Test for my sprite comic

I decided to warm up to sprite comic making, thanks to BannedStory. Greatest simulator ever.

So yeah, here’s a scene where a mysterious shadow kills a dude.

This isn’t a spoiler for the comic I plan to make, I just randomly selected two people.

7 thoughts on “Test for my sprite comic”

  1. xD Baggy pants? Since when? *pokes* And if FlyFF is a fad, we should be getting our Maplers back soon! >o *grumbles* I don’t like FlyFF much myself.
    Anyway Kiyobi, I reccommend actually adding backgrounds, it’s getting real common lately to see whitescreen Bannedstory comics. Just paste the characters onto a floor. You can screenshot it right from game, or find that MS Sprite site that’s been kicking around.

  2. Photoshop.

    Also, I do intend to get some real quality into the comic once it goes full swing. Thanks for looking at my sketch.

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