Snails, HAH! Think of this. . .

Snails. Salt. BOOM.

Ok, snail, salt, death. Can’t wizet think of a better animalian? Snails!!??!
Jms, Kms, and Cms has there own exclusive places right?
So, wouldn’t it be neat if we got our own?
Come on! North american maplestory, we’re creative!
Think of a neat, new exclusive place based on North America. Make sure not to leave out Canada xD.

Of coarse, THEME PARK LAND! Wait, what monsters would lie there? Cotton candy? Nope.
LAKE SUPERIOR! Err. Fish monster? I think we’re going to get aqualand too so nope.

The master idea, the zoo. What else could be better? The restaurants = potion shop/item shop
Ice cream stands = potion shop
Different pavilions, different monster animals! Don’t forget the little cart thingies that transport you to different places.

What idea do you people have? The format should be like this:

Name: (Exclusive GMS name)
Monsters: (As much monsters as you wish to put here)
Hidden-street maps: (List some hiddenStreet maps, and what’s inside ’em)
Description: (uhh, description?)

Thanks all!


14 thoughts on “Snails, HAH! Think of this. . .”

  1. Hmm, well for Canada they can put Beavers, Moose and Deer. And maybe a Mad Cow XD

  2. maybe they caould have a hidden street called “the zoo” and have a lotta doors containing certains monsters such as werewolves, lupin, maybe mushies

  3. I always thought that there should be a special area just for hackers. When they are caught, that is where they go, and they can never ever get their characterout. There are no monsters to vac hack from, and there will be so many hackers there that most of them will lag out. It will be very small, and the jump button will be disabled. And they will die of boredom. DIE. AHAHAHA.



  4. XD! I love your idea, Vicelin. Love it.

    If we ever did one for Illinois there could be. . .Um, cows? Yeah. That’s pretty much all that’s here unless you live near Chicago. -.-‘

  5. Name: The Americas
    Monsters: The animals that live in the Americas and Terrorists
    Hidden-street maps: Capital Buildings for each Country?
    Description: A Continent Shaped like North + Central + South Americas

  6. Place Name: The White House
    Monster (boss): George W. Bush
    Skills: Makes law that u r unable to use magical attks
    Description: Look at the real white House
    Hidden-street maps: G.B Tower floors 1-200

  7. Name: Missile Silo
    Monster: A huge nuclear missile threatening to blow up Mars.
    Hidden-Street Map(s): A control room filled with torture things to make you die. Pwhaha.
    Description: It’s a missile silo? o.o;

  8. Name: Global Theme Park
    Monster: Unknown, presumably high level bosses and high level monsters
    Hidden-Street maps: Unknown
    Description: It’s the Exclusive are GMS is eventually going to get.

  9. Name: Dragonia
    Monsters: Black Knights, Baby Dragon (flys like a stirge), Large Dragon (As big as Mushmom), Dragon Riders,
    Hidden Streets: Knight’s castle, Dragon nest, Dragon stables
    Description: A large medieval place full of wonders and magics, where any turn in your journey will lead to something dangerous and exciting.

  10. vicelin, i don’t think that will work. once on hacker gets in, he will tell his real life friend who might be a hacker, adn he wouldn’t be so stupid to venture into there.

  11. place: Sears!
    monsters: washing machines, clothes, cabinets, furniture
    description: Sears! lol

    yea was very random XD

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