah the memories. If only i could be noob in my mind again. so innocent. so calm. no pressures. i miss those days.
i loved this blog.
Oh, that’s so simliar to what I did. Expect I downloaded MSEA first (maplestory.com was almost all different langauges and some English letters were on the last link, so I clicked there). I knew about the jobs. Archer was my choice since arrow bomb seemed cool and I didn’t want to be a mage like my cousin. It took me like until lvl 5 to figure out why I kept doing 1 damage on snails when others were doing 20. I thought INT effected your skill attacks. I was much more poorer and could even get a bow at lvl 10. I was also converted to bera when I was lvl 15.
It’s too bad u can’t Player kill in MS other than that MS is great.
i quit 6 characters at level 18 o.0
my most successful players are mages.
what y would u go 2 bera bera sucks broas the best anyway warriors and bowmen r the best thiefs suck (no offence2 theif players except him)

Even I wasn’t that clueless in my noob days
I played Tespia (Maple Global Beta version server)
Global official sounded like a godsend.
Lol, How wrong was I
There, Every one’s manners got worse.
Respect reached an all-time low
and of course, being low-leveled gets you comments like “Oh, your a level 19, how noob. Bye noobienoobienoob LOLOLOLOLO ROFL LMAO”